transfer control

[trænsˈfɚ kənˈtrol][trænsˈfə: kənˈtrəul]


  • For several years public scrutiny focused on Lee Kun-hee 's efforts to transfer control of the group to his son because the family owns only a small stake directly .

    过去数年中,舆论监督一直指向李健熙将集团 控制 移交给自己儿子这件事上,因为该家族只直接拥有集团的少数股权。

  • One method for resolving the targets is to assume that the jump will transfer control to every instruction ( or to every block ) .

    解析这些跳转目标的一个方法是,假定跳转会把 控制 传送给每条指令(或每个指令块)。

  • Note that Java labels don 't suffer from this problem since they are constrained in their placement and can 't be used to transfer control in an ad hoc manner .

    但幸运的是,java标签不会造成这方面的问题,因为它们的活动场所已被限死,不可通过特别的方式到处 传递 程序 控制

  • The GOTO label statement can unconditionally exit from a loop and transfer control to the executable statement or statement block that follows the specified statement label .

    GOTO标签语句可以无条件地退出循环,并 控制 转移到跟在指定的语句标签之后的可执行语句或语句块。

  • Welding arc and droplet transfer control of VP PMIG

    VPPMIG焊接电弧及熔滴 过渡 控制

  • The card of home control which used to transfer control data decode SMS data and the two port serial communication were designed in this item .

    设计了家电控制器来完成 控制信息 转接、短消息解码、信息显示和双串口通信等功能;

  • Finally a high-level scheduler is necessary to transfer control between the hypervisor and guest operating systems ( and back ) .

    最后,需要使用一个高级别的调度器在hypervisor和来宾操作系统之间 传输 控制

  • The characteristic of menthol and its application in tobacco industry were described the transfer control and determination research of menthol were introduced .

    简单介绍了薄荷醇香料单体的特性及其在烟草工业中的应用,总结了薄荷醇在卷烟中 转移 行为 控制及检测研究情况。

  • Automatic Fast Orbit Transfer Control Based on Model Prediction

    基于模型预测的轨道自主快速大 机动 控制

  • The communication between the host monitor computer and PLC extension is carried out by RS-232 / 422 converter . The communication process between the computer and individual PLC uses the transfer control mode with command and response .

    监控主机与PLC分机之间通过RS-232/422转换器进行通信,计算机与各PLC间的通信过程采用命令及响应的 传送 控制方式。

  • The characteristic of this new method was that the heating tubes were installed on sieve trays of the concentrating sieve tray tower which could change the equilibrium control into heat transfer control in the process of concentration of acrylamide aqueous solution .

    该丙烯酰胺水溶液浓缩载气蒸发法的特点是在一般筛板浓缩塔的筛板上布置了加热管,把一般筛板塔浓缩的平衡控制过程转变为 传热 控制过程。

  • The workflow starts with the start node which transfer control to the Ingestor action .

    这个工作流从start节点开始,然后把 控制权交给 Ingestor动作。

  • LEAVE : Used to transfer control out of a loop or a compound statement

    LEAVE:将 控制 转移到循环之外或一个复合语句

  • The syscall function is architecture specific but uses a mechanism to transfer control to the kernel .

    syscall函数特定于架构,使用一种机制 控制权交给内核。

  • Study on discrimination of transfer control variables for heavy metals in soil-root system

    土壤小麦根系系统重金属 迁移 控制因子的辩识研究

  • Once you have made the payment and paid the Western Union Agent will issue a unique transaction identification number known as Money Transfer Control Number ( MTCN ) .

    在您付款后,西方联盟代理将提供给您专用的业务交易识别码,也就是货币 转帐 管制号(MTCN)。

  • To transfer control to a specified closed subroutine .

    控制 转交给一个指定的闭式子例行程序。参阅subroutinecall。

  • Automatic loading transfer control technology to eliminate 330 kV transformer overload

    消除330kV变压器过载的自动负荷 转移 控制技术

  • This paper analyses that UDP flows will aroused the problems or unfairness of bandwidth allocation and network congestion collapse when UDP flows and TCP ( Transfer Control Protocol ) flows shared the same bottleneck link and two kinds of schemes are proposed .

    本文分析了当UDP数据流与 TCP数据流共享同一瓶颈链路时,UDP流量会引发带宽占用的不公平性和网络拥塞崩溃的问题,并提出了解决方案。

  • To transfer control of a digital computer temporarily from a main routine to a subroutine which is inserted in the sequence of calculating operations to fulfill a subsidiary purpose .

    把计算机的 控制暂时从主程序 转移到子程序以完成辅助性工作的过程。该子程序嵌入在计算操作序列中。

  • Transfer control to a participant .

    控制 移交给某位与会者。

  • The working principle of J7 / AC automatic transfer control system was introduced . An internal signal of a winding head was collected as a starting signal of the corresponding transfer timer by the control system .

    介绍了PA66J7/AC卷绕头自动 切换 控制系统的工作原理,控制系统采集了卷绕头的一个内部信号作为对应卷绕头的切换计时器的启动信号,对系统的PLC重新编程,进行单锭控制。

  • Normally BIOS will transfer control to the bootloader in the case of desktops or other systems .

    通常,在台式机或其它系统上,BIOS将 控制 移交给引导装载程序。

  • The content of the fixed assets internal system of control in higher schools should include division of labour and system of authorization acquisition and acceptance control running custodian control and transfer control .

    高校固定资产内部控制制度内容应包括岗位分工与授权批准、取得与验收控制、日常保管控制和处置与 转移 控制

  • Programmable Wago I / O system based on profibus DP is used to constitute control networks which transfer control signals to any devices so that dyeing formula will be centrally issued and properly executed .

    为确保染色程式的集中发布和准确执行,系统采用基于现场总线Profibus-DP的可编程WagoI/O模块系统构成控制网络, 控制延伸至生产设备。

  • A novel high speed optical disk data transfer control system is presented .

    介绍了一种光盘数据高速 传输 控制系统。

  • ITERATE : Used to transfer control to beginning of a labeled loop

    ITERATE:将 控制 转移到某个带标签的循环的开始部分

  • This class is used to transfer control to the trigger point framework to find and fire the rules specified in the application 's trigger point .

    使用该类将对于触发点框架的 控制 转换成寻找并发送应用程序触发点中指定的规则。