work request

[wɚk rɪˈkwɛst][wə:k riˈkwest]

[化] 加工申请,加工申请书

  • Conclusion The modern tuberculosis control strategies ( DOTS ) got good effects in Jixi County . The new smear positive discovery rate met the work request .

    结论绩溪县结核病控制实施DOTS策略取得较好的效果,新发涂阳病人发现率和治愈率均达到 要求

  • In the Work request queue size field enter the value that you specified for the message consumption batch size of that monitor model .

    Work requestqueuesize字段输入您为该监视器模型的messageconsumptionbatchsize指定的值。

  • Bundle what you need done into a work request in shoot back into the Queuing Service for processing .

    把需要做的事打包进 工作 请求,放回到队列服务中等候处理。

  • The Work Request record could be a state-based record type with the Unified Change Management ( UCM ) package applied .

    工作 请求记录类型是一个可以运用统一变更管理(UCM)包的基于状态的记录类型。

  • Strengthens the harmonious tax revenue construction is displays the national tax department responsibility the service harmonious society construction general situation need is also the construction harmonious society to the tax revenue work intrinsic request is promotes the national tax work level the basic way .

    加强和谐税收建设,是发挥国税部门职责,服务和谐社会建设大局的需要,也是建设和谐社会对税收 工作的内在 要求,更是提升国税工作水平的根本途径。

  • The destroying torsion of camshafts was 20 - 30 times as many as its actual work torsion and its fatigue strength also met its work request .

    研究结果表明,制成的凸轮轴在静扭时的破坏扭矩约是凸轮轴实际工作扭矩的20-30倍,疲劳破坏方面亦符合 工作 要求

  • In order to overcome this limitation one could implement the Work Request record type .

    为了克服这种局限性,你可以执行 工作 请求记录类型。

  • In order to adapt under the new form the library work request we must from the various promotion library management mechanism innovation .

    为了适应新形式下图书馆 工作 要求,我们必须从多方面促进图书馆管理机制的创新。

  • The first part is the copyright database to confirm identity of the person in the original section we note the originality of a work request from an author .

    第一部分是数据库版权人的身份确认,在有关独创性的部分中,我们注意到独创性 要求一部 作品出自某个作者。

  • Work items request a version of policy be used rather than the service owning a policy .

    工作条目“ 请求”使用策略的版本而不是服务拥有版本。

  • This allows a client to resubmit the work request in the event of a transient failure .

    这允许客户机在发生暂时的失败时重新提交 工作 请求

  • NoteThese steps only work to request a certificate from an enterprise certification authority .

    注意这些步骤仅 用于向企业证书颁发机构 申请证书。

  • The voluble axle of one type electric winch test instrument an importance part that constitutes the helicopter electric winch test instrument this text introduces work request the voluble axle satisfy of structure design principle parts orientation and check to axle .

    某型电动绞车测试仪缠绕轮轴是直升机电动绞车测试仪的重要组成部件,这里介绍了该缠绕轮轴 满足的 工作 要求、结构设计原理、零件定位以及对轮轴的校核。

  • Set the work request queue size to equal the message consumption batch size of a monitor model or leave it empty .

    work requestqueuesize的值设置为等于监视器模型的messageconsumptionbatchsize或设置为空。

  • A similar validation happens when the incident record is being moved into the Closed state since the Quality Assurance team may create a new work request to track their work effort .

    类似的一个确认是发生在当事件记录进入Closed状态的时候,因为质量保证小组可能创建一个新的 工作 请求来跟踪他们工作进度。

  • The state transition matrix for the work request record is fairly simple

    这个 工作 请求记录的状态转换矩阵非常简单

  • After system investment test can satisfy the school educational administration supervisory work each request the systems operation is quite stable the data security and the accuracy are good can replace the school educational administration management completely the manual operation .

    系统投入试用后,能够满足学校教务管理 工作的各项 要求,系统运行比较稳定,数据的安全性和准确性良好,能够完全代替学校教务管理的手工操作。

  • The work request queue size parameter specifies the size of the work request queue a buffer that holds scheduled work objects .

    work requestqueuesize参数指定工作请求队列的大小,这是一个容纳计划内工作对象的缓冲。

  • Work items request the correct policy for themselves .

    工作条目为其自身 请求正确的策略。

  • Since the Software Release record the Incident record and the Work Request record are all related there are a couple of points where the system does some validation .

    既然软件发布记录、事件记录和 工作 请求记录是相互关联的,那么系统在两个方面可以做一些确认。

  • Moreover each company folio date of work request also different .

    另外,各公司对 开工日期 要求也不同。

  • The second according to the work request of the cargo winch of alternating three - speed change - pole speed - adjusting this paper is to determine adopting the method of the PLC control ;

    第二,根据交流三速变极调速起货机的 工作 要求,确定采用PLC控制的方法,进行控制系统的硬件设计和软件设计,并分析工作原理;

  • Taking a step deeper into the process we come upon two additional state-based record types the Incident and Work Request records .

    更深入一步进入过程,我们可以产生两个额外的基于状态的记录类型,事件(Incident)和 工作 请求Work Request)记录。

  • For the operation condition limitation problem existed in finger seal optimization design homologous operating condition was ascertained according to finger seal actual work request .

    针对目前指尖密封优化设计中存在的工况局限性问题,根据指尖密封的实际 工作 要求确定了相应的工况条件;

  • The system features from the statement of work and request for proposal have been comprehensively documented using RequisitePro .

    使用RequisitePro,从 工作描述直至提案 需求等系统特征都可以被完整的归档。

  • Discusses how to further strengthen and improve the business enterprise work through the auther 's practice for many years and elaborates the work 's request of business enterprise .

    通过多年的工作实践,论述了如何进一步加强和改进企业工作,并对企业 工作 要求进行阐述。

  • According to the work and request it designed the system and the hardware interface circuit and achieved the program code .

    并根据排水系统 工作方案和 要求设计了系统和接口硬件电路,完成了系统运行程序代码的编写。

  • The environmental protection work request higher to the environmental management means GIS technology is to implement the environmental information to manage synthetically meet the needs of modern environmental management .

    环境保护 工作对环境管理手段 提出了更高的 要求,GIS技术是实施环境信息综合管理,适应现代环境管理的需要。