working height

[ˈwə:kɪŋ haɪt][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ hait]


  • Probe into the Method for Determination of Working Resistance of Support on Large Mining Height Fully-mechanized Face

    大采 综放支架 工作阻力确定方法探讨

  • Raise vehicle to working height .

    将车辆升高到 工作 高度

  • After the shape of the network is optimized by taking local conditions into consideration working efficiency is promoted by selecting appropriate sites with the same height .

    结合实地情况进行网形优化后,选取合适的平 高点,提高了 作业效率。

  • Simply being able to see your colleagues makes the working day much more manageable with the height of partitions dividing up office space affecting stress levels .

    办公室里用以分隔空间的隔板 高度会影响压力的大小,所以在 工作时只要让自己能看见周围的同事,你这一天就会舒心得多。

  • Working characteristics and design requirement of electric equipment for high height above sea level

    海拔电气设备 工作特点及设计要求

  • Result : The depth of cervical vertebra bow was related closely to the head lowering time each day the working and living conditions the height of sleeping-pillow .

    结果:青年颈椎弓深与每天低头时间、每次低头持续时间、 工作生活环境、睡眠枕头 高度等存在密切相关性。

  • The Contractor shall issue height permit for working at height .

    承包商应对 高空 作业颁发高度许可证。

  • Aerial work platform is a kind of engineering machinery equipment which used to transport workers and working equipment to the specified height for working server in various industries aerial working such as equipment installation maintenance .

    高空作业平台是用来运送工作人员和 工作装备到指定 高度进行作业的一种大型工程机械设备,是服务于各行业高空作业、设备安装、检修等可移动性高空作业的工程装备。

  • Reach working height of up to16m and the load of up to250kg .

    该系列高空作业平台 工作 高度最大可达16米,额定载荷可达250公斤。

  • Ensure credible working platforms when working at height .

    高处 作业有可靠的操作平台。

  • The main parameters of the hydraulic support such as working resistance setting load and support height are analyzed and its main structures are design .

    本文对该类支架的 工作阻力、初撑力、支护 高度等主要参数进行了分析计算,并对其主要结构进行了设计。

  • If the working height of the vehicle has to be changed due to further work the transmission support must be re-fitted using the old bolts .

    如果后面的操作要求更改车辆的 工作 高度,必须使用旧螺栓重新安装变速器支架。

  • The dirt mound both insulated the oven and placed it at a proper working height .

    但在土冢都绝缘烤箱和放置在一个适当的 工作 高度了。

  • Use the physical simulation experiment of working face pressure step rock fracture development height stope wall rock stress distribution and the overlying strata movement rule of quantitative analysis .

    利用物理相似模拟试验,对 工作面来压步距、覆岩裂隙发育 高度、采场围岩应力分布及覆岩移动规律进行了量化分析。

  • Investigation on Occupational Contraindication among 220 Workers Working at Height

    220名 高处 作业人员职业禁忌证调查

  • The detector will transform rays of different energies to corresponding electrical pulses which are magnified when it is working . The magnifying pulse is sent into pulse height analyzer to be separated and recorded by the record & display circuit .

    工作时,探测器将不同能量的射线变成相应幅度的电脉冲,脉冲经过调理和放大后被送至脉冲 幅度分析器加以提取,然后记录和显示。

  • Along with the increase of load bearing and working height higher request is put forward by people on the telescopic boom strength and stability and various aspects performance .

    随着承载量及 作业 高度的不断增大,对伸缩臂的强度、稳定性等各方面性能提出了更高的要求。

  • Ergonomic working height for the operator .

    人体 工学 操作 高度

  • This lock can satisfy the working demand of shearers and improve the working function and reliability of the height adjusting system .

    这种液压锁能满足采煤机的工作要求,改善调 系统的 工作性能和可靠性。

  • The working resistance of support of great mining height can be determined by the rock gravity .

    大采 支架 工作阻力可用岩石自重法确定。

  • The construction and working principle of air spring and height valve for vibration reduction table of the model BG-102 stepper is summarized in this paper And also introducing the correlative design of technical parameter .

    概述了BG-102型分步投影光刻机减振台的空气弹簧和 高度阀的结构和 工作原理,同时介绍了有关技术参数设计。

  • Discussed the analytical spectral line dissolving methods and solution acidity chose the best working conditions of instrument including RF power observation height atomized gas velocity and other factors .

    对分析谱线、溶样方法和试液酸度进行了讨论和选择,对 仪器的分析条件进行优化,主要包括仪器的射频功率、观测 高度、雾化气流速等因素。

  • Mr. Ben-Ner noted that treadmill users need some time to adjust to the ergonomics of walking while working including the proper monitor and keyboard height .

    本-内尔提到,跑步机使用者需要经过一定的时间才能适应边走边 工作的人体工程学,比如显示器和键盘的合适 高度

  • The saw tooth combing roller with large working angle and tooth pitch short tooth height fine tooth shape good surface treatment and wearability is of benefit to improving the spinning performance and yarn properties .

    纺制纯落麻转杯纱时,大 工作角、大齿距、小齿 、细小齿形、光结度及耐磨性好的锯齿辊有利于改善纺纱性能和成纱质量;

  • The working principle and practical application of total-station meter in triangle height survey ( without measuring height of meter and its prism ) are introduced .

    简述了全站仪不测量仪器高和棱镜高在三角 高程测量中的 工作原理以及实际应用状况。

  • In this article are introduced the structure property and its adjustment of YJ20-142 cradle the attentions in the cradle installation as well as the cradle working height adjustment .

    介绍了YJ20-142型摇架的结构特点、安装注意事项和 工作 高度的调整过程。

  • Its series main parameters include lifting capacity operation class working speed lift height span etc.

    它的系列主参数包括起重量、工作级别、 工作速度、起升 高度与跨度等等。

  • During the war of liberation the ideological and political working height to take seriously and the great achievements of this consistency fully proved that the ideological and political work is to obtain the revolution and construction cause the basic guarantee of victory .

    解放战争时期,对思想政治 工作 高度重视及其所取得的光辉业绩的这种一致性,充分证明了做好思想政治工作是取得革命与建设事业胜利的根本保障。