transaction base

[trænˈsækʃən bes][trænˈzækʃən beis]

[计] 事务处理库

  • Besides record transaction price the auction also set100 percent sale rate record and many liquors were sold a dozen or scores times of their base prices .

    陈年名酒专场不仅创下高价新纪录,而且整场拍卖的 成交率也达到100%,多个标的超过起拍价十倍甚至几十倍 落槌

  • It introduces several kind of balanced of game theory the boundary elaboration of the transaction cost theory as well as it analyses the value resources of companies by the resource base theory .

    介绍了博弈论的几种均衡, 交易成本理论关于并购与联盟的边界论述以及依据资源 基础理论对参与并购与联盟的企业的有价值资源条件分析,为下文模型的 建立 奠定理论 基础

  • Then introduce the knowledge of transaction layer such as : the definition of transaction layer packet ( TLP ) the way to handle the received TLP transaction order rules and the most important part : flow control base on credit .

    重点介绍了数据事务层的理论知识,如数据事务层包的定义,收到的事务包的处理方式, 事务次序和 基于信用的流量控制,其中以流量控制为重点。

  • Transaction cost view considers the base of corporate strategy but it neglects the resources and capability and only takes into account strategy form the cost .

    交易成本是战略问题的 基础,但其忽略了企业的资源和能力,仅从成本维度出发考虑战略问题。

  • This dissertation applies logical and mathematical model to analyze manufacturer 's choice of transaction pattern in order to provide a theoretical base for manufacturer 's choice of international trade pattern direct export or indirect export .

    本文通过逻辑和数学模型来分析生产商的 交易模式选择问题,为出口生产企业的国际贸易模式选择(直接出口和间接出口)提供一定的理论 基础和依据。

  • 5 ) In view of transaction rooted risks a model of risk avoidance base on Service Level Agreements ( SLAs ) is proposed .

    5)针对源于 交易的风险,建立了 基于服务水平协议(SLAs)的风险规避模型。

  • Next the thesis apply Information Asymmetry Theory and Transaction Costs Theory to analyse the problem of small and medium sized enterprises ' finance academically . Following parts base on the academic analysis .

    然后对中小企业融资问题进行理论上地阐述,主要是运用信息不对称理论和 制度 经济学 交易成本理论来进行分析和说明,并作为全文的主要理论 基础

  • Critical transaction set and task authorization indicator are introduced to allow for finer granular permission control thus some problems of complex constrains such as history-based separation of duty can be solved effectively and this provide a good base for active access control .

    通过引入临界 事务集合和任务授权指示符,实现了细粒度的权限控制,能够较好地解决基于历史的职责分离之类的复杂约束问题,并为主动访问控制奠定了 基础

  • And the key factor influencing instructional supply of governments at all levels is transaction expense . So governments should decide the optimal scale of their intuitional supply on the base of transaction expense .

    决定各级政府制度供给的关键因素是 交易费用,并 在此 基础上确定各级政府在制度供给中的最优规模。

  • The transaction processing base on Web services

    基于Web服务的 事务处理

  • The financial structures among the transaction objects of the venture capital system were devised tentatively to aim at reasonably establishing the encouragement and restraint mechanisms on the base of entire benefit giving an impetus to the sound development of the micro-organizations of China venture capital .

    本文对风险投资运作体系中各 交易主体之间的财务结构做了试探性设计,其目的在于合理建立整体利益 基础上的激励和约束机制,推动中国风险投资业中微观组织建设的健全发展。

  • So we have to reduce the risk and the transaction costs by the innovation of institution . Finally we also draw the conclusion that the realization of technological innovation must base on institutional innovation .

    所以,必须 进行制度创新以减少风险和降低技术创新的 交易成本。

  • From debating of transaction costs to forming the contract theory of new institutional economics on the base of transaction costs analysis is the center of this article .

    交易成本的争议入手过渡到新制度经济学建立在交易成本分析 基础 之上的企业的契约理论的形成是本文的核心。

  • The transaction price received for each hog is a base price plus a discovered price .

    毛猪之 市场 交易价格乃为其 基础价格与发现价格之和。

  • Transaction Logic Object Base Language

    事务逻辑对象 语言

  • Agent-based transaction model is proved to be a solid base for the implementation of the higher concurrence and consistency in CAD system .

    CAD系统 事务代理模型的提出,为构造高度并发性和一致性的CAD系统打下了 基础

  • This meant the transaction was highly leveraged meaning the company held a lot of debt in relation to a relatively small equity base .

    这意味着该 交易的杠杆比例非常高即该公司的债务相对于股权的 比例较高。

  • The Trust in Transaction and Its Institutional Base

    交易中的信任问题及其制度 基础

  • The second part mainly uses the economic theory such as transaction cost theory and public choice theory to describe the theory base of developing farm produce trade association .

    第二部分,主要运用 交易费用理论和公共选择理论阐述发展农产品行业协会的理论 依据

  • The next part discusses the practice of the water rights system and the transaction of water rights in our country which is the base of theory and practice in this paper .

    第二部分阐述了我国的水权制度和水权 交易的实践,为本文 奠定了理论和实践基础;

  • If the transaction isolation mode is Repeatable Read then the optimizer would base its choice purely on the estimated costs .

    如果 事务隔离模式是可重复读(RepeatableRead),那么优化器会将其选择完全 基于估算成本。

  • Western businessmen however usually start the business relationship with a transaction and will base their feeling and personal assessments the results of the deal .

    然而,西方生意人通常是从做 买卖开始建立业务联系,并且他们的感觉和个人的评价是建立在买卖结果 基础 之上的。

  • We develope the middle ware products CTMS ( Connection and Transaction Management System ) and DBCS ( Data Base Communication System ) all by ourselves and realized transaction relay and many kinds of data exchanges at all levels of the database .

    利用自行开发的 交易连接管理和 数据库通信中间件,实现了交易的转发以及生产数据在三级数据库间的可靠传输。

  • It 's a government - supported transaction he said and Citic was preparing to offer $ 1bn in corporate bonds to shore up its capital base .

    这是政府支持的 交易。中信正准备发行10亿美元的公司债券,以扩大资本 基础

  • Transaction Processing Base on Java Dynamic Proxy

    基于JAVA动态代理的 事务处理

  • We implement the algorithm of transaction signature base on Elliptic Curve Cryptography .

    作者以椭圆曲线密码体制为 基础,完成了该 事务数字签名算法的实现。