transit dues


  • In a sense the problem of Transit Dues is not only the problem of economy but also the problem of politics .

    从这个意义上讲, 子口 问题,既是经济问题,又是政治问题。

  • Transit Dues was a kind of new tax system that capitalistic great powers imposed on China for the purpose of enlarging trade dumping goods robbing raw material resources and limiting inland tariff in China .

    子口 是资本主义列强为扩大对华贸易,倾销商品,掠夺原料资源,限制中国的内地通过税而强加于中国的一种新的税制。

  • The establishment of transit dues indicated that inland tariff sovereign rights of Qing dynasty began to lose .

    它的确立表明清 王朝 部分内地关税主权开始丧失。