If X is a configuration at time t Y is the configuration at time t + 1 by the local transition rule on every cell ( vertex ) then Y is called the successor of X and conversely X is a predecessor of Y.
如果X是时刻t的一个配制,Y是局部 传递 规则作用在X后于时刻t+1的配制,那么Y称为X的后继,X被称为Y的前驱。
The ant colony system is introduced and a new algorithm for TSP is presented . This algorithm is a distributed parallel algorithm with a new state transition rule and new global updating rule .
从介绍蚂蚁系统出发,提出了新的状态 转移 规则及全局修正规则,结合这些新规则设计出一个新算法,该算法是一个分布式并行算法。
The Road of Social Transition and Rule of Law in Russia
俄罗斯社会 转型 与 法治之路
The novel transition rule and the different pheromone reinforcement rules are discussed in this paper when ant colony systems are applied to minimizing the make-span in job shop scheduling problem .
在原有标准蚁群算法的基础上采用了新的 状态 转移 规则,讨论了各种不同的轨迹更新规则对仿真结果的影响,并通过统计数据验证了改进型蚁群算法优于标准的蚁群优化算法。
Inspiring by the transition rule of ant colony optimization a novel diversity mechanism was designed to utilize the information in infeasible solutions .
新算法在分散差分进化算法基础上,受到蚁群算法的 状态 转移 准则的启发设计了一种新颖的分散机制,从而实现了对种群中不可行解信息的有效利用。
Casualty theory is combined to build qualitative simulation model for the changing process of enterprise management responsibility . Representation methods of state variable and state variable transition rules are designed including maximum rule minimum rule continuous changing rule and compatible rule .
论文结合因果关系理论构建了企业管理岗位职能变化过程定性模拟模型,设计了状态变量的知识表示方法与状态变量的 转换规则,包括最大值 规则、最小值规则、连续变化规则和相容规则。
To truly demonstrate the problem when the law encountered the morals in China 's social transition process of rule of law the author takes a case for example that a Concubine requesting the execution of bequeathment that happened in 2001 in Sichuan Luzhou to analyze .
为了真切展示中国社会 转型 期 法治进程中,当法律遭遇道德时存在的问题,笔者以2001年发生在四川泸州的遗赠案即所谓的二奶继承案为例来进行探讨。
Establishing authority of law is the pre-requisite of development of human society and transition of authority and the rule of law equals to the supreme authority of law .
树立法律权威是人类社会发展、权威 转型的必然要求,实行 法治就必须要树立法律的至上权威。
The Lennard-Jones potential was utilized calculating system energy . The transition rule was according with minimal energy principle ( if the sum of difference of energy and undulation of energy is lower than zero the transition took placed . ) .
系统能量的计算利用了Lennard&Jones对势, 转变 规则依据热力学上的最小能量原理( 转变前后的能量差加上一个能量起伏小于0则转变)。
A new state transition probability rule that put the sensitivity of the candidate buses as the visibility factor is brought forward and the ant colony optimization search strategy is improved .
把能见度因子取为候选节点的灵敏度采用了一种新的状态 转移概率 规则,同时改进了蚁群优化算法的搜索策略。
It is of great importance to balance the two modes of rule for a smooth transition from the rule of wisdom to rule of law .
处理好两种治理模式,有助于中国 社会平稳地向高度 法治社会 过渡。
Retrieving CA Nonlinear Transition Rule from High-dimensional Feature Space
从高维特征空间中获取元胞自动机的非线性 转换 规则
Fisher Discriminant and Automatically Getting Transition Rule of CA
Fisher判别及自动获取元胞自动机的 转换 规则
Transition rule and optics-electricity characteristics of hypersonic slightly blunted cone wakes
高超声速小钝锥尾流 转捩 规律与光电特性
Using the definition of generalized transition probability and the rule with priority to repair the key component the state transition probability of the system is derived .
利用广义 转移概率的定义和关键部件优先维修的 规则,求得了该系统的状态转移概率矩阵。
China is now in the transition of culture from the rule by people to the rule of law .
目前,中国正处在从 人治文化走向法治文化的 转型 期,从法律文化 转型的角度来看,公务员应该摒弃权力至上主义,确立法律至上意识;
In this paper we discussed the transition selection rule of electrical dipole radiation in atom physics by the parity theory and angular momentum theory in quantum .
本文利用量子力学的宇称理论和角动量理论,对原子物理学中所熟知的电偶极辐射的 跃迁选择 定则进行了理论探讨。
Modern social transition to the rule of law we are required from which we can discover some suitable for the construction of rule now experience .
现代社会 转型 期,要求我们要依法 治国,我们可以从中发掘一些适合现在法治建设的经验。
The behavior of the automaton is determined by a local transition rule .
自动机的演化由局部 传递 规则决定。
This paper has put forward a new method for automatically getting transition rule of geographic Cellular Automaton ( CA ) basing on the combination of Fisher discriminant and discrete selection model .
提出一种基于费歇尔(Fisher)判别和离散选择模型相结合来自动获取地理元胞自动机 转换 规则的方法。
According to military sources several leading figures in the current regime will be sidelined as part of the transition to quasi-civilian rule .
根据军事来源,目前军政权几个主要人物将要靠边站,作为 过渡到准平民政府的 规则的组成部分。
The above were important to clarify the physical mechanism of newspaper color displaying and disclose the copy transition rule from screen to proof .
对阐明新闻纸呈色的物理机制,揭示印刷复制过程中从显示器到样张的色彩 转换 规律具有重要意义。
The third chapter gives the analysis of need and urgency our country responses to the plight of a minor criminal record during the transition period of society and the rule of law .
第三章中分析的是正处在社会和 法治 转型 期的我国应对未成年人犯罪前科困境的必要性和紧迫性。
Fifthly it studies the relationship between the formal language state transition rule ( STR ) and the modeling tools colored Petri net ( CPN ) and the character of P invariant .
第五,深入分析和研究了状态 转换 规则形式化语言和建模分析工具有色Petri网之间的关系,以及P不变量的可达性分析。
But at present we must emphasis administering officials according to law because of the transition to the rule of socialism law .
但在我国目前情况下,为向社会主义 法治 过渡却必须强调依法治官。
Conduct useful thinking about the supporting conditions of Chinese monetary policies ' transition to inflation-targeted rule .
对中国货币政策向通货膨胀目标 制 转型的支持条件进行了有益思考。
Discussion on the Transition Selection Rule of Electrical Dipole Radiation
电偶极辐射 跃迁中选择 定则的理论研究
Rationale Transition & Rule Reconstruction on English Conflict of Laws in Tort
侵权法上的因果关系英国侵权冲突法的理念 转换 和 规则重构
Such transition associates with the following rule : efficient institution arrangement of human resources capital property rights inevitably reflects the characteristics of human resources capital property rights .
这一 变迁是与这样的 规律相联系的:有效率的人力资本产权制度安排必然体现人力资本的产权特性,制度变迁的趋势是沿着实现人力资本产权特性的方向发展的;
美[trænˈzɪʃən rul]英[trænˈziʃən ru:l]