working storage

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈstɔrɪdʒ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈstɔ:ridʒ]


  • Kitchen working areas and storage for dishes books and media are organized linearly along the exterior walls and are concealed behind full-height doors .

    厨房 工作区和 储存的菜,书籍和新闻媒体举办的线性沿外墙和隐藏全高门。

  • These findings imply potential common substrates underlying the working memory storage and the attention switching .

    这说明需要更新的 工作记忆的子项的 存储和注意转移之间可能有着某种共同的背后机制。

  • Has been tested the RAID management system could meet the functional requirements and has feathers of scalability low difficulty and cost of maintenance . Working in the storage devices the system is stable and reliable and it successfully enhances performance and security of equipment .

    测试证明,RAID管理系统满足功能需求,可扩展性高,维护难度和成本低,在整个 存储设备中可以稳定可靠的 工作,使设备的性能和安全性提高。

  • Working storage pages are pages that contain

    工作 存储分页是一些包含

  • In his current role he is leading a team working on the storage aspects of the IBM Workload Deployer .

    目前,他正带领团队进行IBMWorkloadDeployer 存储方面的 工作

  • The influence of SD on object and spatial working memory mainly are deactivating of brain areas related to working memory storage and process .

    对于空间和客体工作记忆则主要表现为与 工作记忆 存储及加工相关区域功能活动下降。

  • You want it to favor working storage .

    通常,您希望偏重于 工作 存储

  • This means the LRUDs split memory into a list of persistent pages and a list of working storage pages .

    这意味着LRUD把内存划分为一个持久页面列表和一个 工作 存储页面列表。

  • Thus the system releases the working storage pages for the data of a process and stack when the process exits .

    因此,当进程退出时,系统将释放进程数据和堆栈的 工作 存储分页。

  • The working storage pages for shared memory regions are not released until the shared memory region is deleted .

    对于共享内存区域,直到删除共享内存区域之后,才会释放其 工作 存储分页。

  • Create a working area ( working storage )

    创建工作区域( 工作 存储

  • The main features of the router are the target orientation of the search lines the rational data structures the small amount of working storage and the reasonably short routing time .

    方法的特点是线探索针对目标,数据结构合理,所需 存储量小, 布线速度快。

  • Because there is only one working solution storage tank used in the energy transformation and storage system the mass of solution in the tank changes continuously during energy charging or discharging process which makes the operation parameters of the system change .

    由于在蓄能系统中仅用一 溶液 储罐,在储罐充、释能过程中溶液的质量不断发生变化而使系统运行的工作参数发生变化。

  • So in the above example there are 188426 working storage pages mapped into memory .

    因此,在上面的示例中,一共有188426个 工作 存储分页映射到内存中。

  • Genetics may offer the best option for archiving vast amounts of man-made data according to scientists who have demonstrated a working DNA storage and retrieval system .

    科学家们展示了一套 运行 成功的dna 存储和检索系统,并称,遗传学可能提供了储存大量人造数据的最佳选择。

  • Calling a working storage variable containing a program name does not make a DYNAMIC call .

    调用一个 工作 单元 的变量,包括一个程序名,并不是动态调用。

  • When main power is failure the storage battery will be switched on to keep the system working . The storage battery is a very important part for communication power system so its very necessary to enhance daily inspection and maintenance test to ensure information reliable transmission .

    蓄电池组为通信设备提供主要的电源保障,因此蓄电池在通信电源系统中非常重要,所以要加强对 蓄电池组的日常巡检和维护测试 工作以确保信息的可靠传送。

  • Data ( in other words data that is not preserved across a reboot ) . On other platforms working storage memory is sometimes referred to as

    数据(换句话说,即重新启动后将不复存在的数据)的分页。在其他的平台中, 工作 存储内存有时也称为

  • This research is the first to show that positive mood can negatively impact working memory storage capacity .

    钙揭捉究初度声名,积极情感有损于 工作记忆 容量

  • TE01W01 is our working storage record a temporary data area defined for a program .

    TE01W01是我们的 工作 存储记录,它是一个为程序定义的临时数据区域。

  • Working storage pages are never written to a file system .

    不会将 工作 存储分页写入到文件系统。

  • All working storage pages are computational .

    所有的 工作 存储分页都是计算性的。

  • The doctoral student added that future research should analyse the impact of mood on working memory storage capacity in real life situations such as in a classroom setting .

    该博士生还称日后的研究应该分析现实生活(如在课堂环境)中心情对 工作记忆 存储能力影响。

  • Tuning vmo settings allows you to favor either working or persistent storage .

    通过优化vmo设置,可以偏重于 工作 存储或者持久 存储

  • Place the high-activity data elements at the beginning of each group of the WORKING STORAGE SECTION variables ( COBOL ) .

    将频繁调用的数据元素放在每组 工作 存储区变量的开头(COBOL)。

  • It only supports doing this on working storage memory not persistent storage .

    仅支持在 工作 存储内存中(不支持在持久的存储中)进行这项工作。

  • When modified working storage pages need to be paged out ( moved from memory to the disk ) they are written to paging space .

    当需要将经过修改的 工作 存储分页替换出(从内存移动到磁盘)时,它们将被写入到分页空间。

  • A working storage page is never marked as non-computational .

    不会将 工作 存储分页标记为非计算性的。

  • When a process exits the system releases all of its private working storage pages .

    当进程退出时,系统将释放其所有的私有 工作 存储分页。