working expense

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ɪkˈspɛns][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ iksˈpens]


  • In a letter sent to the top 25 US companies by market capitalisation the investors express concern that hiring the same consultants to advise on compensation as well as working on other management issues could help inflate executive pay at the expense of shareholders .

    在这封寄给市值排名前25位的美国公司的信中,投资者表示,如果提供薪酬建议的咨询顾问也 负责就其它管理问题提供建议,可能会助长高管薪酬,而让股东 利益 受损

  • The distinct shortcomings of CHF experiment using water as the working fluid are the very stringent requirements to the experiment system and the great expense to run the system due to the high latent heat high pressure and temperature of water .

    以水作为 质进行CHF的实验研究,突出的缺点是由于水的高潜热和高的压力和温度,对实验系统提出了非常苛刻的要求,且实验 花费巨大。

  • The second arrangement outlines how to perfect classify cargo and operation activity-based cost measuring method . According to cost driver the department ABC can logically apport indirect working expense .

    第二层次结合部门 作业 成本法建立了分货种分操作过程作业成本核算模式。

  • If Pump exist excessive axial power in working it will make for safe accident and influence work and result in enormous economic expense .

    在泵的 运行中如果存在过大的轴向力,将会使得泵在 工作时存在事故隐患,引发安全事故,影响生产,导致巨大的经济 损失

  • On the integration of EVA into operation management the paper introduces the integration from three aspects : EVA and the working capital investment management working capital financing management and cost & expense management and focuses on the integration of EVA into Activities Based Cost .

    在EVA与营运管理的融合上,论文分别从EVA与营运资本投资管理、 营运资本筹资管理和成本 费用管理三方面论述了融合过程,重点介绍了作业成本法与EVA的融合。

  • Economic evaluation on the equipment cost working expense and profit was concluded .

    最后对本工艺的设备投资、 运行 费用以及收益等进行经济核算。

  • We can save energy reduce working expense and increase economic benefit if only we operate correctly and carry out the measures at any time .

    只要时时正确地操作和贯彻好这些措施,就能达到节能、降低 运行 费用,提高经济效益的目的。

  • Simulation results show that when IEEE 802.16e OFDM system working at unlicensed bands the proposed scheme can improve BER performance and system capacity but the improvement of BER performance is achieved at the expense of sytem capacity .

    仿真结果显示,当IEEE802.16eOFDM系统 工作在非许可频段时,引入该优化方案后,BER性能和系统容量较引入前均有所改善,但BER性能的改善也以 牺牲一定的系统容量为代价。