transit center

[ˈtrænsɪt ˈsɛntɚ][ˈtrænsit ˈsentə]


  • E-waste logistics is defined as material flow and activities which to collect sort process pack transit store E-waste and transport them to handling center or waste disposal sites .

    电子废弃物物流是对电子废弃物进行收集、分类、加工、包装、 搬运、储存等,并运送到 相应处理场地所形成的物品实体流动。

  • The transit center was built in the period just before the2002 Winter Olympics and serves as the anchor of the bus system .

    运输 中心在2002年冬奥会举行前夕建成,目的在于稳定公交系统。

  • Bakiyev spoke at Manas Airport outside the Kyrgyz capital ( Bishkek ) where the United States operates a large air transit center in support of military operations in Afghanistan .

    美国在这里有一个大型 运输 中心,以向阿富汗的美军运送物资。

  • The construction of urban rail transit connecting the city center and suburb improved the neighbouring accessibility and residential real estate development which makes people like to immigrate from the center to the suburb ;

    通达 市郊的城市轨道 交通建设改善了沿线 区域的可达性,带动了沿线住宅区的开发,部分市民选择城市郊区作为居住地,城市 轨道 交通因此影响到 城市人口迁移;

  • Intestinal transit was measured by 51Cr as geometric center ratio in intestine .

    转运时间采用51Cr方法,以几何 中心比值为代表。

  • Firstly Basic Park-and-Ride Intensity model is founded by way of calculating the ratio between rail transit accessibility in city center and city road network accessibility .

    通过计算城市 中心 轨道 交通 可达性与城市道路网可达性两者的比值,建立基本换乘强度模型;

  • With the rapid development of urban rail transit the number of people making traffic system environment became more complex which has brought the ground control center more difficulties on unified control and management .

    随着我国城市轨道 交通迅速发展,人口数量众多使得交通系统环境变得复杂,这就给地面监控 中心的统一调度和管理带来了一定的困难。

  • This paper established the theoretical model and optimized it based on the analysis of the mail transit system of the postal area center office .

    本文在对邮区 中心转运系统进行系统分析的基础上,建立了理论模型并对其进行了优化。

  • I will meet you at the exit to the underground transit center .

    我会在地下 交通 中心的出口处等你。

  • Study on Space Coupling of Rail Transit and Urban Center System

    轨道 交通与城市 中心体系的空间耦合

  • The opening of Jiujiang not only promoted the change of transit of commodity in modern Jiangxi but also brought on the displacement of market center and structural change of city and town . Meanwhile foreign trade also led to regulation of industrial structure .

    九江开埠不仅促使近代江西 商路变迁和货流逆转,也导致市场 重心的位移与城镇结构变化,同时对外贸易使产业结构得到 局部的调整。

  • Research of Rail Transit Modern Call Center

    轨道 交通现代呼叫 中心 系统的研究

  • Discussion on the Information Transit Mode at Control Center

    浅议调度 信息 传递方式

  • Located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent and as the geopolitical center of Eurasia Central Asia is a transit point and distribution center for Chinese and Western civilizations contacts since ancient times .

    地处欧亚大陆的腹地、欧亚大陆地缘政治中心的中亚,自古就是中西各种文明交往的 中转站和 集散地。

  • Conclusion : Intestinal transit time by three parameters were not in accordance with poorest of the most distal edge of radioactive substance and the best of geometric center or geometric center ratio .

    结论:所用3个参数所得的 转运时间不完全一致,以远端放射性参数最差,最不敏感,几何 中心及几何中心比率的相关性最好。

  • This paper analyzes the intelligent transit passenger service system from onboard unit platform service and control center and introduces the database design for platform touch-screen query system .

    本文从车载、站台以及控制 中心三方面分析了智能 公交乘客信息服务系统,重点介绍了站台触摸屏 公交查询系统中数据库的设计。

  • In April NATO supplies coming in through Kyrgyzstan 's Manas transit center were held up by political unrest and then again by a tax dispute over the base in May .

    四月份,北约进入吉尔吉斯斯坦的马纳 转运 中心的供需物质因该国的政治骚乱而被劫持,在五月份,又展开了一轮基础性的税收争论。

  • The elevator at the Old Town transit center malfunctioned twice last week requiring rescue operations to free people trapped inside both times .

    上周,美国堪萨斯州帕克市老城区 运输 中心的电梯发生了两次故障,需要救援操作将里面的被困人员解救出来。

  • He says they did not want to be registered by UNHCR and transported to the transit center .

    他说,他们不希望在联合国难民事务高级专员署进行登记,也不希望被运往 临时 中心

  • The elevator takes people between the transit center 's main floor and lower floor .

    发生故障的电梯在 运输 中心的主层和低层之间运行。

  • As the data transit center of inter-enterprise business collaboration platform data exchange system is a key component of business collaboration .

    作为企业间业务协同的数据 中转 中心,平台的数据交换系统是实现业务协同的关键组成部分。

  • Since rail transit covers a wide range of area which can effectively promote accessibility from house to the center of city and make convenience to public travel thus usually regarded to raise residential prices along its route .

    由于轨道 交通辐射范围广,能有效提升住宅到 市中心的可达性,方便市民的出行,通常认为能对沿线住宅形成升值效应。

  • Warehouse logistics enterprise transit center is an important part of production management . It support for the smooth conduct of enterprise logistics .

    仓库是企业的物流 中转 中心,是生产管理环节中重要的一环,它支持着企业物流的通畅进行。

  • As a key part of the logistics process warehouse is the place for supplies storage the transit station and the center of logistic adjustment .

    仓储作为整个物流过程中的一个关键环节,是储存物资的场所,是物流活动的 中转站,是调节物流的 中心

  • However due to the particularity of rail transit system the cost of its construction is massive . The scale of transfer sation directly affects the overall cost of the entire system because it is the major distributing center and intermediate transit point .

    但是由于轨道 交通系统的特殊性,使得其建设所需费用巨大,而换乘站点作为轨道交通客流 集散和中转的重要结点,其规模大小直接影响到整个系统的整体造价。

  • Aiming at position of transit center coordinate of each stand when the system is used in engineering spot this paper put up specific serving and calculation method .

    针对系统应用于工程现场时各测站上 经纬 中心坐标的获取,提出了具体测量解算方法。

  • The Theoretical Analysis and Model on the Mail Transit System Optimization of the Postal Area Center Office

    全球卫星 定位 系统 公共 交通邮区 中心转运系统优化的理论分析及模型