transfer car

[trænsˈfɚ kɑr][trænsˈfə: kɑ:]


  • The paper adopts some methods to assess the effect of transfer car on asphalt pavement segregation . The results show that the asphalt mixture transfer car could alleviate asphalt pavement segregation effectively .

    本文采用多种方法对 转运 在减轻沥青路面离析中的效果进行了评定,结果表明采用沥青混合料转运车可以有效地减轻沥青路面的离析。

  • The communication network based on CAN bus has the advantage of higher transfer rate stronger noise resistance and good generality etc. It can solute the problem which there exits lots of data exchange between control units and test apparatus in modern car .

    基于CAN总线的通讯网络具有速度高、 噪性强及通用性好等优点,它可以解决现代 汽车中控制单元和测试仪器之间需要进行大量数据交换的问题。

  • Study on the Average Heat Transfer Coefficient of the Railway Car Body in State of Steady Conduction

    客车车体稳定导热平均 传热系数的研究

  • NC Transfer Line of Modular Machine Tools for Machining Cam Shaft Cover of Car Engine Cylinder Head

    轿车发动机缸盖凸轮轴轴承盖加工数控组合机床 自动线

  • This system has the ability to detect node position process and transfer information . So the system has a wide range of application prospects in wireless positioning mode control remote control car and a number of wireless games .

    本方案可以实现节点方位检测,并对信号进行处理和 传送,在无线定位、模式控制、遥控 汽车以及一些无线游戏领域都有广泛的应用前景。

  • A study on mathematical and physical model for heat transfer of tunnel kiln car

    隧道窑窑 传热过程的数学模型与物理模型研究

  • Meanwhile the reliability and validity of the model with consideration of tire nonlinearity lateral mass transfer and axis slip are verified by the steady static circular test and steering wheel angle step input test using a Unique ( NJ1020 ) car .

    同时,以优尼柯 轿车作为样车进行了稳态回转和角阶跃操纵稳定性实 试验,对考虑 车身侧倾、轮胎非线性和横向质量 转移的轴侧偏三自由度模型进行验证。

  • The best choice of materials for the wheels of transfer car for pusher

    顶推 摆渡 车轮材料探讨

  • The D_ ( 24 ) Type 240 t Molten Steel Ladle Transfer Car

    D(24)型 240t钢水

  • The finite elemet method is used ot determine the temperature field heat flow and heat transfer coefficient of a car body in state of two dimensional steady heat conduction .

    采用有限元素法,按二维稳定导热状态确定 车体的温度场、热流量和 传热系数。

  • Transfer the car back to the loading bay .


  • The Effect of Asphalt Mixture Transfer Car on Asphalt Pavement Gradation Segregation

    沥青混合料 转运 对减轻沥青路面级配离析的作用

  • The proposition of the scheme for the electric power : According to the request we imagine pull scheme have : Generator - transfer and is fitted rapidly by direct current - direct current machine - target car ;

    电力拖动方案的提出及确定:根据陆军指挥学院 元氏分院提出的要求,设想的拖动方案有:发电机-直流调速装置-直流电机-靶

  • Model SZH Transfer Machine for Shuttle Car

    SZH型梭 转载

  • CAPTAIN : You don 't get the transfer but I 'll give you the car .

    你想 走是不可能的。但是我让你 巡逻

  • The fact that practical loads in log transfer car were described by coefficient of permeability is not suitable because the logs were unload many times during the transfer process in log storage area .

    在林区贮 木场利用纵向输送机进行选材作业时,由于原木在输送途中的多点卸载,用充满系数描述 输送机上的实际负荷已不符合实际。

  • Data Transfer and off-board Diagnosis Database for Safety Monitoring of Running Passenger Car

    客车行车安全监测的数据网络 传输和地面诊断数据库

  • At present the heat transfer through wall of car body is considered as conforming multi-layer for the purpose of simplified calculation during the progress of calculating heat load .

    目前,在进行乘员舱内热负荷计算时,为了简化计算, 车身各部分均按多层均匀平壁 传热考虑。

  • Because in the normal driving conditions engine vibration transfer to the car body from the floor so need to improve the floor structure and reduce the vibration of the floor .

    由于在正常行驶条件下,发动机振动由车身地板 承受,因此需对该 轿车 车身进行结构改进,减少中地板振动。

  • As the installation base of rapid speed freight car body and other bogie components welded frame is the key loaded and transfer force structures . Its structural strength directly influences the running security and reliability of the car in its life span .

    焊接构架作为快捷货车车体及转向架其他零部件的安装基础,是关键的承载和 力部件,因此其结构强度将直接决定 车辆在使用寿命期限内的运行安全性和可靠性。

  • Study on the coefficient of coverage of log transfer car

    原木纵向 输送机 布满系数的研究

  • Optimization for the Coefficient of Heat Transfer of Railway Refrigerator Car

    铁路冷藏 传热系数的优化

  • Through force transfer path and components deformation characteristic analysed the key components which are in the car foreside .

    汽车前舱中关键结构件在碰撞过程中力的 传递路径和结构件的变形情况进行了研究。

  • The paint transfer matches your car .

    上面的 和你的 吻合。

  • Trial of an Asphalt Mixture Transfer Car in Paving Sub-Face Layer

    沥青混合料 转运 在底面层摊铺中的尝试

  • In the late 1990s the world third transfer of saloon car industry emerged from developed countries of high-cost labor and saturated market to newly emerging market countries of cheap labor and great market potentials .

    20世纪90年代后期,世界 轿车产业开始出现第三次 转移的趋势,转移的方向便是从劳动力成本高、市场饱和的发达国家转向劳动力更便宜、市场潜力更大的新兴市场国家。

  • In the model heat transfer of hot metal in a torpedo car is studied according to principles of heat balance .

    在模型中,采用了等效原理处理铁水 罐车 传热过程。

  • The characteristics of heat transfer and response factor were different between railway refrigerator car and buildings because the difference of structure and operation condition etc.

    由于铁路冷藏 在结构、运行环境等方面与普通建筑相比存在较大区别,故 传热特性不同,反应系数差异大。

  • To prevent the segregation of asphalt pavement asphalt mixture transfer car which can mix the segregative mixture for the second time and transfer to spreading machine for spreading is being adopted at home and abroad .

    为改善沥青路面的离析,国内外采用沥青混合料 转运 对由运料 汽车运来的、存在一定离析的混合料进行第2次拌和,然后再摊铺。

  • Postal transfer boxes wiring boxes car accessories motorcycle accessories lamps plastic industrial accessories and hardware accessories .

    邮电 交接箱、接线盒、 汽车配件、摩托车配件、灯具、塑料工业配件、五金配件。