transit account

[ˈtrænsɪt əˈkaʊnt][ˈtrænsit əˈkaunt]


  • The results show that the ambient solar wind speed and the ICME transit time errors show little correlation even after taking into account the angle of magnetic cloud flux tube to the ecliptic plane the correlation is still not obvious .

    结果表明,背景太阳风速度和ICME 时间并没有明显的相关性,在 考虑了磁云通量管轴相对黄道面夹角的影响后相关性仍然不明显。

  • The buyer would bear all costs and charges relating to the goods whilst in transit until their arrival at the port of destination unless such costs and charges were for the seller 's account under the contract of carriage .

    买方承担货物在 运输 途中直至到达目的港为止的一切费用,除非这些费用根据运输合同应由卖方 支付

  • In the planning of urban rail transit the existing conventional bus routes should be took into account .

    在对城市轨道 交通进行规划时,必然应 考虑其影响范围内,现有常规公交线路的合理优化。

  • The stand or fall and feasibility of system designing are exploring in many departments it is a good means that transit society agency & account-corporation centralizing accounting work out the account books of the enterprises .

    制度设计的好坏及其可行性,是目前各方面都在探索问题, 通过会计集中核算的社会中介&会计公司,来编制企业的 会计报表是一种切实可行的办法。

  • Equity from people oriented in the field of public transit remand to achieve the rational allocation and optimization of public transit resources take into account of all the rights of equitable access to public transit resources and the difference among the different people and in different regions .

    以人为本的公平性思想,在公交领域就是既要 考虑人人公平享有公交资源的权利,又要 考虑不同群体、不同地区的差异,两者兼顾来实现 公交资源的合理分配和优化。