This method can solve environmental pollution problem due to transgression of iodine steam .
改进后的实验解决了碘蒸汽 外 逸造成的环境污染等问题。
A transgression of law ; a crime .
违法 违反法律;
Some transgression committed with the assistance of someone trusted by the victim .
在被受害人信任的人的帮助下的 犯罪 行为。
Evolution of sand ridge-channel systems of Jiaozhou Bay driven by sea transgression
I am clean without transgression I am innocent ; neither is there iniquity in me .
我是清洁 无 过的,我是无辜的。在我里面也没有罪孽。
Study on coal accumulation under marine transgression events in the epicontinental basin of North China
华北陆表海盆地 海侵事件聚煤作用研究
No transgression is unforgivable except pride .
没 什么是不可原谅的,除了骄傲。
Sin is any want of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God .
任何不遵守或 违背神的的律法的,就是罪。
That 's exactly the transgression I 'm worried about committing .
这也许是我最担心会犯下的 错误。
An act that is regarded by theologians as a transgression of God 's will .
被宗教人士认为是 违背神的旨意的行为动作。
Rom. 2:23 You who boast in the law do you by transgression of the law dishonor God ?
罗二23你指著律法夸口,自己却犯律法 玷辱神麽?
Did all mankind fall in Adam 's transgression ?
全人类都在亚当初次 犯罪中堕落了吗?
For two millennia exogamy was a major Transgression for jews .
两千年来,异族通婚一直是犹太人的一大 禁忌。
The king of the gods had to perform penance to atone for his transgression .
众神之王不得不以苦行来为自己的 过错赎罪。
The concepts of marine transgression and regression are considered to be fundamental .
Glauconite as a typical facies mineral is generally regarded as accompanied with transgression sequence with a low sedimentation rate .
海绿石是海相沉积的指相矿物,通常形成于 海进系列,与低的沉积物供应速率有关。
Or he may invite you to the woods – a place of myth transgression and discovery where outcasts can start again – but not without grave consequences .
或者,他可以邀请你到树林,一个有神话, 过失和探索的地方。在那里,被放逐的人们可以重新开始,但却没有痛苦的后果。
In the Late Permian and triassic the basin underwent once again a large-scale transgression and the depositional environment was shelf sea with delta locally .
晚二叠世-三叠纪盆地又经历了一次大的 海侵,浅海陆棚环境,局部海陆 过渡三角洲相。
A transgression sedimentary strata comes into the deposit through the transformation of hydro-thermal alternation .
矿床发育着一套 海进 式的沉积建造地层,该套地层 受 后期热液蚀变改造从而形成此矿床。
Lagoon is the coastal landscape developed by the deposition mainly since Holocene transgression and the stratigraphic of which contains a wealth of paleoenvironment evolution information .
泻湖是全新世 海侵以来发育的以淤积为主的海岸地貌,其沉积地层蕴含了丰富的古环境演变信息。
We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adam 's transgression .
与 圣经说法不 一致。圣经上说的是人有 原罪。
Cambridge : Transgression and Complicity in Imperial Narratives
《剑桥》:帝国叙事中的 超越与共谋
As all prophets have taught us injustice and transgression will eventually bring about decline and demise . Today the path of return to faith and spirituality is open and unimpeded .
就像无数先知告诉我们,不公正和 违法终会导致消亡。现在,返回真诚和道德的道路是开放和无阻碍的。
And why dost thou not pardon my transgression and take away mine iniquity ?
伯7:21为何不赦免我的 过犯、除掉我的罪孽。
Microfossil analysis reveals three transgression layers in the CQJ4 borehole which are at4 .
微体生物分析显示该孔岩芯记录了三个 海侵层,分别位于4。
By characteristic analysis of strontium and sulfur isotopes in the studied area it was discussed whether the transgression has happened in Paleogene in the Jiyang depression .
通过对研究区锶硫同位素特征分析,探讨济阳坳陷古近纪是否 遭受 过 海侵 作用。
Fully letting go of a past transgression and completely forgiving may take many months or years .
完全放开过去的 罪过并完全原谅可能需要数月或数年。
The Desiring Subject 's Awakening and Re-construction : Salome 's Rebellion and Transgression
七面纱下欲望主体的觉醒与重建&论莎乐美的反叛与 超越
In the early Nenjiang stage a largest lake transgression occurred in the Songliao basin depositing a group of black shale with intercalation of oil shale in the major areas of basin .
松辽盆地在嫩江早期发生了最大湖 侵 事件,在整个盆地范围内形成了一套黑色泥页岩夹油页岩。
美[trænsˈɡrɛʃən, trænz-]英[træns'ɡreʃn]