working air pressure

[ˈwə:kɪŋ er ˈprɛʃɚ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ eə(r) ˈpreʃə]


  • According to the working characteristics of air compressor system combined the fuzzy control theory of modern control theory with the traditional PID control design a fuzzy control PID controller for air compressor used to control the export pressure constant .

    根据 压机系统的 工作特性,将现代控制理论中的模糊控制理论与传统的PID控制结合,设计出了一种针对空压机系统控制的模糊PID控制器,用来控制空压机系统出口 压力的恒定。

  • Working principle-water spraying renewal of water surface and air penetration in negative pressure ;

    工作原理,即水跃、液面更新、 负压 进气

  • The tests have been conducted to analyse the working principle of temperature keeping air exchanger and test synthetically the volume of wind pressure of wind and air heat exchanger efficiency .

    本文对双向恒温 换气 工作原理进行了分析研究,并对其风量、 风压及热效率等特性进行了综合测试。

  • Principle and Working Characteristics of Picking Mechanism with Stored Energy of Air and Oil Pressure

    贮能式投梭机构的原理与 工作特性

  • The result shows that the change of pressure of working air has a little influence on injection volume that properties will not decrease greatly while working pressure varies and that operating parameters has great influence on structure of wave system of ejector .

    结果表明, 工作 气体的变化对引射流量的影响较小,当工作 压力波动时不会引起性能急剧下降,操作参数与几何参数对喷射器的波系结构影响很大。

  • Its working pressure measure system used several pressure sensors to examine the pressure of the whole air pressure system .

    工作压力检测系统利用多个压力传感器,检测整个 气压系统的各部分的工作状态。

  • High pressure air has be adopted as working midium of the emergency starting arrangement because of air pressure gearing having many advantages such as its arrangement being not restricted by space position and good operational environment adaptability etc.

    由于 气压传动具有布置不受严格的空间位置限制、工作环境适应性好等优点,在研究设计中本论文采用高压空气作为应急顶推装置的 工作介质。

  • The improvement of people 's living standard and increase of working pressure make people want to go out of the world of the armored concrete for the fresh air in the rural area and releasing the heavy life pressure .

    生活水平的提高和 工作压力的增加使得人们极欲走出钢筋混凝土的世界,去呼吸田园的清新 空气和释放沉重的生活 压力

  • According to the variety of the working environment including air pressure temperature model parameters ' change and so on the stability of idle-speed may be influenced .

    发动机 工作环境的变化,例如 气压、温度,以及由于摩损而造成的模型参数的变化,也会对怠速的稳定性产生影响。

  • When compressed air passes through the clearance between hydrostatic pad and coating rotor with high speed the pressure acts on the working surface of hydrostatic pad was much smaller than inlet air pressure and this assured that hydrostatic pad has the merit of small displacement .

    当密封流体高速通过静压靴间隙时,作用于 静压工作面上的 压力并不大,因此,保证了工作状态下静压靴的小变形优点。

  • A LCD was allocated to display working condition of dental unit including clock time chair state and air pressure .

    实现牙科椅 工作状况的可视化显示,包括时钟、椅位状态、 气压等。

  • This paper introduces tte working principle the pneumatic connection the hardware circuit and the system software design of the High Precision Mid-Pressure Intelligent Air Leakage Tester based on 8752 single chip microcomputer and the differential pressure transmitter produced by FOXBORO Co. of America .

    文中介绍了基于8752单片机和美国FOXBORO公司微 差压变送器研制的高精度中压型智能 测漏仪,论述了其 工作原理、气路结构、硬件电路设计及系充软件设计。

  • The working principle and applied example of the air hydraulic pressure cutter bucking-out system was presented in boring a tapered pinhole in the piston .

    本文介绍了镗削活塞锥形销孔的 液压刀具补偿系统的 工作原理,并介绍了气 液压刀具补偿系统的应用实例。

  • This paper presents the general idea structure working principle and prac - tical test results of an alarm annunciator for monitoring the air pressure of the automotive tyres .

    介绍了汽车轮胎 气压报警器设计指导思想、结构、 工作原理,以及实车试验结果。

  • It has wide working range infinitesimal air pressure and temperature susceptive system .

    宽广的 工作范围,极小的 气压、温度灵敏度。