working balance

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈbæləns][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈbæləns]


  • The factors influencing on the abrasion are analyzed according to the actual abrasion for the balance set of the main discharge pump in this paper the measures for prolonging the working life for the balance set is also put forward .

    根据主排水泵 平衡盘装置的实际磨损情况,分析影响磨损的因素,并指出延长 使用寿命的措施。

  • Based on the pile-soil-embankment-cushion common working mechanism the balance condition of stress-deformation coordination considered a calculation model is established . And the effect of parameters of model on the stress ratio is studied .

    基于路堤填土-褥垫-桩-土四者 共同作用,考虑到应力、变形协调的 平衡条件,建立了四者协同作用计算模型,分析了模型参数对复合地基桩土应力比的影响。

  • As a result there is greater interest in working with the us to balance China .

    结果,该地区国家有更大的兴趣与美国 合作,来 制衡中国。

  • Chapter five proposes the calculation methods of working procedure plan and capacity balance and discusses the recognition of bottle-necks .

    第五章针对国内 生产管理软件在细能力需求计划上存在的缺陷,提出了 工序进度估算、细能力 平衡的实现过程:并对如何在能力需求计划的基础上进行瓶颈辨识进行了探讨。

  • Exploring method is first put forward to get best working rhythm for heat balance of die .

    为了得到锻模的热 平衡 状态,提出试探法的新思路求解最佳 工作节拍。

  • First do some kicking with your hands at your sides working on your balance and rotation .

    首先,用你的双手做踢腿在你的两侧, 工作在您的 平衡和旋转。

  • After improvement of living standard and cognitive ability citizens have already realized that a city should be a home for living and working so a balance development between nature and humanity is very crucial .

    广大市民在生活水平和认知能力提高后,已经认识到,城市应该是一个适宜居住、 工作的家园,城市内的各种自然、人文要素的 平衡发展是十分重要的。

  • EMILY is every working mom who 's managed to balance a checkbook who 's managed a clean house a corporate budget and a12-year-old 's basketball tournament in one day .

    艾米莉是每个在一天之内要 兼顾 收支 平衡、打扫住宅、公司预算、十二岁儿子的棒球比赛的职业妇女。

  • The paper puts forward the working principle of cylinder spring-earn balance mechanism by analyzing its working and moving method .

    通过对圆柱弹簧-凸轮 平衡机构的分析得出了该 机构 平衡原理。

  • Working medium inlet and exhaust non-return valves balance hole for Stirling engine is introduced .

    对热气机工质进排气单向阀 平衡了简介。

  • The working principle of the actuator balance head for the dynamic balance system of ( grinding ) wheel were studied and analysed . With the help of electromotive force balance equation of electromotor and dynamic balance equations the modeling method and the mathematical model are ( established ) .

    研究和分析了砂轮动平衡系统的执行机构 平衡头的 工作机理,借助电机电势平衡方程式和动力学平衡方程式,给出了系统的建模方法,并推导出其数学模型。

  • Through test and analysis of working stress on balance beam and lengthwise beam of dozer frame a strength design method and the basis for compiling load spectrum are given in the paper .

    通过对推土机 平衡梁和车架纵梁的 工作应力测定与分析,掌握了推土机的强度设计方法,为编制载荷谱打下基础。

  • In combination with the project of the ventilation system transformation the working principle of the balance air door in the mechanical-natural alternative ventilation system and the stress of the door were studied .

    结合某黄金矿山通风系统的改造课题,分析了机械-自然交替通风系统中 平衡风门的 工作原理,研究了门扇的受力状况。

  • The traditional model of order management in the company is mainly passive working counting on the balance between supply and demand .

    传统企业主要采用订单的被动式管理,依赖这供需的 平衡的被动 作业

  • The INFO column contains details about the account including its title opening date working balance portfolio holdings and other information .

    INFO列包含关于账户的详细信息,包括名称、开通日期、 周转 余额、投资组合和其他信息。

  • It is one of the important testing items in the working balance of auto - wheels .

    车轮 平衡是汽车重要的检测项目之一。

  • This move allows men to engage in raising their children and working mothers to balance work and family responsibilities .

    此举使爸爸们可以参与到抚养孩子中,陪 职场妈妈们 协调好工作和家庭上的事务。

  • Some problems for attention in working out the energy balance table of iron steel enterprises

    编制钢铁企业能源 平衡表应注意的一些问题

  • According to the principles of the matrix converter while working in unbalance input and balance input condition the simulation model for dynamic modulation strategy of offset angle of input current for matrix converter was founded with Matlab in unbalance input .

    据输入非 平衡、输出平衡时矩阵变换器的 工作原理,用Matlab建立输入非平衡时矩阵变换器的输入电流偏置角动态调制策略(SVM算法)的仿真模型。

  • A Tentative Study of Working Principle of Combined Balance for Packaging Balancing

    包装计量组合 工作原理初探

  • Practice of recovering gold by grinding grading operation and working out of metal balance sheet

    磨矿分级作业金回收实践与金属 平衡表的 编制

  • So I guess the dance competition gives my working life a little balance .

    因此,我想这个舞蹈比赛给我的 工作带来了些许 平衡

  • The Thermojetics Quickstart programs nourish the body while working to create a desirable energy balance in favor of losing weight .

    该项目Thermojetics快速滋养身体,同时 努力创造一个理想的能量 平衡有利于减肥。

  • So we should introduce a moderate competitive mechanism at the same time appropriate legislation is equally important through these two ways working together to make a better balance between each party to promote the healthy development of the industry .

    所以本文认为应当引入适当的竞争机制并对不同的环节 制定相应的法律规定,两方面共同 努力使得各方的 力量更趋 平衡以促进整个产业的健康发展。

  • Ms Liu and Ms Song will also find themselves working on factory floors where the balance of power has begun to tip back to management after years of worker gains .

    刘方丽和宋倩还将发现,在她们 打工的工厂,权力 平衡已开始重新向资方倾斜。此前数年则是对工人们有利。

  • This paper introduces a testing system for the working balance of auto - wheels by using 8031 Single - Chip Microcomputer ( SCM ) . The hardware and software designing of this system are described in detail .

    介绍了一种车轮 平衡8031单片机测试系统,并对其硬件和软件设计进行了详细的说明。