transit document

[ˈtrænsɪt ˈdɑkjəmənt][ˈtrænsit ˈdɔkjumənt]


  • The research on bit type selection with logging data was developed . This paper set up the relational model of interval transit time and rock drillability of formation rock by laboratory experiment and field document .

    开展了利用测井资料进行钻头造型方面的研究,文中通过室内实验和现场 资料 统计,建立了地层岩石声波 时差与岩石可钻性关系模型。

  • If there is any change in the transit goods an operator shall submit the written document for it .

    货物有变动情况,经营人还应当提交书面 证明

  • The fifth chapter discusses the relation between right of control and stoppage in transit delivery of goods right of taking delivery of goods document of title and transfer of right .

    第四章分析了控制权与中途 停运权、交付货物、提取货物、权利 凭证、权利转让之间的关系,从控制权与其他制度的关系角度考察了控制权的影响。