
[ˈtrænʃəns, -ʒəns, -ziəns]['trænzɪəns]


  • The kind of antonyms not only lives in speech system and have transience but also in language system and have relative stability .

    这类反义词既存在于言语系统中,具有 临时 ,也存在于语言系统中,具有相对稳定性。

  • Even babies soon become aware of the transience of human ties .

    连婴儿也会很快意识到人际关系的 短暂 无常

  • I think what he had in mind was the transience of business success .

    我认为,他说这话时想的是事业成功的 虚幻 无常

  • The external characteristics of the special essence are the transience of ethic goal the multitude of ethic belief the stability and the divinity of ethic criterion the nationality of ethic sensibility and the abstractness and complexity of ethic consciousness .

    其特殊的本质,外在特征主要表现为伦理目标的 虚幻 、伦理信仰的群众性、伦理规范的稳定性和神本性、伦理情感的民族性及伦理意识的抽象复杂性;

  • The rejoicing and beauty of love excited him while the transience and variety of love made him realize the emptiness and dullness of life .

    爱的欢欣和美丽使他感动,但爱的 易逝与多变也使他备感人生的空淡和无聊。

  • Having failed to realize their ideals they sighed sorrowfully for the transience of life .

    当理想不得实现时,就会发出人生 短暂 哀叹

  • Stories for the transience of human life are the same theme showed by both ancient Chinese literature and ancient Japanese literature .

    感叹生命 短暂人生 无常是古代中日文学中同样 常见的主题。

  • History is a combination between permanence and transience .

    历史是永久性和 瞬时 的结合体, 现实是历史的 延续,历史是 现实 由来

  • The Bubbles Series serve as a reference to the Chinese traditional concept of qi ( air gas ) and as a symbol of the transience of the human life cycle .

    泡泡系列 展示了中国传统对“气”的概念,同时 暗示了生命的暂时

  • Transience and closed collection of Markov chains in random environment

    随机环境中马氏链的 瞬时 与闭集

  • Transience in Discrete Fiber Raman Amplifiers The Photoacoustic Transients of Dark-adapted Leaves during Light Induction Period

    分立拉曼放大器中的 瞬态研究暗适应叶光诱导期间出现的光声瞬态研究初报

  • This is alike a predestined relationship on earth which origin and result are both in transience and changing so that none knows which day it will visit us with a story .

    这就好像是尘世间的一段情缘,缘起 缘灭都在 幻化中,也不知道它哪天会 突然 降临 自己一段故事去发生;

  • Like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience .

    在速度、光亮或者 时间 短暂方面像流星一样。

  • During the transience the electron and photon populations deviate slightly from their equilibrium values respectively .

    瞬态 过程中,电子和光子的密度各稍微偏离其平衡值。

  • Woolf has a clear understanding of the infinity and eternity of the universe and she also realizes the finity and transience of man .

    对于宇宙的无限与永恒,伍尔夫有着清醒的认识;同时她也意识到了人类的有限与 短暂

  • Psychologically by the examining of Freud 's psychoanalysis we can see the characteristics for psychic activities are transience intermittence and unintelligibility ;

    心理学方面,通过对弗洛伊德的精神分析的考察,我们了解到心理活动往往是 转瞬 、时有时无、不可为外人所道,晦涩难懂的。

  • Whether their tactics will help to cement the Republicans'new-found advantage in those places or doom them to transience is a subject of heated debate .

    他们的政策导向可以帮助共和党在那些地区巩固 前场优势,也可以将这一切流于政客的口水 之中

  • China transience makes the background of the development of adolescences of new generation .


  • In summary this paper is about Uyghur transient female populations concentrating on cultural elements cultural traits and cultural changes during the process of transience as well as cultural strategies for adapting to city life .

    总而言之,本文对于 维吾尔女性流动人口的研究,集中在 她们流动过程中的文化因素、文化特点、文化变化,以及对于城市生活适应过程中文化策略的研究 之上

  • Attention should also be paid to learners ' attention resources and the transience of a grammatical choice .

    在教学 实际中, 动态语法教学应充分 合理 利用注意力资源和注意语法选择的 瞬间

  • A typical day for the nobles in Heian Kyo ( now Kyoto ) might involve sitting beneath the plum blossoms and composing poems about how sad it was that something so beautiful should wither so quickly-a reminder of the transience of life .

    平安京(今天的京都)的贵族一天通常包括坐在梅花树下吟诗作对,感慨如此美物却瞬息凋零,提醒了人们生命 无常,这是多么的悲伤啊。

  • There is a sense of transience about her a feeling that she has only stopped off here en route to another place .

    她给人一种 转瞬 的感觉,仿佛她只是在前往他处的途中在此略作停留。

  • Compared with other standard dialects in southwest China Kunming dialect has the typical trait of vv and v + Yixia to express the meanings of transience and trial .

    与其他西南官话相比,昆明方言最突出的特点之&就是具有动词重叠式,形成了“VV”与“V一下”表示 短暂、尝试意义两种形式共存的局面。

  • Here Hirst reminds the viewer of the transience of life .

    赫斯特在此提醒观众的是生命的 短暂

  • Transience for Markov Chains in Double Infinite Random Environments

    双无限随机环境中马氏链的 暂留

  • The result is a culture of transience and disposability .

    结果就是一种 稍纵即逝的文化,一种随意弃置的文化。

  • For example she uses time as the theme on Songs of Transience symbolizing that blossoming is a magnificent but transient process .

    例如,你选择时间来作为这 专辑的主题,象征着 花开璀璨却短暂的过程。

  • Transience finite analysis of artificial blasting earthquake action

    人工爆破地震作用的 瞬态有限元分析

  • However the observation experiment and theoretical research of lightning discharge processes still need to be improved because of the randomicity and transience of lightning occurrence .

    但由于雷电发生的 时空随机性和 瞬时 ,对闪电放电物理过程的观测试验和理论研究 十分困难, 目前对我国闪电活动规律的 认识也仍然不够 全面

  • Ever matter-of-fact she liked that thought of transience and always refused to sit for the painted portraits that might have lasted .

    事实上,她一直倾心于这种 转瞬 感觉,总是拒绝坐下来让别人给自己画像,因为画像会被保存下来。