world coordinate

[wɜrld ko'ɔrdəˈnet][wɜː(r)ld kəuˈɔ:dineit]


  • Firstly the thesis uses the relative rotation between two cameras to calculate the unified camera rotation relative to the unified the world coordinate system .

    首先利用两两相机之间的相对旋转关系,求出每个相机针对统一 世界 坐标系的旋转关系。

  • World Coordinate Transition Program in Delphi Language

    大地 坐标转换程序的DELPHI语言实现

  • Summarizes all the four kinds of coordinate systems in the GDI ( Graphical Device Interface ) such as world coordinate logical coordinate device coordinate and physical coordinate .

    GDI坐标包括逻辑坐标、设备坐标、物理坐标和 世界 坐标等四种,其中设备 坐标有屏幕 坐标、窗口 坐标和用户 坐标等三种。

  • The camera calibration result and optimization algorithm are used to calculate the object 's world coordinate from image coordinate .

    结合摄像机标定结果和优化算法从二维图像坐标中计算目标物体的 世界 坐标

  • It aims to find out the rigid transformations of all range images captured from different viewpoints and then bring them into a common coordinate system i.e. the world coordinate system .

    深度像配准是三维数字成像的关键一环,其目的就是寻找不同视角深度像间的空间位置转换关系,从而将这些深度像统一到同一个 世界 坐标系内。

  • The light-plane parameters are successfully calibrated . Moreover the measurement references of both two cameras are unified into a common world coordinate system accurately . 4 .

    成功地完成了左右摄像机光平面参数的标定,并将左右摄像机的测量基准统一于共同的 世界 坐标系。

  • Before we reconstruct a3-dimensional ( 3D ) model of a scene from a set of2D images firstly we need to unify the world coordinate system ( WCS ) .

    在一系列二维图像中重建一个场景的三维模型之前,首先需要统一多摄像机的 坐标系。

  • Establishing mapping relationship between image coordinate system and the world coordinate system vehicle movement speed can be calculated .

    然后,建立图像坐标系和 世界 坐标系的映射关系,根据测速原理,计算车辆运动速度。

  • Using OpenGl to solve the transformation between screen coordinate and world coordinate

    利用OpenGL实现屏幕坐标与 世界 坐标的相互变换

  • The coordinate transformation matrix from the world coordinate system to the object coordinate system is derived by finding the converse matrix .

    利用矩阵求逆的方法,推导出 世界 坐标 到物坐标系的坐标变换矩阵。

  • By using matrix transform method the kinematic analysis for the mechanism is carried out and the mathematical model is established . So the transformation relationship between the camera coordinate system and the world coordinate system is confirmed .

    利用矩阵变换方法进行运动学分析,建立该机构的数学模型,确定摄像机坐标系和 世界 坐标系之间的变换关系,推导位置、速度、加速度正反解公式。

  • Establish the model of monocular measurement through the geometric relationship obtain the transformation relationship between image coordinate and world coordinate system and finally achieve the obstacles of distance measurement .

    通过几何关系推导法建立测距模型,获得图像坐标与 世界 坐标系之间的转换关系,最后实现障碍物距离的测算。

  • Under the assumption that all the camera intrinsic parameters have been known we focus on the calibration of camera extrinsic parameters including the relative rotation matrix R and translation vector between the camera coordinate system and the world coordinate system .

    在假定摄像机内参数已标定的情况下,标定摄像机外部参数包括摄像机坐标系相对于 世界 坐标系的旋转矩阵R和平移矢量T,即估计摄像机姿态。

  • Method of calibration applied for welding seam tracking is analyzed and studied in the paper . The conversion model is created among world coordinate camera coordinate image coordinate and pixel coordinate according to the principle of photic .

    对焊缝跟踪系统中标定算法模型进行了分析研究,根据光学成像几何原理方法,完成 世界 坐标、摄像机坐标、像坐标和像素坐标的转换模型。

  • It has been proved in the literature that the homography from the x-y plane of the world coordinate system to the image plane can give rise two linear constraints on the camera 's intrinsic parameters .

    空间 x-y 坐标平面与图像平面之间的单应矩阵可以提供关于摄像机内参数的2个线性约束。

  • Based on specific projection rules we find a relation between the in-camera coordinate and the real world coordinate .

    基于特定的投影规则,得到了图像坐标与物理 坐标间的一种特定的映射关系。

  • So the relationships between the line-structure-light plane and the two sensors will be established after merging the calibration data of each local world coordinate into a global world coordinate .

    它是通过将线结构光投影在一个带有 棋盘格图案的平面靶标 自由地移动几个位置,就可以建立起线结构光平面与摄像机图像平面的关系。

  • Because the calibration method directly optimizes the camera rotation angles relative to the world coordinate system it ensures the orthonormal constraints as well as the precise solutions .

    该标定方案直接优化摄像机相对于 世界 坐标系的旋转角度,因此能够在获得精确解的同时,保证旋转矩阵的正交约束条件。

  • The model of camera and the conversion from obstacle image coordinate into the world coordinate is completed which the information of obstacle is converted into camera coordinate . therefore the different coordinate are unified .

    建立了移动机器人的摄象机模型,从而完成了 世界 坐标 到摄象机坐标系的转换,使障碍物信息成功地转换到摄像机坐标系,完成了不同坐标系之间的统一。

  • A new method for merge of range data and texture based on calibrating two cameras in a world coordinate system is proposed .

    在将两个摄像机对同一 坐标 全局 坐标 )标定的基础上,提出了距离数据及纹理的融合方法。

  • Based on it a new method is presented to obtain the world coordinate of target point which provides much precondition for locating and tracing the object quickly .

    在此基础上提出了一种恢复目标物体在 世界 坐标 三维坐标的方法,为实现对目标物体位置的快速判断和跟踪提供了有力的前提。

  • The coordinate transformation matrix based on the direction cosine parameters from the object coordinate system to the world coordinate system is derived by vector algebra .

    利用矢量代数的方法,推导出以方向余弦为参量的物坐标系到 世界 坐标系的坐标变换矩阵;

  • With the white line position information the robot vision system is calibrated and robot position and posture in the world coordinate system are obtained . Finally the system setup and software development method are described .

    在提取白线位置后,对嵌入式机器人视觉系统进行了标定,得到机器人在 世界 坐标 的位置和姿态。论文最后介绍了嵌入式视觉机器人 实物构建过程中使用的软硬件环境及一些开发方法。

  • A unique world coordinate based global calibration method with coplanar targets was proposed .

    提出了一种基于共面点的 世界 坐标唯一全局标定方法。

  • The fundamental problem of the registration of the AR is the matrics transformation between the world coordinate camera coordinate image plane coordinate and pixel plane coordinate .

    增强现实系统中注册的根本问题是 世界 坐标 ,摄像机坐标系,图像平面坐标系,象素平面坐标系之间的坐标转换问题。

  • This article introduced a little bit of the theory of world coordinate systems along with a Java class to perform coordinate transformation .

    本文简单介绍了有关 世界 坐标系统的一些知识,并提供了执行坐标转换的Java类。

  • For pinhole model for each point target two equations can be found from the relationship between image coordinate system ( ICS ) and world coordinate system ( WCS ) .

    如果相机遵守针孔模型,那么每个对应点可以利用图像坐标系(ICS)和 世界 坐标系(WCS)之间的变换关系列出2个方程。

  • At last the relatively attitude can be measured by the transformation between vehicle body coordinate system and the world coordinate system of N light points . The algorithm can be confirmed by the result of simulation .

    最后利用N个光点在车体坐标系和 世界 坐标 下的坐标转换,解出月球车的相对姿态,并给出了仿真结果。

  • The relationship between image coordinate system and world coordinate system is confirmed by the calibrations of microassembly and visual systems .

    通过对微装配系统和视觉系统的标定,得到图像坐标系和 世界 坐标 的关系。