travelling stay

[ˈtrævl:ɪŋ ste][ˈtrævəlɪŋ stei]

[机] 移动扶架

  • The key technology of the Jingzhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge such as the construction technology of piles mass concrete tower concrete travelling form and stay cables and the detecting technology for piles and the construction control technology are described in this paper .

    介绍荆州长江公路大桥的关键技术,如:桩基施工、大体积混凝土施工、塔身混凝土施工、 施工、斜 拉索施工、成孔成桩质量检测及施工控制技术。

  • Who is paying for your cost of travelling and for your costs of living during your stay in kazakhstan ?

    谁会承担您在哈萨克斯坦的 旅行费用计 停留期间的生活费用?

  • Eight little nigger boys travelling in devon ; one said he 'd stay there and then there were seven .

    八个小黑人在 丹文游玩;一个说要 留在那儿,还剩七个。

  • The international business people travelling to open these markets need hotel rooms to stay in .

    前往开辟这些市场的国际商务人士需要酒店房间 住宿

  • People all over the world are travelling more and the desire to stay in touch while on the move is growing .

    世界各地的人们越来越多的 出游,他们在旅途中与他人 保持联络的渴望也在增长。