transfer card

[trænsˈfɚ kɑrd][trænsˈfə: kɑ:d]


  • In this paper we research and produce the transfer stream getting card for digital television signal source transfer stream is gotten by FIFO and written into hard disc through computer PCI bus .

    文中研制数字电视信号源中的 码流截取 ,实现传输流经 的缓存器,通过计算机PCI总线写入硬盘。

  • Payments may be made by check wire transfer or credit card .

    可以使用支票、 电汇、信用 付款。

  • Foreign investment and technology transfer card system

    外国投资和技术 转让 系统

  • Especially the traditional personal banking business such as housing loans and car loan market continues to shrink . The commercial banks transfer their competition core to the credit card business .

    尤其是在作为传统的个人银行业务重点的住房贷款和汽车贷款市场持续萎缩,风险层出不穷的情况下,商业银行 竞争的核心转向盈利能力强、市场空间大的信用 业务。

  • Design of DVB transfer card based on PCI

    基于PCI接口的DVB 发送 设计

  • Trace around your template and transfer the design onto a sheet of card .

    沿着你的样板边画一圈, 图案描在一张硬 纸板上。

  • In order to use this socket in industry job-site this paper preliminarily approaches a transfer card about the USB to RS-485 .

    为了将该插座的用途拓展到工业现场,文章对使用一种RS485到USB接口 转换 进行了初步探讨。

  • If we want to transfer money from our card to a bank account we will use the same method .

    假如我们打算从 智能 中向银行账号 转账,我们可以用同样的方法。

  • Based on the driver the D / A transfer card can work correctly in Windows . During the development process of driver dissimilar program code is generated in response to different development environments .

    本文使用驱动程序开发组件开发D/A 转换 的驱动程序,使D/A 转换 可以在Windows系统中正常工作,并根据集成开发环境的不同而生成不同的代码。

  • Development of a Transfer Magnetic Strip Used in Magnetic Card


  • After operation due to the design of coal feeder reasons frequent transfer card blocking coal horizontal to the serious imbalance of coal boiler jeopardize a smooth economic operation .

    投产运行后发现,由于给煤机设计原因,经常发生 、堵煤、横向给煤严重不均的现象,危及锅炉平稳经济运行。

  • The third part of the paper is developing control program of D / A transfer card by Visual C + + 6.0 . Then a general waveform generator controlled by computer program is developed on Windows .

    第三部分内容是,利用VC++开发设计D/A 转换 的控制程序,实现计算机程序控制的通用波形发生器。

  • Study of Encryption Models for Data Transfer of Memory Smart Card

    存储器 IC卡数据 传输的加密研究

  • But finding the best balance transfer credit card can sometimes be a murky affair .

    但如何找到最佳的平衡 转移信用 有时会出现一个阴暗的事。

  • The main research in this paper is as follows : Firstly the operating principle and the selection principle of D / A converter are analyzed . The address decoding circuitry of I / O port and the circuit diagram of D / A transfer card are designed .

    在分析D/A转换器工作原理、I/O端口地址译码电路设计、计算机I/O插槽的基础上,总结D/A转换器的选择原则以及D/A转换 的设计步骤,设计出D/A 转换 的硬件电路图。

  • If face meeting one will sure to transfer name card each other also .

    如果是见面,就一定会 自己 印有上述内容的 名片 送给对方。

  • This paper puts forward the design and realization of the subsystem in a special image transfer card and describes the design flow and reasons in detail .

    提出了一种专用图像 处理 中的图像 输出子系统的设计方法,详细描述了设计流程和思考方式。

  • Would you also help me to transfer 5 000 yuan from my credit card to my savings account ?

    你能帮我把信用 卡里的钱 五千元到我的储蓄存款账户里吗?

  • Analysis of Legal Liability When a Customer Requesting a Transfer Gives a Wrong Card Number

    客户 转账时填错 卡号的法律责任分析

  • Data transfer based on intelligent ethernet card

    基于智能 网卡的数据 传输 实现

  • In reality the nominal transfer rate of a network interface card ( NIC ) is not achievable at the application layer due to the overheads of the lower layers ( TCP / IP etc. ) .

    实际上,由于较低层级(TCP/IP等)的开销,无法在应用程序层实现网络接口 (NIC)的名义 传输速度。

  • How to transfer data from data acqusition card to hard disk is the key technology to ensure the whole system working rapidly and precisely .

    其中如何解决数据 传输是保证系统实时准确的 采集数据、保存数据的关键。

  • There will be sub-functionalities which include account opening account viewing service requests for check book or ATM duplicate PIN bill payments funds transfer and credit card services .

    这个门户可能包含以下子功能:账户开立、账户查看、支票簿和ATM复制PIN的服务请求、账单支付、资金 转账和信用 服务等。

  • Payment options are available in cash bank transfer and credit card and all details will be given after the first free lesson .

    现金支付,银行 转账和信用 ,首节免费课后,您将会得到相关细节。

  • When you have the right information you 'll find it easy to choose the best balance transfer credit card for you .

    当你有权资料,你就会发现很容易选择最好的信用 余额 转移给你。

  • If they don 't consider a balance transfer to another card with a better rate .

    如果他们不同意的话,就将 信用 的帐目 转到另一 利息更好的 信用 上。

  • Research on Transfer Stream Getting Card of Digital Television

    数字电视 码流截取 研制

  • And transducer translation circuit A / D transfer card computer D / A transfer card actuating mechanism warning device solve system compatible problem at one time .

    D/A 转换 ?执行机构和报警装置等组成,同时解决了系统的兼容问题?

  • You can transfer credit card balances once the initial interest free period is up to another card and so continue your interest free credit .

    你可以 传递初始一旦信用 余额免息期最长的另一卡等你继续免息贷款。