transit number

[ˈtrænsɪt ˈnʌmbɚ][ˈtrænsit ˈnʌmbə]


  • The storage system uses a modular design can adapt to different voltage levels of urban rail transit power supply system by changing the number of storage modules .

    储能系统采用模块化的设计能方便的通过改变串联的储能模块 数量以适应不通电压等级城市轨道 交通供电系统。

  • Methods Located at the border of Shanghai City Jiangwan Hospital Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has measured the numbers of ectopic pregnancies occurring in the transit population form 1994-the first half of 2002 in comparison with the number in earlier studies .

    方法对地处城乡结合部的上海市 江湾医院妇产科1994~2002年上半年间 住的EP患者资料,进行与上海本地居民对照比较的回顾性研究。

  • Urban rail mass transit vehicle is an important tool in the transportation of passengers number of vehicles variety quality and technical level of direct impact on urban development scale and speed of rail traffic .

    城市轨道车辆是轨道 交通中运送乘客的重要工具,车辆的 数量、品种、质量和技术水平直接影响城市轨道交通发展规模和速度。

  • With the rapid development of urban rail transit the number of people making traffic system environment became more complex which has brought the ground control center more difficulties on unified control and management .

    随着我国城市轨道 交通迅速发展,人口 数量 众多使得交通系统环境变得复杂,这就给地面监控中心的统一调度和管理带来了一定的困难。

  • Xinjiang is a strategically and economically important region for China rich in resources with productive farmland . It is also the transit point for a growing number of gas and oil pipelines from central Asia .

    对于中国而言,新疆是一个具有重要战略和经济意义的地区。这里资源丰富,农田肥沃,也是越来 越多来自中亚的油气管线的 转接点。

  • Meanwhile the Beijing-Tianjin inter-city rail transit project handling the relationship of dialectical unity . A number of unique engineering and technical innovation achieved the world level . It is one of success stories in using engineering philosophy .

    同时,京津城际轨道 交通工程处理好建设过程中的辩证统一关系,尤其更是运用创新的理念, 一些特有的工程技术创新达到世界第一的水平,是工程哲学理念运用成功的案例之一。

  • The arrival law of rail transit passengers is about the probability distribution of passengers ' arrival time which directly affects the maximum number of waiting rooms and platforms in rail transit stations .

    轨道 交通旅客到达规律是关于旅客到达车站时间的概率分布,其直接影响着轨道交通车站候车室及站台的最高聚集 人数

  • One-way transit time turnover time the number of passenger capacity and operational vehicles and so on can have the influence to the travelers ' choice . These are the main parameters optimization of bus operation organization mode indicators .

    公交车辆运行的单程时间、周转时间、载客量以及运营车辆 等都会对出行者的选择产生影响,是对常规公交运营组织方式进行优化的主要参数指标。

  • Through the Empirical study of transit networks the paper finds that in transit networks the distribution of transit line number that passes stations fits power distribution and the degree distribution of nodes obeys exponential distribution .

    本文通过实证研究发现, 公交网络中经过站点的线路 分布服从幂律分布,节点的度分布服从指数分布。

  • The Cell Transit Analyser ( CTA ) is a newly invented instrument which can not only measure the average time for a large number of red blood cells through micropores but also give distribution of the transit time .

    细胞 分析仪(CTA)是一种国外新发明的血液流变学仪器,不仅能在很短时间内测量出 大量红细胞通过膜孔的平均时间,还能给出这些细胞过孔时间的分布。

  • Enlightened by TRANSIT and GPS 's position algorithm an algorithm that uses Doppler measurement and PseudoRange measurement to reduce the number of satellites required for positioning is presented in this thesis .

    受到 子午卫星导航系统和GPS导航系统定位算法的启发,本文使用了一种将多普勒测量量和伪距测量量相结合的算法来减少所需定位卫星的 数量

  • It points out 40 per cent of commuters say improved public transit would help and the number of people taking transit is up in most places .

    调查指出,40%的通勤者认为改善公共 交通有好处,在大多数受访地区,乘坐公共交通的 人数也有上升。

  • CONCLUSION : Daily fecal mass intestinal transit ratio and the number of interstitial cells of Cajal are decreased in the mouse model of slow intestinal transit movement induced by morphine and have a positive correlation with period of morphine injected .

    结论:吗啡诱导的小鼠结肠慢传输运动模型日平均粪便量、 肠道 推进率、结肠Cajal细胞 数量较对照组均明显减少,且减少的幅度与吗啡给药时间呈正相关。

  • With the increase of urban transit network density the overlap rate of bus lines and the number of buses have been keeping increasing in the transit corridor .

    随着城市 公交 线网密度的增加,交通走廊上的线路重复情况日益严重,走廊内运行的公交车辆 急剧增加。

  • Based on analysis of passenger transit organizing deeply analyzing the components and producing elements of transiting passengers this paper studies prediction methods of the number of passengers within external passenger transit hubs in urban ;

    换乘 衔接组织分析的基础上,对换乘量的构成、产生的机理深入分析,在此基础上研究城市内外交通换乘枢纽换乘 的预测方法;

  • Results : Compared with the controlled mice there was a significant decrease in fecal weight daily ( P < 0.01 ) intestinal transit ratio and number of interstitial cell of Cajal in colon tissue were significant decreased ( P < 0.01 ) in mice with morphine .

    结果:实验组小鼠粪便重量减轻(P<0.01), 结肠 推进率较对照组明显延长(P<0.01),Cajal细胞 数量较对照组明显减少(P<0.01)。