trunk circuit

[trʌŋk ˈsɚkɪt][trʌŋk ˈsə:kit]


  • A Realizing Method of Compatibility in Trunk Transmission System & Regulation of Circuit among PDH SDH WDM

    干线传输系统兼容性的实现方案&PDH、SDH、WDM之间 电路的调

  • In the course of practice by making use of the function of configurable signaling of digital trunk unit ( E1 ) in the switch and by associating with the technology of cross-connection in SDH equipments a new type switching and transmitting mode of dispatching telephone circuit is realized .

    在具体操作中,利用调度程控交换机中的数字 中继电路(E1)可配置信令功能,结合现代SDH设备的交叉连接技术,实现了一种新型调度 电路交换传输模式。

  • Repair open in trunk CYL switch circuit .

    维修断开的 行李箱插孔开关 电路

  • The network constitution administration timing and EOW of DWDM system for Beijing Wuhan Zhengzhou Xuzhou trunk are introduced and DWDM layer network element composition and function of SDH circuit layer are emphasized .

    介绍了北京武汉、郑州徐州全路最长的 干线密集波分复用系统的网络构成、网管、定时及公务通信,重点说明波分复用层及SDH 电路层各节点网元组成和功能。

  • This paper introduces the principle characteristic and applied effects of the phase detecting instrument for 25 Hz phase trunk circuit .

    详细介绍智能型25Hz相敏 轨道 电路 电压、相位测试仪的原理、特点及应用效果。

  • A DDN trunk channel is interrupted much more frequently in mobile telecommunications than one in fixed telecommunications . Therefore interrupting time of DDN equipment becomes more important in mobile telecommunications which makes the availability of a DDN circuit much poorer than that of a DDN trunk channel .

    在无线移动场合下,DDN 中继信道的中断比固定场合下频繁得多,DDN设备中断恢复时间长的问题就变得突出起来,这使得DDN 电路的可用性远小于DDN中继信道的可用性。

  • This paper introduces the basic theory configuration and the technical characteristics of the parameter simulation device for trunk circuit .

    介绍了 轨道 电路参数模拟装置的理论依据、方案和技术特征。

  • The analysis and design of AM cable trunk target in close circuit TV system is discussed in the paper .

    介绍了 有线电视网中AM光缆 干线传输综合指标的分析与设计。

  • The Optimum Computing for Circuit Numbers of Trunk Circuit Network in a Local Telephone Network

    市话网 中继 电路网电路数的优化计算