transistor computer

[trænˈzɪstɚ kəmˈpjutɚ][trænˈsistə kəmˈpju:tə]


  • As for the cost of intensive lithography increasing and the size of transistor being difficult to continue shrinking the electronic technology based on transistors would spot bottleneck leading to the sluggish development of intelligent computer .

    由于密集光刻成本的增加与 晶体管尺寸难于继续缩小,以晶体管为基础的电子技术遭遇了发展瓶颈,导致智能 计算机的发展一直停滞不前。

  • The complex calculation and certification of longitudinal and lateral coeffi-cients in transistor designing have been done with computer in which the BASIC dialog between the designer and the computer is utilized .

    晶体管设计中繁琐的纵向、横向参数的设计计算以及参数验算,采用Basic人机对话方式,由 计算机完成。

  • With high power MOSFET transistor balanced amplification structure and optimum design on computer simulation software the paper provides a full-band amplifier in 1.5 ~ 30 MHz with low noise and high dynamic characteristics .

    利用大功率的MOSFET 晶体管,采用平衡放大结构,并通过 计算机仿真软件优化设计,实现了一个1.5~30MHz全频段的低噪声、大动态的短波放大器。

  • We have seen earlier that the scaling of supply voltage and transistor threshold has a large impact on the leakage current . First the rapid development of technologies such as Wireless communications and computer networks requires for the capability to deal with large information .

    首先,无线通信与 计算机网络等技术的快速发展,要求 集成 电路具备高速处理海量信息的能力。

  • Combining with old transistor curve grapher using single chip computer and serial port communication the transistor characteristic curves is displayed on the microcomputer .

    将其与传统的 晶体管图示仪相结合并通过 单片机和串行通信在微机上显示晶体管特性曲线。

  • Quantitative evaluation of defect according to infrared nondestructive testing principle and quality testing of solder layer of F-4 power transistor package are described . Computer processing results of infrared thermal images are also given .

    根据红外无损检测原理,提出了缺陷的定量检测方法,并探讨了F-4型半导体功率 管管壳焊料烧结质量的检测方法,最后给出了热图象的 计算机处理结果。