working speed

[ˈwə:kɪŋ spid][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ spi:d]


  • All the codes are realized with C language therefore the EWS ' working speed can be raised and the security and the reliability of the system will be enhanced .

    设计的嵌入Web服务器全部代码用C语言实现,进一步提高了 运行 速度,增强了系统的安全性和可靠性。

  • But it cannot control the vulcanization temperature effectively and induces the key technical performance index of products hardly getting to ideal effect such as carrying capacity working speed friction factor dimensional stability surface roughness .

    它存在着不能对硫化温度进行有效的控制的问题,结果导致了工件在经过成形工艺后的承载能力、 工作 速度、摩擦因素、尺寸稳定性、表面粗糙度等关键技术性能指标很难达到理想效果。

  • Multi - motor Driving System Working Speed Controlled

    多电机拖动系统 转速的平衡控制

  • Using Verilog HDL describes the logic function of the system . The carry lookahead adder or subtracter raises the working speed of the circuits .

    采用Veriloghdl语言描述了系统的逻辑功能,超前进位结构的加/减法器提高了电路的 工作 速度

  • Then through the modal analysis get output axis of frequency and vibration model analyzes whether it is to produce resonance ask out of output axis limit rotational speed and working speed compare .

    然后通过模态分析得到输出轴的频率和振型,分析其是否产生共振变形,求出输出轴的极限转速和 工作 转速做比较。

  • When the working speed was lower the coefficient of variation in the same rows was higher .

    机具 行走 速度越低,行内一致性变异系数越大。

  • In the case of the mass and rigidity time-varying in a wide range of its working speed how to ensure the spindle system effective working avoiding the critical speed disturbance and to maintain its smooth operation is the key point of the winding head design .

    如何确保在宽广的 转速 工作频域内,在质量和刚度时变情况下,锭轴系统能有效避开临界转速而平稳运行是卷绕头设计的关键。

  • In this paper the critical speed of the rotor system on new model high speed vertical im-pact mill is analysed with Transfer Matrix Method and the working speed of the rotor system is designed .

    利用传递矩阵方法,对立式高速冲击粉碎机转子系统进行了临界转速分析;并对其 工作 转速进行了设计。

  • By setting up the key parameters of computer memory we can improve the working speed and function of computer apparently .

    通过对计算机内存各种关键参数的设置,明显改善计算机的 工作 速度,提高了整机的性能。

  • In order to improve the working performance of a self-propelled rotary tiller and get the relationship between power-take-off of the depth-controller and its shape working speed and depth a test based on the analysis of the character of a self-propelled rotary was carried out .

    为了研究自推进旋耕机限深部件的功率消耗与 行进 速度、形状和下陷深度的关系,改善自推进旋耕机的工作性能,对限深部件进行了试验。

  • Critical speeds of modern high-speed hollow spindle are calculated and the influences of main structural parameters upon critical speed are also studied using component mode synthesis method . The suitable range of structural parameter of hollow spindle is proposed for different working speed .

    采用子结构模态综合法计算了新型高速空心锭子的前二阶临界转速,讨论了空心锭子主要结构参数临界转速的影响,提出了适应不同 工作 转速的空心锭子结构参数选择范围。

  • With the help of an unconstrained minimization method solved is the axle center actual location of the rotor within its working speed range .

    用无约束极小化方法求解了转子在 工作 转速范围内轴心实际位置。

  • Since the chip has interior SRAM and it 's difficult and slow to test SRAM exteriorly in Chapter Four we use the technique of BIST in Design of testability of SRAM which makes it possible to test the memory at normal working speed .

    由于片内有SRAM,而SRAM的片外测试比较困难且速度较慢,所以文中第四章采用BIST技术对SRAM进行了可测性设计,完成后可以用正常的 工作 速度对存储器进行测试。

  • By comparing the two methods the result proves : the design method adopting the pipelining design method can improve the feasibility of the working speed of the system and there are good application prospects in the high-speed system design of this method .

    结果证明了采用流水线式的设计方法来提高系统的 工作 速度的可行性,而且此方法在高速系统设计中有良好的应用前景。

  • High working speed the conveyor is resistant to all solvent anti-dust and inverter driven variable speed controlled .

    工作 速度极高,输送带可耐各种溶剂,防止起层现象,输送速度变频调节。

  • The signal conversion is controlled by hardware circuit and conversion speed isn 't confined by working speed of MCU . Acquisition speed and digital information point is setted by MCU the hardware control circuit is achieved based on CPLD .

    信号采集主要由硬件电路控制信号的转换,信号转换速度不受MCU 工作 速度的限制,工作中信号采集的速度和采集的数据点数都可以通过MCU进行设置,本硬件控制电路主要基于CPLD实现。

  • The result shows that the level interval of disk and shovel working speed and penetration angle have outstanding influence on traction resistance and power consumption .

    结果表明,圆盘和铲的水平间距、 机器 前进 速度、深松铲的入土角对牵引阻力和牵引功耗有显著影响,对深松机具的研究提供一定的基础。

  • Brushless dc permanent magnet motor has many advantages such as good start-up performance wide working speed range good speed regulation performance small volume simple structure high efficiency low noise and so on .

    直流无刷永磁电动机具有启动性能好、 工作 速度范围大、调速性能好、体积小、结构简单、效率高、噪音低等优点,所以直流无刷永磁电动机得到了广泛的应用。

  • After calculating no load gap magnetic fields according to different rotor positions static torque characteristics and highest working speed are worked out .

    计算了对应不同转子位置的空载气隙磁场分布,求出了静转矩特性和平衡头最高 工作 转速

  • This algorithm has successfully resolved the condition contraint problem in a single closed-loop speed control system achieved the rapid speed regulation without both of overshooting and steady-state error and reduced the harsh demand on the working speed of the hardware .

    成功地解决了单闭环控制的条件约束问题,实现了响应快和无超调无稳态误差调节,降低了对硬件 工作 速度的过高要求。

  • Its series main parameters include lifting capacity operation class working speed lift height span etc.

    它的系列主参数包括起重量、工作级别、 工作 速度、起升高度与跨度等等。

  • With the rapid development of electronics the working speed of digital circuits become faster and faster .

    随着电子学的飞速发展,数字电路的 速度越快。

  • And with the increase of the working speed the influence of higher-order PMD becomes worse .

    而且随着 工作 速度的提高,高阶PMD的影响更大。

  • The damper will have the best effect in minimizing the vibration within the specified range at all working speed by using on-off control method .

    根据这一 特性,提出 开关控制能使阻尼器具有最佳的减振效果。

  • As aerospace technology and automobile industry developing rapidly China demands for more large-tonnage hydraulic forging presses which have good forged precision high working speed and high level of automation .

    随着航空航天技术和汽车工业的飞速发展,我国对锻造精度高、 速度 、自动化水平高的大吨位锻造液压机的需求越来越多。

  • The process of seed-clearing has been analyzed the research get the relations of seed-clearing working speed and the technical parameter of clamping structures .

    分析清种过程,研究清种与 工作 速度、夹持机构的技术参数之间的关系;

  • This paper reported the automatic monitoring equipment of working speed of seeder .

    本文报道其中的播种机 工作 速度自动检测装置。

  • Considering the tradeoff among working speed output swing and power dissipation an improved divider based on CML trigger is designed . Divider based on TSPC trigger is optimized for high speed and low power dissipation .

    综合考虑 工作 速度、输出摆幅和功耗等性能之间的相互影响,改进了以CML触发器为基础的分频器;以实现高速低功耗为目标,优化了TSPC结构的分频器。

  • Afterwards the diesel engine model is established based on the analysis on the diesel performance and hydraulic excavator working feature . In order to maintain the working speed of the engine the speed feedback control is applied .

    然后对柴油机的工作特性及液压挖掘机的工作特点进行分析,建立了整个柴油机的简化数学模型,并采用柴油机分工况速度反馈PID控制来稳定 工作 转速