translation loss

[trænsˈleʃən lɔs][trænsˈleiʃən lɔs]


  • By comparing the three English versions the author explains how the translators effectively transmit the cultural message according to their purposes of translation and how they deal with the culture-loaded words so as to find the corresponding strategies and techniques to compensate the cultural loss in translating .

    在这三个译本比较中,作者分析了译者是如何根据 翻译目的来有效地传达文化信息,如何处理文化负载词,试图从中找到对应的 翻译策略和技巧来弥补翻译过程中的文化 损失

  • However . translators would always ignore this difference in the process of poetry translation finally causing inferior aesthetic effect between translated text and the original one . namely the so called aesthetic loss .

    然而在诗歌 翻译的过程中,译者时常忽略了译文读者与原文读者不同的文学审美观,最终导致译文无法达到与原文同样的审美效果,也就产生了所谓的审美 损失

  • In A Dream of Red Mansions the Yangs generally employ methods of literal translation literal translation with explanation paraphrase substitution and omission to compensate the loss caused by cultural default .

    在《红楼梦》译本中,译者采取的补偿方法主要有:直译、 直译 加文内解释、意译、代替和省略。

  • Under such circumstance translation compensation as a device to reduce the loss is proved of great importance .

    此种情况下, 如何利用 翻译补偿这一手段尽可能减少 损失再现 原文就显得非常重要。

  • In the process of translation it is inevitable to appear meaning loss and compensation . The cultural difference is the main reason that causes this phenomenon .

    翻译过程中会出现必然的意义 丢失与补偿,文化差异是造成这一现象的主要原因。

  • Translation is a process of loss that is because of the difference in Chinese and English languages and culture sometimes the punny effect and humorous sense will be lost in the process of translation .

    翻译 取舍的过程。由于英汉语言文化的不同,有时在翻译过程中,双关的幽默效果会丢失。

  • What is worth noting is that pragmatic equivalence can not be achieved in the translation of some social deictic expressions some information is lost in the process of translation and thus how to avoid such loss to the greatest extent deserves further study .

    值得注意的是,社交指示语的某些译文在进行转换之后仍无法达到语用对等,原文的一些信息在 翻译的过程中缺失,如何最大限度地减少 缺失,是值得进一步探讨的问题。

  • A tentative study on application of dynamic equivalence in literary translation & Loss and skewing of cultural-loaded image in literary translation

    奈达动态对等理论在文学 翻译中的运用&试析文学翻译中文化意象的歪曲与

  • And now that there is translation loss compensation is necessary .


  • However there is no corresponding rhetorical device in Chinese . Therefore translation loss is inevitable .

    但因为汉语中没有相应的修辞格,因此在 过程中会有 损失

  • Translation loss refers to the loss of information meaning pragmatic function cultural factor aesthetic form and function .

    翻译 损失是指 翻译 过程中信息、意义、语用功能、文化因素、审美形式及其功能的丧失。

  • Because of the existing differences in languages and cultures there exists inevitable loss in the process of translation mainly the loss of semantic content .

    由于客观存在的语言、文化差异, 翻译过程中存在不可避免的失,主要是指语义内容的

  • Hardening Translation to the Cultural Loss and Softening Translation to the Cultural Transmission in C-E Translation of Culture-loaded Words

    文化词英 中的硬化欠 与软化传真

  • In traditional prose translation studies the language form of prose is often neglected and thus resulted in the loss of the aesthetic value of the original text .

    在传统的散文 翻译研究中,散文语言形式的传达往往被忽略,进而导致 损害原文的美学价值。

  • Translation loss in cross-cultural translation activity is inevitable due to the differences between the source and target languages and cultures .

    由于语言文化的差异, 翻译就不可避免有所 损失

  • During the process try touse the strategy to compensate the translation loss .

    翻译过程中,尝试用 翻译补偿的策略对 过程中产生的 翻译 损失在意义或形式上进行补偿。

  • In spite of the enormous achievements in tourist translation study translators especially novice translators would more often than not find themselves at a loss in face of the complicated linguistic and non-linguistic problems in practice .

    尽管旅游 翻译研究的成果丰硕,译者,尤其是初级译者在面对实践中复杂的语言或语言外的问题时,常常会觉得 不知所措

  • It is quite a new viewpoint to apply the new idea of KM to translation and to discussing the loss and change in the process of cultural transformation of cultural information .

    将知识管理的理念应用于 翻译,讨论文化传递中文化信息的 失落与变形是一个较新观点。

  • On The Translation of Chinese Idioms & And the Compensation for the Loss of Cultural Information in the Process

    漫谈汉语成语的 &兼论其过程中文化信息 的补救

  • All of these indicate that after γ - ray and β - ray irradiation the base damage strand break double helix structure destroyed the function of replicate and translation in biology loss .

    说明经过射线、β射线辐照后,DNA碱基受损,主链断裂,双螺旋结构遭到破坏, 失去了其复制、 转录的生物学功能。

  • This paper summarizes six kinds of distortion in Chinese English translation : the loss of interesting expressions ;

    汉语 翻译成英语时存在着六种失真的情形:其一是 趣,即原有语言之趣 丧失

  • It is calculated through the translation of casualty and direct loss into a normal index which is a method of simplicity and applicability .

    灾级大小是将一次灾害中死亡、伤害和直接 经济 损失折算成规范化指数后计算出来的。其方法简单易行,且适用性强。

  • Intralingual translation of Laozi explores the problems caused by different originals phonetic loan characters changes of syntax and loss of punctuation marks .

    在语内 翻译中探讨由于底本不同、 通假字、句法变化以及标点符号等产生的 翻译问题。

  • If the finished translation of the service provider is confirmed to be unconformity then the provider shall compensate the customer for his loss .

    翻译服务企业的译制成品被权威部门判明为不合格产品时,应赔偿用户的 损失

  • Translation compensation is to compensate for the loss of message semantic meaning pragmatic effect cultural element aesthetic form and its function in the process of translation .

    翻译补偿是指在翻译过程中对原文信息,意义,语用功能,文化因素以及审美形式和功能的 丧失而进行的一种补偿。

  • Due to the differences between Western and Chinese cultures information loss in translation is unavoidable and the original beauty of rhetoric and cultural connotation cannot be reproduced without loss .

    由于中西文化的差异,信息在 翻译 过程中的丢 是不可避免的,英 习语中原有的修辞美和文化内蕴美在 中不可能原韵再现。

  • However it is seldom the case that translation could be absolutely equally achieved which means no loss of information .

    然而,绝对等值的 翻译,即没有信息 流失的翻译是很少存在的。

  • In the history of the Western and Chinese translation many researchers have long realized that translation loss is inevitable and needs compensation and have proposed different compensation strategies pertinently .

    纵观中西翻译史,长久以来,很多研究者已经意识到 翻译 损失不可避免,翻译 损失需要补偿,并有针对性地提出了不同的补偿策略。