transistor technology

[trænˈzɪstɚ tɛkˈnɑlədʒi][trænˈsistə tekˈnɔlədʒi]


  • Using a microprocessor - transistor arc welder a technology for touch starting the TIG welding arc controlled by microprocessor with small short circuit current was developed .

    在研制微处理机 晶体管弧焊机的基础上, 研究了小短路电流TIG焊接触引弧的新 技术

  • Power transistor with SIPOS passivation layer uses multilayer surface passivation technology which are Semi-Insulating oxygen-doped Polycrystalline-Silicon and SiO2 passivation layers .

    SIPOS钝化的平面功率 晶体管采用半绝缘掺氧多晶硅和二氧化硅的多层表面钝化 技术

  • Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ( IGBT ) gets extensive application in the Power and Electron Technology reasonably choose drive circuit and the safeguard measure of IGBT in the actual application and is the key of guaranteeing the safe and reliable work of circuit .

    绝缘栅双极型 晶体管(IGBT)在电力电子 技术中得到广泛的应用,在实际应用中合理选用IGBT的驱动电路和保护措施,是保证电路安全可靠工作的关键。

  • Power transistor back metallization process technology is one of the most important especially for high voltage current and large power transistor devices the back metal layer will be the reliability of its higher demands .

    功率 晶体管背面金属化是最重要的工艺 技术之一,尤其是对于工作电压高、电流大、功率大的晶体管器件,会对其背面金属层的可靠性提出更高要求。

  • The hottest chilli in the Samsung kimchi bowl is Samsung Electronics which started out making clunky transistor radios but is now the world 's biggest technology firm measured by sales .

    在三星这碗泡菜中最辣的是三星电子,开始时只不过生产笨拙的 晶体管收音机。按照销售额计算,现在已经是世界上最大的 科技公司。

  • PLED ( polymer light emitting diode ) and a-Si TFT ( amorphous Silicon thin film transistor ) technology have made great progress in the past few years . Combination of two technologies is expected to be the mainstream of future flat televisions .

    近年来,PLED(聚合物发光二极管)和a-SiTFT(非晶硅薄膜 晶体管技术取得了巨大进展,两者的结合有望成为未来平板电视的主流。

  • With the development of the deep sub-micron technology the complexity of IC structure and function has increased and the size of the transistor has decreased which makes testing technology a more and more hard issue for IC designer .

    随着深亚微米技术的不断演进,集成电路的结构和功能日益复杂,设计尺寸日益缩小,测试已成为一个越来越困难的问题,对IC设计的 自动化和测试 技术的要求十分强烈。

  • The paper expounds MOS system power element 's characters insulated gate bipolar transistor and integration type power element 's technology and its applications .

    本文阐述了MOS系列功率器件的特性、绝缘栅双极型 晶体管和集成型功率器件 技术,以及它们的应用。

  • With the development of doping technology the formation of the base region in high-voltage transistor can be made by B diffusion technology B-A1 paste-layer diffusion technology close-tube Ga - diffusion technology and open-tube gallium - diffusion technology .

    随着掺杂工艺的不断发展,高反压 晶体管基区的形成经历了扩硼 工艺、硼铝涂层扩散工艺、闭管扩镓工艺到开管扩镓工艺的发展。

  • Based on this temperature characteristic a new infrared detector using PMOS transistor as temperature sensitive device is proposed which could be fabricated using standard CMOS and bulk micromachining technology . PMOS transistors are connected in serial to further increase the sensitivity of the detector .

    基于此温度特性,提出用 PMOS 作为红外探测敏感元件,利用标准CMOS工艺,结合体硅加工 技术制作红外探测器的方法,并将PMOS管串联以进一步增加探测器的灵敏度。

  • For the next couple of decades advances in transistor technology drove the industry as several companies jumped on the idea and set out to develop commercially viable versions of the device .

    因为这后来的二、三十年来在 电晶体 技术上的发展,迫使整个工业系统,如同许多企业投入这套构想并且开始发展该元件应用在商业上的可行性。

  • LCD matrix display screen and membrane transistor ( TFT ) has become a new technology .

    液晶矩阵屏与薄膜 晶体管(TFT)已形成一种新 技术

  • Active-matrix displays sometimes are called TFT displays named after the thin-film transistor ( TFT ) technology they use .

    有源显示器有时称为TFT显示,是依据其所采用的薄片 晶体管(TFT) 技术而命名的。

  • As for the cost of intensive lithography increasing and the size of transistor being difficult to continue shrinking the electronic technology based on transistors would spot bottleneck leading to the sluggish development of intelligent computer .

    由于密集光刻成本的增加与 晶体管尺寸难于继续缩小,以晶体管为基础的电子 技术遭遇了发展瓶颈,导致智能计算机的发展一直停滞不前。

  • Applications of the dry etching to silicon microwave high power transistor are analyzed . It is proposed that with the increase in operation frequency of silicon microwave power transistor the dry etching technology with excellent anisotropy is urgently needed .

    本文对目前干法腐蚀在硅微波大功率晶体管中的应用进行了分析,指出随着硅微波功率 晶体管工作频率的不断提高,对高性能各向异性的干法腐蚀 技术要求也更加迫切。

  • In the fabrication of integrated circuits ( IC ) the transistor is basic device and its self-aligned structure and process formation technology of gate and source / drain is the key part of IC manufacturing .

    在集成电路制造领域, 晶体管是电路中应用最主要的器件之一,而它的自对准源漏栅 工艺是晶体管制造的关键。

  • The transistor floating gate technology used is already at scaling limits and pushing it farther is leading to lower reliability so although it has been a stop-gap for data-centric computing it is likely not the solution .

    使用的 晶体管浮栅 技术的应用已达到扩展极限,进一步扩展将会导致可靠性降低,所以,尽管这是一个权宜之计,以便使用进行以数据为中心的计算,但这可能并不是解决方案。

  • The development of the transistor promotes the digital revolution of radio technology .

    晶体管的发展不断促进着无线电 技术的数字革命。

  • By controlling the light wave-form of Xe lamp with insulated gate bipolar transistor ( IGBT ) and using the periodic long-pulse chopper technology a long pulsed medical Nd : YAG laser was designed .

    运用绝缘栅双极型 晶体管(IGBT)对泵浦氙灯进行斩波放电,并采用间歇式长脉冲斩波 技术,设计了一套能发射和控制长脉冲激光的Nd:YAG激光器。

  • In this paper the work is introduced on investigation on non classical CMOS structure in the quest to find the ultimate transistor structure that will permit evolutionary improvements of the existing CMOS technology base .

    主要介绍了对各种非典型CMOS结构的研究,从而寻求最终 结构模式适应不断变化的CMOS 发展 技术

  • The display principle of Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Module ( TFT-LCD Module ) and its testing technology are discussed in this thesis .

    论文分析了薄膜 晶体管液晶显示(TFT-LCD)模块的显示原理及其测试 技术,以液晶显示器件驱动原理为基础,利用ARM芯片构建了TFT-LCD模块测试系统。

  • Based on the Ion-Sensitive Field Effect Transistor structure and electro-characteristic a pH-ISFET has a multi-layer floating electrode structure realized in standard CMOS technology is presented .

    基于离子敏感场效应 晶体管(ISFET)基本结构及其电学特性,提出了一种应用标准CMOS 工艺实现的多层浮栅结构pH-ISFET。

  • The system adopted insulated gate bipolar transistor ( IGBT ) as its main circuit and pulse-width modulating ( PWM ) technology .

    该系统采用IGBT(绝缘栅双极型 晶体管)器件,PWM(脉宽调制)控制 技术

  • Based on TCAD instrument series the design and optimization of small-dimension bipolar high-gain transistor at technology level and physical characteristic level are realized .

    基于TCAD一体化系列工具,实现了小尺寸双极性超β晶圆 芯的 工艺级及器件物理特性级的设计与优化。

  • In recent years the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ( IGBT ) has been widely used in modern power electronic technology .

    近些年,绝缘栅双极型 晶体管(IGBT)在现代电力电子 技术中应用广泛。

  • The success of the transistor and advances in solid-state physics provided the foundation for another new technology integrated circuits IC 's.

    晶体管技术的成功和固态物理的进步为另一项新 技术奠定了基础,那就是集成电路,也就是IC。

  • A high accuracy temperature sensor is designed by applying the temperature characteristics of a substrate bipolar transistor in CMOS technology .

    利用CMOS 工艺下衬底型双极 晶体管的温度特性,设计了一种精度较高的温度传感器。

  • In the new structure the constant current source charging and discharging technology and combination transistor technology are used so as to improve the performance .

    在此振荡器结构中,采用了恒流源充放电技术和组合 晶体管 技术,提高了性能。

  • A planar SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor was fabricated using polysilicon emitter technology and SiGe base grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy ( MBE ) .

    利用多晶硅发射极 技术与分子束外延生长SiGe基区技术相结合,研制成适于集成的平面结构、发射结面积为3μm×8μm的SiGe异质结双极 晶体管(HBT)。

  • In this paper a new transistor power source with double feedback units and a technology of activating tungsten electrode before welding are proposed so that arc can be reliably ignited and its stability can be supported with arc current from 3A to 5A .

    在本文研究中,提出了双反馈 晶体管电源及铈钨电极焊前激活 工艺。能使钨极电弧在焊接电流3A~5A范围内,引燃可靠并稳定燃烧。