


  • The idea is good but is not workable .

    这个点子倒是不错,只是 行不通

  • Such a scheme is workable .

    这样的方案是 的.

  • Your idea is good but is not workable .

    你的心劲 ,但就是 行不通

  • This doesn 't seem to me to be a workable system .

    我看这不像是一种 可行的制度。

  • China does have an inflation problem and it needs to find workable policy tools to control it .

    中国确实存在通胀问题,需要找出 可行的政策工具对其加以控制。

  • In theory Your plan is workable in theory but I think it is impractical .

    你的计划从理论上讲是 可行的,但是我觉得它不切实际。

  • Assuming that the scheme is workable how will you begin to implement it ?

    假设这个计划是 可行的,你将怎样开始实现它呢?

  • The test results showed that this Design Solution is correct and workable .

    验证结果表明,本论文提出的设计方案正确 可行

  • It was a workable arrangement .

    这是一个 可行的安排。

  • Although the scheme seemed workable on paper it failed in practice .

    虽然这个计划在理论上是 可行的,但在实践中却失败了。

  • In some circumstances when some customization of the deployment descriptors is needed this method may not be workable .

    在需要对部署描述符进行某些自定义的情况下,此方法可能 行不通

  • Now we have to work out a mathematically workable definition of hard work to complete the model .

    现在,我们要列出一个 可行的关于努力工作的数学定义完成这个公式。

  • We will examine the test and see how workable it is .

    我们将检查这个试验,看看其 可行程度如何。

  • The imperial policies are not workable as before .

    帝国政策不像以前那么 奏效了。

  • Can he present a workable plan ?

    他能提出一个 切实 可行的计划吗?

  • The kitchen might have been workable had Nicola kept it tidy ; instead it was littered with pots and pans

    如果妮古拉会收拾,厨房本来是 用的;但现在,这里到处乱放着锅碗瓢盆。

  • We eventually achieved a workable compromise .

    我们最后达成了一个 可行的妥协协议。

  • His suggestion is workable .

    他提出的办法是 的。

  • We sincerely hope it will be also workable to you .

    我方真诚的期望这对贵方也是 可行的。

  • The result showed that the idea of system is workable and still need to be continuously improved .

    结果显示此系统 的确 可行的但是仍有些 工作需要持续进行,使该系统更加完善。

  • Let 's go through the numbers together and see if a workable deal is possible

    我们一起把这些数目过一遍,看 不能 找出可行方案。

  • I wonder if the new method is workable here .

    我怀疑这个新办法是否 可行

  • I find it hard to believe that the only workable solution was to close it .

    我很难相信唯一 可行的办法居然是关闭它。

  • In recent years workable techniques have been developed .

    近年来,发展了一些 行之有效的方法。

  • His suggestion is not workable .

    他提出的办法是 行不通的。

  • The latter in turn requires the development of credible and workable technologies for a low-carbon future .

    后者又进一步需要可以支持低碳未来的可信、 可行技术的发展。

  • That 's a workable idea .

    那是个 可行的想法。

  • For all the frustrations and failures the political system is workable .

    尽管经历了种种挫折与失败,但印度当前的政治制度是 可行的。

  • Not long ago he put forward a workable plan .

    ⑷不久前他提出了一个 切实 可行的计划。

  • Investors can simply pay cash but this isn 't a workable solution in most cases .

    投资者可以直接付现金,但这个办法在大多数情况下都不 可行