transitional region


  • Research on Sandy Land Monitoring and Assessment Technique in Farming-grazing Transitional Region of Northern China

    农牧 交错 沙化土地监测与评估技术研究

  • The results indicate that in each process the ultimate load of ice is always related with the form of the circumferential crack and the maximum of the peak ice load appears within the transitional region .

    结果表明,每一破坏过程的极值冰力总是对应于环向裂纹的形成,而最大极值冰力出现在破坏模式 转变 过渡 内。

  • In the transitional region the middle Cambrian can be divided into Kaili and Jialao Formations marked by muddy shales and muddy limestones .

    过渡 则由凯里组和甲劳组泥页岩系夹灰岩地层所组成;

  • Northern Jiangsu basin lies in the transitional region from ocean to continent and its climate is dominated by the East Asian monsoon system .

    苏北盆地是我国西部内陆与东部海洋之间的 过渡 地区,该地区的气候演变历史对揭示东亚季风的时空变化有着重要意义。

  • Mechanism of Remote Sensing Imagery on the Typical Land in the Transitional Region of Qinling Mountain and Huang-Huai Plain

    秦岭-黄淮平原 交界 典型土地的遥感成象机理

  • The emphasis of the study was placed on hydrological and hydraulic characteristics variations of spatial structure matter structure and energy structure and ecological response of each transitional region .

    根据水力特征的变化,对河道型水库工程影响 区域水力 过渡 进行划分,重点研究各个水力 过渡 的水文水力特征、空间结构、物质结构和能量结构的变化及其生态响应。

  • Characteristics of Radiation and Heat Balance in Transitional Region between Oasis and Desert

    过渡性与原则性的辩证统一;民勤绿洲荒漠 过渡 辐射特征与热量平衡规律研究

  • This algorithm keeps all the advantages of Hybrid / mixed FEM . During iteration the algorithm continuously modifies the elastic modulus for the flexibility matrix and plastic matrix both in transitional region and in plastic region according to the stress-strain relation of materials used .

    该法保持了文1w_1119方法的全部优点,而在迭代过程中,依据材料的单向拉伸应力&应变关系,不断改变 过渡 和塑性区单元柔度矩阵和塑性矩阵中的弹性模量;

  • Located in the middle of China Xinyang is transitional region from the higher part in the West to the lower part in the East and from Changjiang River Valley to North China Flatlands .

    信阳县地处华夏腹地,处于祖国西高东低和长江流域向华北平原转折的 过渡

  • The experimental results show that the microstructure with ahead of laser irradiation region can be divided into unreacted region transitional region and TiCp / Al composite region .

    结果表明:激光辐射的前沿区的组织可以被分为未反应原始粉末区、合成反应 过渡组织 及TiC/Al复合材料区。

  • Peri-urbanization is formed with the development of manufacturing industries located in a mixed rural-urban land use and rapidly changing transitional region outside of the urban built-up areas .

    半城市化地区是位于城市建成区以外,由制造业发展所驱动而形成的一种城乡土地利用混杂交错且变化迅速的 过渡性 地域类型。

  • N. Z. - root transitional region is very short .

    子叶节区&根 过渡 极短。

  • The engineering fracture analysis and evaluation of the outside surface crack in the circular arc transitional region of the head flange of RPV are also completed .

    对同样设备的上法兰圆弧 过渡 的外壁表面裂纹在典型的核电站工况下作了工程断裂分析和评定。

  • Furthermore with anti-RNA / DNA hybrid antibodies we directly and selectively labeled the transcription sites of rRNA genes of nucleoli and revealed that it located in DFC and the transitional region between DFC and FC in wheat .

    进一步借助于RNA/DNA杂合体抗体选择性地直接标记核仁中rRNA基因的转录位点,结果表明了小麦细胞核仁rRNA基因的转录位点是在FC与DFC的 过渡 区域及DFC中。

  • Existing methods for obtaining image of edge transitional region do not work well when applied to3D medical data field .

    在对医学三维数据场模糊特性的分析基础上,提出了一种提高三维医学数据场边界 过渡 区域图像质量的体元投射算法。

  • During all the studies of all kinds of regional land use change the one influenced by urbanization is most important to us because urban fringe lies in transitional region between urban and rural .

    在目前研究的各种区域土地利用/土地覆被变化中,由城市化过程导致的大规模土地利用变化最引人注目。其中,城市边缘 土地利用的变化是城市 扩展最明显、最直接的响应。

  • The role of the transitional space is not purely as a transitional region it also impacts the adjacent heterogeneity space that means it neither subordinate to them nor depart form them .

    过渡空间的作用并不是单纯的作为一种 过渡性 区域而存在,它对相邻的异质空间都具有影响,即不从属于它们,亦不脱离它们。

  • The result shows that the high stress distributes mainly in the region of bolt holes and the transitional region between the wheel rim and spokes .

    结果表明,应力较大的 部位主要分布在辐板与轮辋相交区域和螺 栓孔 区域,最大应力小于镁合金的屈服强度。

  • Hydraulic transitional region and ecological effects of river-type large-scale reservoirs

    河道大型水库水力 过渡 及其生态影响研究

  • In the transitional region Np will decrease during the development of circulating flow .

    过渡 ,由于循环流逐渐发展,Np一般呈下降规律;

  • In this paper the character of phase distribution and the effect of condensate buildup in transitional region are taken into account respectively then a modified model of gas condensate well deliverability is developed .

    分别考虑三个 区域的相态特征及 过渡 和两相区中凝析油析出对流体流动的影响,建立了凝析气井的流入动态预测的改进模型。

  • The trumpet_shaped hypoblast was a transitional region situated between the suspensor and the embryo proper .

    胚基为胚柄和胚体之间的 过渡 ,呈喇叭状,胚基与胚柄不能等同。

  • Inshore waters is the most frequent and active area which interact in the Lithosphere the Hydrosphere the Aerosphere and the Biosphere ; It is a transitional region which connect the sea and the land .

    近岸海域是自然界岩石圈、 水圈、大气圈和生物圈相互作用最频繁、最为活跃的 区域

  • Locating in the central plain Henna province is a hub of communication of our country and it is also the middle and transitional region in strategy of Western Development of our country .

    “东引西进”的实践依据是河南地处中原,是全国的交通枢纽和 经济社会发展的中间 地带,也是从东向西梯次推进的 过渡

  • Experimental data show that the drag-coefficient curve is quite similar to that of natural sand and so is the settling-velocity formula in stagnation and turbulent regions except for transitional region .

    实验资料表明,塑料颗粒的阻力系数曲线与天然沙十分相近,因而除 过渡 外,滞流区和紊流区的沉速公式与天然沙基本一致。

  • The ordos plateau where natural conditions are more complicated and vegetation zonalities are clear is the transitional region from warm temperature steppe to desert .

    鄂尔多斯高原地 暖温性草原与荒漠的 过渡地段,植被地带分异规律明显。

  • Fatigue life of drill rod with geometrical flaws at the outside thickening transitional region

    钻杆外加厚 过渡 几何缺陷对使用寿命的影响

  • An Algorithm for Improving Image Quality of Edge Transitional Region of 3D Medical Data Field

    一种提高三维医学数据场边缘 过渡 区域图像质量的算法