translation service

[trænsˈleʃən 'sɝvɪs][trænsˈleiʃən ˈsɜːvɪs]

[计] 翻译服务

  • The translation of service expressions is concerned with cross cultural communication .

    服务用语 翻译是跨文化的交际 语言翻译。

  • Services offered primarily include various forms of translation service including document translation oral translation on-site interpretation etc.

    多元 文化系统 视角下的 直译 意译主要提供包括文档翻译,口语翻译,现场翻译等多种形式的 翻译 服务

  • Xingda Translation Service is one of the seldom translation companies who have the ability to provide simultaneous interpretation service in Central China region .

    兴达 翻译是华中地区少数具备同传翻译能力的翻译公司之一。

  • All documents not in English must be accompanied by an English translation ; this should be administered by a registered translation service .

    所有非英语的资料必须经过注册 翻译 公司的翻译。

  • In addition the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Classification of National Economic Industries and the Specification for Chinese Translation Service roughly classify define and standardize the translation industry . The targeted and subdivided translation policies can be expected soon .

    另外十二五规化、《国民经济行业分类》、《 翻译 服务规范》等政策对翻译行业进行大致分类、定义、规范,未来有针对性的、细分化的翻译政策出台也指日可待。

  • Current translation institutions in Chinese mainland include four main types according to their distinctive function i.e. translation research institutions translation education institutions translation publication institutions and translation service institutions .

    当前中国内地的翻译机构主要涉及四类,即翻译研究机构、翻译教育培训机构、翻译出版机构和 翻译 服务机构。

  • FEC has also a translation centre that provides translation service and interpreters of many different languages .

    学校还设有“翻译部”,提供多国语言的口译和 笔译 服务

  • Translation Service Center provides the service of multilingual translation of technical and non-technical literature .

    翻译 服务中心提供科技及其他方面的各种文字的翻译服务。

  • From the point of working principle and practical application we introduce the method for translating data between SQL Server 2000 and data source with different construct by the function of Transact SQL Programming and Data Translation Service ( DTS ) .

    本文主要从SqlServer2000的工作原理和实例应用角度出发,介绍了用SqlServer2000中的TransactSQL编程和DTS(数据 转换 服务)等功能实现SqlServer与异构数据源之间传输转换的方法。

  • The Machine Translation Service Bassed on Web

    基于Web平台的机器 翻译 系统

  • A service adapter can have many roles such as interface translation service invocation and error handling and authentication with service providers .

    服务适配器可以扮演很多角色,例如接口 转换服务调用和错误处理以及带服务提供者的身份验证。

  • We will provide you the English-Chinese simultaneous translation service .

    本次活动我们将为您提供英-中 同声

  • Other languages are available if the translation dictionary service for that language is available .

    其他语言只有在提供了该语言的 翻译词典 服务的情况下才可用。

  • We offer excellent translation service .

    我们提供最好的 翻译 服务

  • Our direction Specialized in Mechanical & Electroic related translation service .

    我们的方向,提供专业的机械电子类 翻译 服务

  • This paper presents the analysis design and implementation of Internet-based Application System of Danish-English Translation Service ( IASDETS ) .

    本文论述了丹英 互译 服务的互联网应用系统的分析、设计及其实现。

  • This paper focuses on the nature and practice of the semantic reconstruction and its important role in the interpretation and translation of tour guides and suggests ways of improving tour guides ' interpretation and translation service for foreign visitors .

    因此,本文着重讨论语义重构在 导游翻译中所起的重要作用,以期引起大家对英文导游 翻译的进一步探讨。

  • SZZ 's international instant translation can offer simplified Chinese character traditional Chinese character English Japanese German and Russian language translation service online .

    山株仔国际即时 翻译可以提供简体中文、繁体中文、英文、日文、德文、俄文的在线 服务

  • On Appropriate Translation of Service Expressions

    浅谈 服务用语 翻译的得体性

  • In the business center the wireless Internet connection professional business secretary service and foreign language translation service will bring great convenience for your business activities .

    我们的商务中心提供宽带上网,无线上网,专业商务秘书,外语 翻译服务,为您的商务活动带来便利。

  • I 've heard from the translation service that you want to hire an interpreter .

    我从 翻译 听说你们想招一名翻译。

  • Provide free telephone translation service within a time limit .

    提供具时限性的免费电话 翻译 服务

  • We find that a general framework is composed of three parts i.e. the customer value management customer translation service management and customer satisfaction management .

    本文研究发现,翻译企业客户关系管理综合框架的三方面内容分别是客户价值管理、客户 翻译 服务管理和客户满意度管理。

  • Tell us the service you want : translation service localization service or others .

    告诉我们您要委托的业务: 翻译 服务、本地化服务或其它。

  • In order to better serve the ever-growing needs of the immigration community in Bay Area we are expanding now our translation service to include cross culture dating and business referral service .

    我们目前正根据市场的需求扩大业务范围,新增加的 业务内容包括国际 婚介和生意中介!

  • Design of Number Translation Service Based on Parlay API

    基于ParlayAPI的号码 翻译 业务设计与实现

  • Customers are the audience and judges of translation service enterprises and their degree of satisfaction with the translation service is judged by comparison between their actually perceived service quality of the translation companies and their expected service quality .

    客户是 翻译 服务企业的受众和评委,客户对翻译服务的满意程度是由客户对翻译公司服务质量的实际感知与预期服务质量之间的比较与判断来决定的。

  • HOYOLO Translation will settle translation fee with you after providing you with translation service .

    好译来翻译将在为您提供完 翻译 服务后,和您结清翻译的费用。

  • Loreman 's work has been a great help for learners at all levels and our translation service has turned out to be definitely satisfactory to our customers .

    我们的努力也使无数外语爱好者直接受益,我们的 翻译 服务也得到了广大客户的高度评价!