wound infection

[wund ɪnˈfɛkʃən][wu:nd inˈfekʃən]


  • Conclusions the key factors on operation success are to take mental care before operation obey asepsis operation rule strictly observe the change of skin wound prevent wound infection and diet nursing .

    结论术前做好心理护理,术中严格遵守无菌操作,术后密切观察创面变化,防止 创面 感染和做好饮食护理是手术成功的关键。

  • Of those 17 % had complications following surgery such as deep wound infection and blood clot in the lungs ( pulmonary embolism ); 38 % had pain lasting more than four weeks after surgery .

    接受手术的患者中有17%发生了手术并发症,如深部 创口 感染和肺栓塞,38%术后四周仍有疼痛。

  • Results after application of EMU oil the swelling and effusion of the burn wound were alleviated and evidences of wound infection or adverse effects were not observed .

    结果外用鸸鹋油可使创面肿胀、渗出减轻, 创面 感染迹象,未见任何副作用;

  • The perioperative complication rate was38.9 % and the main complications were wound infection and pulmonary infection .

    术后并发症发生率38.9%,主要并发症为 切口 感染及肺部感染;

  • Factors such as a transient bacteremia from any of several sources may lead to wound infection .

    来自几种来源中任何一种的暂时的菌血症的因素可导致 伤口 感染

  • Deep Sternal Wound Infection after Cardiac Surgery

    心脏外科术后深部胸骨 伤口 感染 危险 因素 分析

  • Observation on effect of burn No.3 for postoperative wound infection patients after abdominal surgery to change dressings

    烧伤三号用于腹部手术后 伤口 感染换药的效果观察

  • Surgical wound infection ; Risk factors ; Objective monitoring method .

    外科 伤口 感染;危险因素;目标性监测。

  • Indoor temperature to a constant especially in the clean and tidy up avoid the wound infection and cause death .

    室内温度要恒定,特别是舍内要干净整洁,避免因 刀口 感染而造成死亡。

  • Management of deep wound infection after cervical posterior single open-door laminoplasty

    颈后路单开门椎板成形术后 伤口深部 感染的处理

  • Postoperative morbidity involved superficial wound infection in9 patients ( 15 % ) .

    术后浅表 伤口 感染发生率9例(15%)。

  • The wound infection was controlled with growth of granulation with good blood circulation .

    维持40kPa负压, 创面 感染控制且生长出具有粘附性、血循环良好的肉芽组织。

  • The localized wound infection has since healed .

    切口 感染随之治愈。

  • The neurosurgical wound infection rate was3.8 % : superficial wound infection in two cases and deep infection and brain abscess in one case ( recurrent brain tumor following radiation therapy ) .

    颅脑手术 感染率为3.8%:2例切口感染,1例放疗后复发的脑肿瘤患者发生深部感染和脑脓肿。

  • Burn Wound Infection : Causes and Countermeasures

    烧伤患者 创面 感染原因分析及预防对策

  • Two patients with post-operative wound infection healed after debridement and wound dressing .

    两个病人术后 引起 伤口 感染,在清创和换药之后,也都顺利痊愈。

  • Four patients had to be hospitalized for1-2 weeks due to superficial wound infection ; they recovered with injected antibiotics .

    因为浅表 伤口 感染四名病人必须住院1-2周;但在注射抗生素之后恢复。

  • Assessing patients'risk for wound infection and other surgical-site occurrences therefore is an outstanding need .

    因此,评价病人 切口和手术部位 感染风险至关重要。

  • Research of the Influence of Preoperative Skin Preparation Methods on Wound Infection

    皮肤准备方法对术后 切口 感染影响的比较研究

  • Research on relationship between perineum wound infection and the light-catalyzing air disinfection in delivery room

    产房空气光催化消毒后不同时间与会阴 伤口 感染关系的研究

  • To study the effect of wet packing with gentamicin to heal the wound infection of the community elderly .

    研究社区老人 切口 感染庆大霉素湿敷疗效对比观察。

  • Two patients experienced slippage of the band two patients deeloped hiatal hernias and one patient had a wound infection .

    两个病人经历了带滑脱,两个病人出现食道裂孔疝,一个病人患 伤口 感染

  • Early complications after BPD included one pulmonary infection ( 4.5 % ) and one wound infection ( 4.5 % ); late complications included three incisional hernias ( 13.6 % ) and two peptic ulcers ( 9.1 % ) .

    BPD后的早期并发症包括1例肺部感染(4.5%)和一例 伤口 感染(4.5%);晚期并发症包括三例切口疝(13.6%)和两例消化性溃疡(9.1%)。

  • Etiological Characteristics and Risk Factors of Burn Wound Infection

    烧伤患者 创面 感染的病原学特征与危险因素调查分析

  • Application of Vacuum Sealing Drainage in the Treatment of Wound Infection of Earthquake Casualty After Amputation

    负压封闭引流在地震伤员截肢术后 感染 创面治疗中的应用

  • Risk Factors for Wound Infection after Colon Cancer Surgery

    结肠癌患者术后 切口 感染的危险因素

  • Many studies have proven the efficacy of using preventive antibiotics to control surgical wound infection .

    研究证明;正确使用手术前预防性抗生素,对于降低手术 部位 感染具有正面的效果。

  • Extra weight in obese patients was linked to wound infection renal failure and other complications following the operation according to a study published in the Medical Journal of Australia .

    根据发表在«澳大利亚医学杂志»上的这项研究所说,肥胖病人额外的体重与手术后的 刀口 感染,肾脏衰竭和其它并发症有关。

  • The major cause of alteration of intestinal flora after prosthetic replacement of joint is the use of broad-spectrum antibiotic to prevent wound infection .

    人工关节置换术后肠道菌群失调更为常见也是最主要的原因是使用广谱抗生素预防 伤口 感染