


v.(will 的过去式,用于转述)将

  • Sunday mornings my mother would bake . I 'd stand by the fridge and help

    星期天早晨,妈妈 烤面包,我就站在冰箱旁帮忙。

  • Would he always be like this ?


  • Would you do me a favour and get rid of this letter I 've just received ?


  • Ordinarily it would be fun to be taken to fabulous restaurants

    一般来说,跟别人去豪华餐馆吃饭 是件乐事。

  • My daughter would have been 17 this week if she had lived

    我女儿要是还活着的 ,这周 17岁了。

  • Do you think it would be all right if I smoked ?


  • Well you would say that : you 're a man

    呵,你 当然 这样说的,因为你是个男的。

  • It would cost very much more for the four of us to go from Italy .

    从意大利走,我们4人花的钱 多得多。

  • The statement added that although there were a number of differing views these would be discussed by both sides

    这项声明还称,虽然双方观点存在若干分歧,但 将就这些分歧展开讨论。

  • It would be wrong to suggest that police officers were not annoyed by acts of indecency

    要是认为警官对粗鄙行为不气不恼,那 就错了。

  • That would have been Della 's car


  • She asked me what I would like to do and mentioned a particular job

    她问我 干什么,然后提到了一份工作。

  • They said they would give the police their full cooperation

    他们说他们 愿意与警方通力合作。

  • Within ten weeks of the introduction 34 million people would have been reached by our television commercials .

    在推出10周之内, 可能 有3万人看到我们的电视广告。

  • Would you like a drink ?


  • George decided it was such a rare car that he would only use it for a few shows

    乔治认为这辆车非常稀罕,所以他只 拿它展示很少的几次。

  • I would have liked a life in politics

    我本 从政的。

  • Would that he could have listened to his father .

    他要是听了他父亲的话 好了。

  • He expressed the hope that on Monday elementary schools would be reopened

    他表示 希望各小学星期一能复课。

  • I would never have done what they did .

    他们做的事情我是 不会做的。

  • I don 't think that he would take such a decision .

    我认为他 不会作出这样的决定。

  • No one believed he would actually kill himself

    没有人相信他真的 自杀。

  • His fans would already be familiar with Caroline

    他的崇拜者们 肯定已经很熟悉卡罗琳了。

  • I think if I went to look at more gardens I would be better on planning and designing them

    我觉得如果我更多地去看一些花园, 有可能更好地规划和设计它们。

  • A policeman would not live one year if he obeyed these regulations

    警察如果遵守这些规定的话,一年 不了

  • Once inside I found that the flat would be perfect for my life in Paris

    一到里面,我 发现这套公寓对我在巴黎生活 适合不过了。

  • He did not think he would marry Beth .

    他觉得他 不会和贝丝结婚的。

  • He made a promise to his great-grandfather ? That would have been a long time ago


  • It was half seven ; her mother would be annoyed because he was so late .

    7点半了,他到得这么晚,她母亲 一定会生气的。