workspace options

[计] 工作区选项

  • More important is the property properties on the workspace that gives you project / workspace status options in a drop-down menu .

    更为重要的是工作空间的property属性会在下拉菜单中为您提供 project/workspacestatus 选项

  • If you 've selected Check out as a project in the workspace you have to go through Eclipse 's New Project wizard to set up the compiler level project layout and other options .

    如果您选择的是Checkoutasaprojectinthe workspace,则必须完成Eclipse的NewProject向导,以设置编译器级别、项目布局和其他 选项

  • When conflicts exist in the workspace users can decide the proper course of action by choosing from options in the Conflict window .

    工作 空间中存在冲突时,用户可以通过选择Conflict窗口中的 选项选择适当的措施。

  • Previously users had to set the location of the workspace and decide on a number of options before a blank form opened .

    在以前,用户必须设置 工作 空间的位置,决定许多 选项,然后才会打开空的表单。