work program

[wɚk ˈproˌɡræm][wə:k ˈprəuɡræm]

[经] 工作计划, 分配方案厂

  • We envision a continuing joint work program including new commitments in areas of common interest or to enable us to quickly respond to developments in global trade or technology .

    我们设想一个持续的联合 工作 计划,包括在共同感兴趣的领域,以使我们能够迅速做出反应,在全球贸易或技术的发展的新的承诺。

  • Discussion on Surveying Method and Work Program of Mine Field Border Dispute Arbitration

    矿区边界纠纷仲裁测量方法和 工作 程序探讨

  • Diao Lan 19 a freshman tourism major at Liuzhou Rongshui Polytechnic says he ` s pleased with his school ` s summer work program .

    柳州融水职业技术学校旅游专业大一新生刁蓝(音译),19岁,对学校的暑期 实习 项目感到很满意。

  • The Setting up of Dperating flow chart personnel training work program and relevant system are mainly introduced .

    其中着重谈到了工作流程、人员培训、 工作 计划及相关制度的建立。

  • This paper discussing the necessary condition of supervision work program characteristic is to guarantee rationalization standardization of supervision work discussing the relationship of program characteristic of supervision and the program with the major the relationship of the competence with the program and so on .

    笔者论述了监理 工作 程序性是保证监理工作合理化、规范化的必要条件;监理的程序性和程序本身与专业的关系,权限与程序的关系。

  • Jiucheng selected above are the new new work program and is the city 's group stage the excellent text of opera masterpiece .

    九成以上的入选 节目都是新人 新作,且是我市群文戏曲舞台上的精品佳作。

  • If you have arthritis then it is very important that you get on a work out program .

    如果你有关节炎然后非常重要的是你的 工作 计划

  • It 's more like a work release program .

    这更象是一种释放你自己的 活儿

  • We welcome the Funds strengthened engagement with small states and look forward to the implementation of the work program in their support .

    我们对基金组织加强对小国的工作表示欢迎,并期待着基金组织实施支持这些国家的 工作 计划

  • The Multi-dimensional Analysis of the Education Mode of the Social Work Program

    社会 工作 专业人才培养模式的多维分析

  • It is my responsibility to create my work program .

    是我的责任创造我的 工作 程序

  • Prospecting is already in progress . minimum exploration work program

    勘探工作已经在进行。最低限度勘探 工作量

  • In planning the SCO development in the future it is a must for China to take a sober-minded approach on the special features of the SCO and to ascertain the necessity of following certain basic principles in conducting the work program .

    中国在规划这个组织未来的发展时,有必要清醒地认识到这个组织的特点,有必要明确开展 工作需要遵循的一些基本原则。

  • Case Study on Work Program of Complexity of Software Project Management

    软件项目管理的复杂性 工作 程序案例研究

  • Bidding work program and bidding material must be strickly carried on .

    要严格遵守招标投标 工作 程序,认真制定招标文件。

  • In the actual work we can use this work program to pursue our work and reach good exploration effect .

    在实际工作中,可运用这种 工作 程序更有效地开展实际工作并达到良好的勘探效果。

  • To establish regional health supervisor research centers training practice center which closely with the universities relevant educational institutions and continuously improve the work program incentives of employee re-education training research etc.2 .

    建议1、拟建立与大学院校、相关培训机构紧密联系的区域卫生监督员科研中心和培训实践中心,制定更完善的职工继续教育、培训和科研等 工作 方案及激励制度。

  • Engineering geological survey and exploration minimum exploration work program

    工程地质测绘和勘探最低限度勘探 工作量

  • Work program on strengthening enforcement of the laws on intellectual property rights and launching a special law enforcement campaign ;

    关于加强知识产权行政执法开展专项执法行动的 工作 方案

  • However the new work program has not yet been fully established the reception procedures under the old planned economic system the operating mode has not fully converted over especially the formation in the past few decades the mindset has a strong inertia .

    然而,新的 工作 程序还没有完全建立,旧的计划经济体制下形成的接待规程、运行方式还没有完全转换过来,尤其是过去几十年形成的思维定势有着强大的惯性。

  • This article discusses the action of the system of quality assurance in the institute for drug control presents the basic structure of it and the duty of every organization level and introduces the work program in the system .

    本文论述了药品检验所质量保证体系的作用,提出了质量保证体系的基本构成及各层次的主要职责任务,并对其 工作 程序进行了探讨。

  • Massive PDM system doesn t fit medium and mini enterprises and the corporations have to develop appropriate product work program management system to improve their work efficiency .

    中小型企业不适合投入大规模的PDM系统,为了提高其产品作业效率,就需要设计开发适合其具体情况的产品 作业 计划管理系统。

  • The work program has been worked out but how to carry out is up for discussion .

    工作 计划已经制定出来,但如何实施还有待讨论一。

  • Prepare engagement work program .

    编制审计业务 工作 方案

  • It outlined the two main difficulties of devising an acceptable work program that would carry the process forward and agreeing on the substantive issues for discussion .

    该代表团概述了两个主要困难,即制定一项可接受的 工作 计划推动该进程,以及就讨论的实质问题达成一致。

  • Business Process Reengineering work of university library has been discussed in this text and this paper has inquired into the principle that Business Process Reengineering work program as well as how to build effective business process management model .

    本文论述了高校图书馆的流程再造工作,探讨了流程再造的原则、 工作 程序以及如何建立有效的流程管理模式。

  • Gdb stack commands work during program execution as well as on core files so for complicated programs you can trace how the program arrives at functions while it 's running .

    gdb堆栈命令 可以程序执行期间 使用,也可以在core文件中使用,因此对于复杂的程序,可以在程序运行时跟踪它是如何转到函数的。