work origin

[wɚk ˈɔrədʒɪn][wə:k ˈɔridʒin]

[计] 工作原点

  • Change in the work and construction scheme optimum is origin that causes many problems .

    其中, 工程变更和施工方案是很多问题产生的 根源

  • His main work has been on black holes and the origin and expansion of the universe .

    他的主要 工作一直是在研究黑洞和宇宙的 起源与扩张。

  • Analyzing the creation of corruption and anti-corruption work from system tier we will find the origin of corruption is defect in systematic arrangement only drive institutional innovation and build system platform can we stop corruption effectively .

    通过对腐败现象的产生和反腐败 工作进行制度层面的分析,可以看出,产生腐败的 根源在于制度安排存在着缺陷,只有积极推动制度创新,构筑反腐败的制度平台,才能有效地遏制腐败。

  • Our work provides one explanation for the origin of these self-reactive B cells .

    我们的 工作只是为自身激活的B细胞 来源提供一个解释。

  • Mo Zi is a worldwide famous master of science and technology in ancient China his ideology representative work is Mo Zi in which the science and technology thoughts is the most outstanding work among the origin thoughts of ancient science and technology in China .

    墨子是我国古代科技大家,其代表作《墨子》中所蕴含的科技思想是我国古代科技思想 渊源中最优秀的代表。

  • The author of this paper discusses the concepts of work and instrument in The Origin of the Work of Art by Heidegger and reveals one dimension of the development of his philosophy .

    本文通过阐释海德格尔在《艺术作品的 本源》中有关 作品和器具概念的论述,表明其哲学发展的一个维度。

  • East Asia region is one of key node of modern human evolution and migration . Research on genetic structure and relationship among them is a rather important and necessary work to explain the origin of modern human .

    东亚地区是人类进化和迁徙过程中的一个重要节点,研究东亚人群遗传结构和相互遗传关系,对阐明这一地区的民族 渊源乃至现代人类的 起源都有重要的意义。

  • In current work the origin of Narrative therapy is introduced and the basic principles and the techniques of this model are briefly reviewed .

    该文介绍了叙事心理治疗的 起源及此模式的基本原理与技术.并对其作了简要评价。

  • This paper makes a summary on the research achievement of emotional work 's origin definition internal structure dimension and influence mechanism and it also presents the authors views on it .

    主要对情绪 工作这一概念的理论 起源和定义、内在结构维度和影响机制等问题的研究成果做一概述,并略表拙见。

  • Why does Nietzsche call this work a genealogy ? We have met with a similar study of origin and descent-Rousseau 's account of the origin of inequality .

    为什么尼采称呼这为 系谱学」?我们已读过有关 出身和血统的类似研究(鲁索的不平等的起源)。

  • The present work studies the origin of serotonin-immunoreactive fibers and terminals ( 5-HT-ir fibers ) in the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis ( BST ) of the rat with combined retrograde tracing and 5-HT immunoperoxidase methods .

    本文 WGA-HRP逆行束路追踪结合免疫酶组织化学双标记法,对大鼠终纹床核5-羟色胺(5-HT)免疫阳性神经纤维和终支(5-HT纤维)的 起源进行了研究。

  • Developed country speciality economy cooperate organize transferred work force and spread earnings origin were all the effective methods .

    大力发展农村专业经济合作组织,进一步 推动农村劳动力转移,拓展 农民 增收空间。

  • But journals should be careful not to publish work that is sub-standard simply because of its origin says Patel .

    但是 Patel说,杂志应该注意不应该仅仅因为原创性就发表不达标的 研究

  • The digital work Looking for the Origin of Peach Blossom was displayed in Shanghai Biennale and also published later .

    数码交互 作品“寻 桃花源记”参加上海国际双年展并出版配套书籍;

  • This system measures platinum resistance at one hundred degrees and zero degree and then gets platinum resistance ratio of 100 degrees Dispelling the error so as to improve die efficiency of resistance distinguishing work from the origin of producing the error of thermal resistance of platinum .

    该系统通过测量铂电阻在零度和一百度的电阻值来得到铂百度电阻比,从铂热电阻产生误差的 根源 入手来消除误差以此来提高鉴别电阻级别 工作的效率。

  • The analysis starts with the analysis of the content of the dreams tries to work out the reason or the origin of the dream from the interpersonal relationship .

    晏子据礼释梦以梦境内容的分析为起点,力图从人与人的关系中找到梦境 产生的原因。

  • The conclusion affirms the former analyses of The Golden Notebook and states that it is a post-modernized work and one of the most origin & style works .

    结论部分对前面的论述加以总结,并通过前面两章的分析肯定了《金色笔记》是一 充满了后现代气息的 作品,也是战后最具 独创风格的作品之一。

  • The main work is as follows . Firstly the paper describes the origin the biological model and the basic idea of artificial bee colony algorithm and a detailed analysis of the basic steps the time complexity and the characteristics of the algorithm .

    主要 工作如下:首先,本文详细介绍了人工蜂群算法的 来由、生物模型和基本思想,并详细分析了算法的基本步骤、时间复杂度和特点。

  • With the culture combination for the target we can create the nev situation of the mood of a literary work by the method of returning to the origin for creating the new .

    以文化 化合为目标,以返本 新的方式开启意境论的新局面。

  • These would be helpful for research work oi classification origin and evolution and genetics and breeding project .

    对大麦分类和 起源演化、遗传与育种 工程等具有重要意义。

  • He will probably be best remembered for his work on the origin of Homo sapiens .

    他或许会因他在人类 起源方面的 工作而被人铭记。

  • Because Chinese social security and social welfare system is not perfect for many people out of work means the loss of life origin and crisis of survival .

    由于我国的社会保障和社会福利制度还不健全,对许多老百姓来说,失去 工作就意味着失去生活 来源,面临生存危机。

  • OIE working range involve in animal products safety OIE has been developed serie work including preventing and controling food safety issues causing animal origin risk .

    OIE工作范围涉及动物产品安全,开展了系列 工作包括预防和控制由动物 风险所引发的食品安全问题。

  • This article as to the union in practical work some procedures and the experience discusses the ships overload the origin and the countermeasure .

    本文拟就结合在实际 工作中的一些做法及体会,探讨船舶超载的 成因及对策。

  • In addition there are also some other significant factors such as the work industry of migrant workers the distance from the origin to city the housing type the urban environment and the urban consumption level .

    此外,农民工的 就业行业、 来源地到城市的距离、住房类型、城市环境、城市消费水平等对重庆城市吸纳农村劳动力也有显著影响。

  • Promote the work of origin mark registration and support the export of famous products .

    推动 原产地标记注册 工作,扶持名牌产品出口。

  • Establish of Work pieces origin of Coordinates by Cutter Compensation

    利用刀补功能建立 工件坐标 原点

  • Business Data Enterprises Division of Work and Origin of Enterprise

    劳动 分工与企业 起源

  • In current work the background of the origin of solution-focused brief counseling is introduced and the basic principles and the techniques of this model are briefly reviewed .

    焦点 解决短期心理咨询是近年来 形成并在世界范围内迅速崛起的一个短期咨询学派。

  • Yan'an spirit is the cradle of work for nationalities and the origin of theories of nationalities and policies for nationalities .

    延安精神是“中国民族 工作的摇篮,是中国民族理论、民族政策的 发源地”。