working ability

[ˈwə:kɪŋ əˈbɪlɪti][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ əˈbiliti]


  • Professional reputation is good . The foreign enterprise can promote your career latent capacity the working ability of foreign enterprise employee can get social self-identity generally also .

    职业声望好。外企能提升你的事业潜力,外企员工的 工作 能力也普遍能得到社会的认同。

  • Team working ability is essential ;

    能够和团队协同 合作

  • And I also worked in my local village committee also took part in the national census other sources of pollution with a certain degree of working ability but also accumulated some experience .

    曾在当地村委员会实习过,也曾参加过全国污染源普查工作等,具备了一定的 工作 能力,也积累了一些经验。

  • The invite investment network develops its own client 's network and working ability through the relationship among brands vs brands brands vs association and category vs category .

    鑫海智桥招商网络的建立,是通过品牌与品牌、协会与品牌、品类与品类之间的关系来拓展自身的商户网络和 招商 能力

  • This healthy competition produced the foundation that is responsible for the proficient working ability of the breed today .

    这种良性竞争为拉布拉多今日熟练的 工作 能力打下了基础。

  • Sports Colleges and Universities Tennis Special Graduate Working Ability Present Situation Investigation and Imbark Ability Raise Research

    体育院校网球专项毕业生 工作 能力现状调查及创业能力培养研究

  • Border Collies have traditionally been bred solely for working ability .

    边境牧羊犬一直以来单纯为了 牧羊繁殖下来的。

  • The interviewee can get a chance to show his confidence working ability and educational background .

    应聘者会得到一个机会显示他的信心, 工作 能力和教育背景。

  • Processing perfect quality strong working ability and wide adaptability the graduate students are well accepted around the society .

    毕业生素质高, 工作 能力强,就业面宽,深受社会各界的好评。

  • Study on the Working Ability of Porous Vegetation-growing Concrete Slope Protection Structure

    多孔植被混凝土护坡结构 工作 性能研究

  • Have good communication skill and team working ability .

    具有良好的沟通和团队 协作 能力

  • Comprehensive Reform of Examination Mode in University : the Key of Enhancing Students ' Working Ability

    高校考核模式的综合性改革是提高学生 从业 能力的关键

  • Presently hopes that can have the opportunity to contact the new working conditions ﹐ to make own working ability to obtain even more multi-level displays as far as possible .

    现希望能有机会接触新的工作环境,尽可能令自己的 工作 能力得到更加多层次的发挥。

  • Working ability with Microsoft-word and excel .

    具有办公电脑 操作 能力

  • She took the initiative to various works and her strong working ability and benign work style won the highly valued .

    各种工作她身先士卒,以较强的 工作 能力和宽宏大度的工作作风赢得了高度评价。

  • Wheel articulation is the working ability of the chassis .

    车轮铰接指车辆底盘的 工作 能力

  • Lu : I think everyone has his way to go on his job and to promote the working ability .

    我认为每个人都有他自己的方式来开展工作,和提高 工作 能力

  • Research on the Current Situation and Its Countermeasures to the Table Tennis Special Students ' Referring Working Ability of the Sports Colleges and Universities

    浅谈高校体育专业学生基本裁判 工作 能力的培养体育院校乒乓球专项学生裁判 工作 能力现状与对策研究

  • When he was in high school he showed a very high working ability .

    还在中学读书的时候,他就显示出很强的 工作 能力

  • Study hard to raise their own political and educational level increase their working ability and acquire more knowledge .

    (五)努力学习,提高政治文化水准,提高 工作 技能,不断增进新的知识。

  • The woman who is a single parent has no working ability or is unable to go to work because of suffering serious sickness or caring the children .

    五单亲无 工作 能力,或虽有工作 能力,因遭遇重大伤病或为照顾子女未能就业者。

  • Of the underwriter to pay include to lose working ability to give normally pay those who lose brothers or lose one 's sight to pay because the injury is deadly give pay and medical treatment charge gives pay .

    保险人的给付,通常包括丧失 工作 能力给付,丧失手足或失明的给付,因伤致死给付,以及医疗费用给付。

  • Cultivate the working ability and sales skills of salesman and develop sales succeeding team in different leave actively .

    培养及提升销售人员的 工作 能力和业务水平,并积极发展各级销售人员的继承梯队。

  • Party undertakes to accept the arrangement or change of work made by Party A in light of Party A 's work requirements and Party B 's working ability and performance ;

    乙方承诺,愿服从甲方根据工作需要、乙方 工作 能力及其表现而安排或调动的工作岗位。并同意在下列情况下本合同不作变更处理。

  • You can find it 's working ability in this handbook .

    你可以通过这本小册子来查它的 工作 性能

  • I got the trust and support from my teachers and classmates with my exampling and realistic working principle honest and tolerant human prinsiple and working ability .

    我以身作则务实求是的工作原则,诚实宽容的做人原则以及 工作 能力赢得了老师同学的信任与支持。

  • Zou Defeng 's rich experience also helps her to learn more and express her outstanding working ability .

    丰富的经历还使邹德凤积累更多的经验,也表现突出的 工作 能力