working substance

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈsʌbstəns][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈsʌbstəns]


  • As the basic safe wall of nuclear reactor the reactor pressure vessel not only bears high temperature and high pressure but also contains radioactive working substance .

    反应堆压力容器作为反应堆的基本安全屏障,承受高温、高压且内部包含具有放射性的 工作 介质

  • In the medium and high temperature heat pump area the water as a working substance is the most competitive due to the higher discharge temperature of the system .

    由于水压缩式制冷循环具有较高的排气温度,因而在中高温热泵领域,以水为 是具有竞争力。

  • The author 's Laser model for martensitic transformations ( MATs ) is based on the assumption that MATs can be taken as a kind of quantum heat engine using electrons as working substance .

    作者的Laser模型基于如下假设:马氏体相变可看作一种以电子气为 的量子热机。

  • The experimental study on atomization characteristics of nozzle is carried out with the glue as the working substance .

    以黏胶剂为 工作 介质,对旋芯喷嘴的雾化特性进行了研究。

  • A cyclic thermodynamic heat engine which combines adiabatic and isothermal processes and consists of classical ideal gas as working substance runs most efficiently if it is reversible .

    以经典理想气体为 的卡诺热机循环由两个等温和两个绝热过程构成,热机可逆时,它的效率为最大。

  • A working substance has been prepared by treating perfluorinated polymeric oils and greases .

    一种 已由全氟聚合物油和润滑脂制造出来。

  • This paper put forward an exergy equilibrium calculation method of diesel engine in which the exergy losses between the working substance and the cooling agent because of difference in temperature heat transmission can be calculated according the features of engine cycle of diesel engine .

    针对柴油机热力循环的特点,提出了一种柴油机火用平衡计算方法,该方法可以计算出 与冷却介质之间由于温差传热而引起的火用损失。

  • Based on quantum mechanics and thermodynamics a model of Carnot refrigeration cycle is proposed in which the working substance is composed of micro-particles contained in a potential well .

    本文根据量子力学和热力学理论,提出了一种以大量的处在无限深势阱中的微观粒子为 的量子卡诺制冷循环模型。

  • Under the preliminary experimental research the micro-actuator was substituted by a buzzer water and ink were separately used as working substance and coloring agent .

    在微射流的原理性实验中,本文采用蜂鸣器代替微射流作动器,并以水作为 ,以墨汁作为染色剂。

  • The T-S phase diagram of working substance is very important for cycle simulation design and analysis . The relative location of cycle process lines and the saturation curve of the T-S phase diagram playes an important role in the design of the equipment and operation of the system .


  • Using the latter transfer with moist air as working substance ensures not only greater convenience but also higher precision .

    运用这些方程和修正系数进行以湿空气为 的有关热 交换和流动计算,不但精度高,而且十分方便。

  • The parabolic trough concentrating device gather the sunlight according to optics focusing principle heat the working substance to obtain the high temperature steam and the hot water also the device drive PV / Thermal association system .

    槽式聚光集热器利用光学聚光原理,将太阳光聚集起来对 进行加热,以获得较高温度的蒸汽和热水;同样可作为驱动源用于光伏/光热系统。

  • Boiler is an important part of the power plant . The studying on the evaporation system of the boiler is crucial for safe operation which related to combustion behavior in furnace and evaporation of working substance .

    锅炉是火电站的重要部件之一,锅炉蒸发系统包含了燃烧和 蒸发过程,因此对锅炉蒸发系统研究有益于电站锅炉的安全运行。

  • Effect of reaction conditions on hydrothermal synthesis of nano-thermal powder Performance Analysis of a Wastewater Source Plant Serving as both a Water Chiller and a Heat Pump with Different Working Substance

    水热反应条件对纳米热敏粉体材料制备的影响不同 条件下污水源冷热水机组的性能分析

  • The electron refrigerator uses the electrons as the working substance which consists of two thermal reservoirs with different temperatures and chemical potentials and the energy filter .

    电子制冷机是以电子为 工作 物质,由两个具有不同温度和不同化学势的热库以及能量过滤体组成。

  • The change of heat absorption and outlet gas temperature of each surface and the change of working substance temperature etc.

    文中对各受热面的吸热量变化、各受热面出口烟气温度变化、 温度变化等内容作了分析。

  • When the pipe explosion of the evacuated solar collector tube happens the explosion-proof film can greatly reduce the possibility of working substance splash of the evacuated solar collector tube .

    在发生真空集热管爆管时,防爆膜可以大大降低真空集热管 飞溅的可能。

  • Performance Analysis of a Wastewater Source Plant Serving as both a Water Chiller and a Heat Pump with Different Working Substance

    不同 条件下污水源冷热水机组的性能分析

  • Efficiency of the Reversible Cycle Employing Ideal Fermi Gas and Ideal Bose Gas As Working Substance

    理想费米气体和理想玻色气体为 工作 物质的可逆循环的效率

  • Based on the energy value principle of heat transfer system in power plant the energy value analysis is carried out for working substance with different parameters of thermal system the formula to calculate the energy value of working substance is introduced .

    根据发电厂能量价值分析原理,对热力系统和参数 进行了详细的能量价值分析,具体推导出了工质能价的计算公式。

  • The determination of the transient heat transfer coefficient between working substance and the surface of cylinder in internal combustion engines is an important foundation for studying the practical cycle of the engines and the thermal loadings of their high-temperature parts .

    在内燃机中, 与气缸壁面之间瞬时换热系数的确定,是研究内燃机实际循环及其高温部件热负荷的重要基础。

  • These results suggested that this material is a suitable candidate as working substance in magnetic refrigeration near room temperature .

    这些结果表明,该材料是室温附近磁制冷合适的 工作 物质

  • Additionally we originally made comparative experiments about dual-component working substance in this study .

    此外,本课题还对双元混合 创造性的进行了实验。

  • The properties of working substance in liquid Stirling engine is discussed in this paper .

    介绍了液相斯特林机用液相 的性质。

  • The warm-up system of feed water pump is also retrofitted to recover working substance .

    为回收大量 ,对给水泵暖泵水系统进行了改进。

  • The coefficient of performance and rate of heating of a three source heat pump are treated for the case where the heat transfer between the working substance and sources is irreversible .

    本文讨论了三 热源热泵在传热不可逆情况下的供热系数和供热率。

  • Calculation of the Energy Value of Working Substance with Different Parameters in Thermal System of Thermal Power Plant

    能量充足;火电厂热力系统中不同参数 的能量价值计算自然 复兴

  • Study of a thermoacoustic engine with co_2 as working substance

    以CO2为 的行波热声发动机研究