


  • Function of Courseware ; Teaching Resources Conservation by Work-Study Combination and Student Assistants

    对教学辅助课件辅助教学作用的分析以 工学 交替和学生助教节约教学资源

  • One Junior student begins her work-study in Summer vacation she is putting the bag from the grape .

    一个初中生 利用暑假 勤工俭学,正在撕去葡萄上套的袋子。

  • Studies on Enterprises ' Full Involvement in Work-study Combination Cultivation Process

    企业全程介入 工学结合人才培养模式研究与实践

  • Why don 't I see internships or work-study experiences on your resume ?

    为什么我看到的实习或 助学经验对你的简历吗?

  • The development of work-study will provide a platform for poor undergraduates ideological and political education in universities .

    助学 活动的发展,将为高校进行贫困生思想政治教育提供一个新平台。

  • Many students arrange internships or work-study placements during the second trimester .


  • On Work-study Combination Personnel Training Mode Operating System of Manufacturing Major

    制造类专业 工学结合人才培养模式运行体制研究

  • On Internship Management System for Hotel Service Majors in Work-study Alternation Program

    高职 工学交替模式下酒店专业实习管理系统设计

  • They arrived at their conclusion by studying a well-off university that began meeting students ' financial needs through a combination of work-study money and grants and dispensing with loans altogether .

    他们的结论来自对一所资金雄厚的大学的研究。通过半 的报酬和补助金,以及全面免用贷款,这所富裕大学开始满足学生的经济需求。

  • Educational services provided by schools and other educational institutions ; and services provided by students participating in work-study programs .

    学校和其他教育机构提供的教育劳务,学生 勤工俭学提供的劳务;

  • Exploration and Practice of the Running Mode of Work-study Combination in Surveying Engineering Technology

    测绘工程技术 专业 工学结合运行模式的探索与实践

  • Look at work-study program as well .

    也可以 利用 工作 + 学习的方法。

  • Research On the Protection System of School-Enterprise Cooperation and Work-Study Combined of Higher Vocational Education

    高职教育校企合作、 工学结合保障机制研究

  • Pondering about the Work-study Education in our Country in the Background of Inclusive Education

    全纳教育背景下对我国 工读教育的思考

  • The mode of work-study combination has become the mainstream of teaching reform in vocational education .


  • This is a work-study program in information systems in partnership with Telecom Paris .

    这是一个 勤工俭学的信息系统与电信在巴黎的伙伴关系。

  • Construction of A Work-Study Combined Teaching Quality Management System

    构建 工学结合教学质量管理体系

  • The Study and Practice of Practical Training Base Construction under the Mode of Work-study Combination


  • Analysis and Countermeasures on the Management of Work-Study Program in Academic Libraries

    高校图书馆 助学管理 工作的问题分析与对策

  • Oge university work-study their own solutions to their livelihood has not asked me to pocket the .

    大毛 大学一直 自己解决生计,不会问我要零花钱了。

  • Many students go abroad to study on a work-study program .

    许多学生在国外 一边 打工 一边 学习

  • Some students use this time for college work-study homework or socializing .

    一些学生利用课后时间参与学校的 工作 实践,完成作业或参加社会活动。

  • University library work-study ; Library science education ; Library ;

    高校图书馆; 助学;图书馆学教育;

  • Article 58 The State adopts preferential measures to encourage and help schools to launch work-study programs to provide services for the community and to set up schools factories on condition that this shall not affect the normal education and teaching .

    第五十八条国家采取优惠措施,鼓励和扶持学校在不影响正常教育教学的前提下开展 勤工俭学和社会服务,兴办校办产业。

  • The course is a work-study program .

    这个过程就是一项 工作计划。

  • I accepted a job as portion of a work-study program .

    于是 ,找了一份工作。

  • As China 's secondary vocational education work-study step-by-step system of the pilot the establishment and improvement of vocational training institutions model will be a fundamental change .

    随着我国中等职业教育“ ”制度的逐步试点、建立和完善,职业院校人才培养模式将发生根本性转变。

  • Students pay their tuition fees and living costs from income earned through the work-study program .

    学生用 勤工俭学的收入缴纳学习费用和生活费用。

  • Ask the school 's financial-aid office about scholarships grants work-study programs and loans .

    询问校经济援助办公室关于奖学金,助学金, 勤工俭学和贷款的情况。

  • The Current Practice of Work-study in Vocational Schools : Survey and Analysis

    职业学校 开展 实践现状的调查与分析