transient state

[ˈtrænʃənt stet][ˈtrænziənt steit]


  • By researching the transient state of the motivated vibration ′ s frequency this paper puts forward a new method to analyse quantitatively the perfection of pile foundation in frequency domain .

    通过对桩基 瞬态激振频率的研究,提出了在频率域中进行桩基完整性定量分析的新方法。

  • DMS Rebalance in Progress0x10000000 This is a transient state that is only in effect during a data rebalancing operation .

    DMSRebalancein Progress0x10000000这是一种只在执行数据重新平衡操作期间才有效的 临时 状态

  • This paper introduces the transient state response of the vehicle model which has two linear degrees of freedom with a step input of the front wheel .

    介绍了在前轮角阶跃输入下线性二自由度汽车模型的 瞬态响应,讨论了行驶车速对汽车 瞬态响应的影响。

  • This paper introduces the difficult assistant teaching software of circuit and its application in the transient state analysis of second-order linear dynamic circuit .

    介绍了电路疑难辅助教学软件,并对其在二阶线性动态电路 暂态分析中的应用进行了阐述。

  • According to the mechanism of SBS the stable state coupled wave equation and transient state coupled wave equation have been analyzed .

    根据SBS的作用机理,分析了其稳态耦合波方程和 瞬态耦合波方程。

  • The process of stem flow is similar to the LCR electric circuit transient state .

    干流过程与LCR电路 暂态 过程相似。

  • The effect of electric field and operation temperature onthe steady and transient state properties of chromophore orientation were discussed .

    利用 数值计算方法 求解了这一方程,并讨论了外加电场、温度对生色团取向的稳态和 动态特性的影响。

  • Frequency in stable state and transient state must be checked in measurement of military power system .

    在军用电力系统中,频率测试不仅要考核稳态过程,而且还要考核 瞬态 过程

  • Parameters setting parameters and simulation of transient state model in engine thermal management based on KULI

    基于KULI的发动机热管理 瞬态模型的参数设置与仿真

  • Study of flow pattern and simplified solution of two-phase flow in transient state


  • Simulation of transient state of hydraulic pulsation dampers with a CFD code was done to get their frequency response .

    对液压脉动 衰减器用CFD软件进行了数值仿真 计算,得到了其频率响应。

  • A transient state distribution of temperature within the infinite medium is assumed to induce the moisture transfer process .

    假定无限介质内热源的存在引起周围多孔介质内温度的 瞬态变化和水分的迁移和扩散。

  • Application of Transient State Rayleigh Wave Method on the Exploration of the Seawall Enrockment


  • Steering wheel step input or transient state yaw response test Study on an inductive steering speed sensor

    转向盘转角阶 输入试验 电磁感应式转向盘转速传感器的研究

  • Transient state process solution of RLC-circuit can be solved easily by the analytic method of complex frequency field .

    利用复频域分析法,方便地求解了RLC电路的 暂态过程解,并对此解进行了讨论。

  • Load in Progress0x20000 This is a transient state that is only in effect during a load operation ( against a recoverable database ) that specifies the COPY NO option .

    Loadin Progress0x20000这是一种只在执行指定了COPYNO选项的载入操作(针对可恢复的数据库)时才有效的 临时 状态

  • This paper indicates that the law of switching is not applicable in any cases when analyzing the transient state of circuit .

    指出分析电路的 过渡 过程时换路定律不是在任何情况下都适用的,详细分析了该定律不适用的各种 情形

  • On the basis of the superposition principle and Laplace transformation the process of the transient state under different short circuit states of induction machine is analyzed .

    本文在叠加原理和拉氏变换方法的基础上,分析了感应电机在不同的短路状态下 瞬态过程。

  • When a session is disposed serialization is considered to be complete and this transient state is cleared .

    当释放某个会话时,会认为序列化已经完成,并且会清除该 瞬态

  • On the contrary when the system was in a transient state whether high sweep rate or high disturbance frequency was used the reaction was controlled by charge transfer .

    而在体系处于 暂态时,则不论是快扫还是使用高扰动频率,都为传荷控制;

  • The equation of transient state circuit is described by higher order differential equation or first order differential equation set .


  • Under steady-state and transient state conditions efficiency and warming-up time of flat plate water collectors are calculated .

    本文提出了在稳态和 瞬态条件下,平板型水集热器的效率及其预热时间的计算。

  • The method provides the theoretical basis for simulating grounding grids in transient state .

    该方法为模拟变电站接地网的 暂态 特性提供了理论基础。

  • Methods The deep level transient state analysis method was used .

    方法深能级 瞬态分析法。

  • The Application of Multi-channel Transient State Raleigh Surface Wave in Engineering Prospecting

    多道 瞬态瑞雷面波在工程勘察中的应用

  • A new method for testing radar angle-tracking system & testing transient state performance is given by this article .

    本文提出了雷达角跟踪系统检测的一种新方法& 暂态特性测试法。

  • The core is in a transient state which does not produce neutrinos while the surface reflects an earlier high-temperature high-luminosity state .

    太阳核心处于一种 过渡 状态,目前并不产生中微子,而太阳表面则反映出早期的高温和高光度状态。