transverse stress

[trænsˈvə:s strɛs][trænsˈvɜ:s stres]


  • Following the linear analysis a new nonlinear theory for curved members with I-shaped sections is presented according to the theory of finite deformation in which the effect of transverse stress is also incorporated .

    在线性分析的基础上,依据有限变形理论,建立了工字形曲梁涉及稳定问题的非线性理论,其中考虑了 横向 的影响。

  • Experimental study on controlling transverse stress of stretched rectangle blank with flat anvil

    平砧拔长矩形截面毛坯 横向 控制的试验研究

  • The stress results under restrain show that the bigger the restraint intensity is the greater the restrain stress is ; the transverse stress is great under restrain .

    拘束条件下的应力模拟结果表明:拘束度越大拘束应力越大,最后 焊接 横向残余 越大。

  • Effect of transverse stress on fatigue crack growth

    侧向 与疲劳裂纹扩展

  • Research on transverse stress character of single mode optical fiber

    单模光纤 横向 特性的研究

  • The finite element simulation was used to analysis the stress intensity axial stress transverse stress shear stress on the contact surface under different loads and its effect on crack initiation characteristics .

    通过有限元数值计算,分析了接触面的应力强度、轴向应力、 横向 、剪应力等的分布特点及其对裂纹萌生特性的影响。

  • The simulation results indicated that the fatigue cracking was caused by the combined action of horizontal stress transverse stress and vertical stress of the dynamic vehicle load and the alternate horizontal stress was the main factor of all .

    结果表明,路面的疲劳破坏是动载引起的水平应力、 横向 和垂直应力共同作用的结果,水平应力的交变变化是使路面产生疲劳破坏的主要因素。

  • The transverse stress increases with the increase of tensile strain .

    在塑性变形阶段,试样 宽度 方向 的绝对值随拉伸应变的增大而增大;

  • By comparing the maximal deformation in Z direction and the transverse shearing stress of the four screws and the final shape of the flat of different assemble sequence s the best assemble sequence is obtained .

    通过比较三种装配顺序下Z向最大位移以及四个螺孔节点上的 横向剪切 ,分析了三种装配顺序对平板最终形状变形的影响,得出了最佳装配顺序方案。

  • The forging method without the transverse tension stress is proposed based on the methods described above .

    在此基础上提出了 横向无拉 锻造法。

  • The transverse loading stress - strain curve exists three - stage deformation process .

    当存在渐进 适应界面时,复合材料 横向拉伸 -应变曲线存在3个阶段。

  • The results found that : ( 1 ) the transverse corner field resulting from the uneven geometrical width of YBT model leads to the non-uniform spreads and distributions of the active lengthwise tensile stress the stretchy strain and the passive transverse pressure stress in the principal axis ;

    由此得出:①YBT模型几何宽度不均匀所形成的横向角部区域,导致了主动型的纵向主轴拉应力和主轴伸长应变以及被动型的 横向主轴压 的不均匀传播与分布;

  • To analyze the effects of parameters of bottom transverse tensile stress of slab Analysis results show that increase the thickness of the backplane and the mid-span additional diaphragms can effectively reduce the backplane transverse tensile stress .

    对空心板进行底板 横向 的影响参数分析,分析结果表明增加底板厚度和跨中增设横隔板可以有效减小底板横向拉应力。

  • Based on the numerical results of model test the distribution of transverse stress in flanges of curved box beam is presented in this paper .

    通过对模型试验结果的分析,总结出了曲线箱梁 横向 的分布规律。

  • The results show that the higher transverse normal stress is the main factor which leads to the break of anechoic tile for the submarine ; moreover the use of a higher module viscoelastic layer will decrease the max-value of interlaminar transverse stress .

    结果表明,较高的层间横向正应力是引起潜艇消声瓦脱落的主要因素,而采用较高模量的粘弹性阻尼材料将降低层间 横向 的幅值。

  • Solving the Supplementary Transverse Stress Distribution of Cold-rolling strip by Energy Method

    能量法求解冷轧板带附加 横向分布

  • Furthermore the transverse stress of the hinged joint is analyzed in detail and it is proposed that the adhesive strength between the new and old concrete should be applied to test the transverse stress at the hinged joint .

    随后,详细分析了铰缝处混凝土的 横向 分布 规律,并建议应采用新老混凝土之间的粘结强度作为标准校核铰缝的横向应力;

  • The transverse stress of clad material was analyzed with the mixing rule and the results show that the yield stress tensile stress and the thickness ratio obey exponent function .

    研究了陶瓷 微粉含量对其介电性能的影响以及介电性能的频率和温度特性,并用介质混合法则对其介电常数进行拟合分析。

  • Research of Transverse Stress Reduction in Prestretching of Aluminum Alloy Thick Plate

    铝合金厚板拉伸过程 横向残余 消减分析

  • During preheating heating insulation cooling the stress distribution is irregular which is effected by thermal stress 、 tension the transverse stress distribution of the strip in continuous annealing furnace .

    在连续退火炉内预热、加热、保温和冷却等过程中,受热应力及工作张力的影响,带钢张 应力 横向分布不均。

  • This thesis discarded the nonlinear load potential which was included in most current theories on buckling of thin-walled members but introduced the nonlinear strain energy of transverse stress into the total potential . A new theory for flexural-torsional buckling of thin-walled beams was thus obtained .

    本文摒弃目前各种理论均包含的荷载的非线性功,通过引入 横向 的非线性应变能,提出了薄壁受弯构件弯扭屈曲问题的新的总势能。

  • Transverse Stress Research for Deck of Cable-stayed Bridge with Super-wide Single Cable Plane and Composite Beam

    超宽单索面组合梁斜拉桥桥面板 横向 研究

  • It is the innovation of the thesis that the sensitivity of the crystal is decreased by improving the symmetry of the transverse stress .

    通过提高 横向 的对称度来削弱水晶片性能 对应 的敏感度,这是本论文的创新点。

  • When the vehicle load is certain the change of vehicle speed had an obviously impact on the vertical stress of the pavement layers and had a smaller impact on the transverse stress and the horizontal stress .

    当车辆载重一定时,行驶速度的变化,对路面各层的垂直应力的影响比较明显,对 横向 和水平应力的影响较小。

  • Especially the longitudinal and the transverse residual stress distributions indicate a feature of whole reduction .

    原有不同 水平的残余 都呈下降趋势,表现为纵向与 横向残余 分布曲线呈一定程度的整体下移。

  • Study on the Distribution Regularity of Transverse Stress and the Effective Calculating Width of Corbel in Box Beam by Finite Element Method

    箱梁牛腿 横向 分布及有效计算宽度有限元数值分析研究

  • Analysis on transverse thermal stress of concrete box aqueduct under sudden drop in temperature

    骤然降温作用下混凝土箱形渡槽 横向温度 分析

  • The Analysis of Model Test and Utility Calculation Method of Transverse Stress in Curved Box Beams

    曲线箱梁 横向 的试验及实用计算分析

  • The research on the bridge slab transverse stress analysis of the ribbed plate concrete cable stayed bridge

    锚碇可布置在桥面板上。肋板式混凝土斜拉桥桥面板 横向 分析研究