working light

[ˈwə:kɪŋ laɪt][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ lait]


  • The compressed air in the tube is used for the air source of the working section of an isotropic light piston tunnel .

    等熵 轻质活塞风洞的管道中被压缩的气体是作为 实验段的气源。

  • In this paper the working performance and bearing capacity of light wood truss were analyzed so as to provide basis for the design and application of light wood truss in China .

    本文对 轻型木桁架的 工作性能和承载能力进行了研究,旨在为轻型木桁架在国内的设计和应用提供依据。

  • With the development of science and technology especially the development of military space technology working over the light scattering characteristics and radiation characteristics is vital to the research of object detecting scouting and recognizing recovery breaking through etc. space technologies .

    随着科技的发展,特别是军用航天技术的发展,对空间目标的 散射特性与辐射特性,尤其是对目标的探测、跟踪与识别、突防等空间技术的研究显得十分重要。

  • Imagine a data storage device the size of an atom working at the speed of light .

    想像一下数据存储装置只有原子大小、并以 光速 工作

  • LED chip sorting machine is one kind of high frequency working machines . High speed and light weight is the developing direction of its sorting mechanism .

    LED芯片分选机属于一种高频 工作机械,其分选机构向着高速化和 量化发展。

  • Review and Determination of Leading Infection Zones of Coal Mining at Working Face of Comprehensive Light - duty

    轻放 工作面超前采动影响带范围考察确定

  • This method combines the software and the hardware together before the signal collection using the hardware to eliminate the static working light intensity component of the measured signal and then amplify the remnant measured component which resolves the question of low resolution .

    该方法的特点在于采用软硬件相结合,在信号采集之前利用硬件剔除被测信号静态 工作 光强分量,再对剩余被测分量放大,解决了系统分辨率差的问题。

  • Cipher-lock consists of R-S latch ; this paper introduced electric circuit design and working principle of light touched eipher-lock .

    本文介绍由R-S锁存器组成的 轻触式数字密码锁的电路设计及 工作原理。

  • Meanwhile the paper introduces the way to decrease the standby loss and analysis the modes of the LLC resonant converter working under light or no load .

    同时本文介绍了减小待机损耗的方法,分析了工作在突发模式下的LLC谐振变换器 工作模态与 空载损耗问题。

  • Don 't try your eyes by working in a dim light .

    不要在 光线暗的地方 工作,把眼睛损害了。

  • The four watt bulb installed in a fire station in Livermore California has been declared the oldest known working light bulb by the Guinness Book of World Records .

    虽然只有四瓦,但是这只仍在加利福尼亚州的利弗莫尔消防局正常 工作 灯泡已经被《吉尼斯纪录》收录为仍能正常工作的最老灯泡了。

  • Inverness has at best seven hours of daylight in December less than a full working day and 19 hours of light in summer .

    12月份因弗内斯( inverness)白天最多有7个小时,不到一天的 工作时间,而在夏季白天长达19个小时。

  • The burst mode is entered to achieve high efficiency when working in the light load condition .

    负载条件下引入突发模式可实现系统的高效 工作

  • The line is enhanced by the old wooden beam above the kitchen table where we have placed a long continuous line of small light bulbs that provide the ideal working light .

    厨房台面垂直上方所悬挂的古旧木制横梁不但增强了厨房空间的线条感,同时,这一设置不仅加强了厨房的收纳功能,而且横梁背面密布的 小灯还能增强厨房 操作 光感

  • Besed on the relationship built between different design working life different design reference period and live load characters the characteristic values of live loads and disaster loads of structures for different working life are given in light of equivalent exceedance probability criterion .

    通过建立不同设计使用期、不同设计基准期与活荷载取值的关系,给出了不同 使用 年限对应活荷载与灾害荷载设防水平。

  • For the practical large-scale application an ideal photocatalyst would be cheap sustainable stable and efficiently working with visible light to utilize the main component of solar spectrum .

    从实际大规模化应用的 角度 考虑,一个理想的光催化剂应价格低廉、具有可持续性、稳定性高和具有高效的可见 驱动能力以利用太阳光谱中的主要部分。

  • Walk through them knowing that you are already a Starseed and a strong Being of power and purpose working in the Light .

    悠哉的走过它们(混乱的局面与事件)并且知道你们都已经是星际种子,而且是一位拥有力量与目标的,与 工作的存有。

  • In this paper the working concept of the light engine is described and the optical performance has been evaluated with the simulation using ray tracing program which shows a good uniformity for projector application .

    本文阐述了 光机 工作机理,并通过光线追踪程序的模拟评估了它的光学性能,反映出它适合投影应用的良好均匀性。

  • Engels 's ethical thought in his works of British working class brings to light the moral outlook of British working class the reason for its emergence and the basic laws of development .

    摘要恩格斯《英国 工人阶级状况》一文 揭示了英国工人阶级和资产阶级的道德面貌及其产生的原因和发展的基本规律。

  • The working curves of heavy water and light water are comparable .

    比较了重水和 轻水 工作曲线。

  • A former prostitute told CNN she would earn as much as $ 20 a day working in New Delhi 's red light district .

    一个前妓女告诉CNN,她在新德里的 红灯工作一天差不多能挣到20美元一天。

  • There are many light workers working with light wave movements present today .

    今天,有很多光工作者 光波运动一起 工作

  • If the operator is working in an extreme bright light environment it may assist the user to view the laser reflections in the same plane as the reflections .

    若操作者在极 明亮的环境下 作业,可能会让使用者在反射时在相同的平面看到雷射光反射点。

  • The paper detailedly analyses the working on no load light load and half load circumstances during the experiment .

    在整机调试中,变换 分别在空载、 载和半载情况下试验,并对实验结果进行了详细分析。

  • A new Harvard Business School working paper sheds some light .

    哈佛商业学院新披露的一份文件向我们揭示了部分 真相

  • Dye-sensitized solar cells ( DSSC ) have been rapid developed and have been become a hot topic of scientific research of renewable energy because of its low price light quality easy fabrication and working under low light .

    染料敏化太阳能电池(DSSC)由于它的价格低、质量轻、制作简单、弱 下可以 工作等优点得到迅猛发展,成为可再生能源科学研究的一大热点。

  • The temporal character of the optical system used for picosecond and femtosecond streak camera working with monochromatic light and complex light in long wavelength range are studied in this paper the new structure is also analysed when the system is used short wavelength .

    本文除了对皮秒、飞秒变象管扫描相机 工作在可见 波段时透镜系统的时间特性进行研究外,还对该系统用于紫外波段时,光学透镜系统的新特点进行了分析。

  • Each of you that are working with the Light are bringing your visions into being and they are not just here to stay but be enlarged .

    你们中的每个人都将与“ 协作,把你们的预见带入显化,不会像三次元的世界需要等待而是“扩展”的。

  • Through on-line circuit supervision the airport maintenance personnel can detect lamp faults and promptly carry on maintenance thus safeguarding flight safety when an airplane takes off and lands and enhancing the working efficiency of the airfield light maintenance .

    通过在线巡检,机场助航工作人员可发现灯具故障并及时进行维护,从而保障飞机起飞降落的飞行安全,提高机场助航 灯光维护的 工作效率。

  • Compared with the common seam track system this article introduces the working principle of optical sensor with structured light .

    对几种常见的焊缝跟踪系统进行比较,着重介绍了结构 式视觉传感器的 工作原理。