



  • We can find them our from our trusty CLI tool .

    可从我们 可靠的CLI工具找到它们。

  • He picked his favorite distribution and after a bit more research had a fully working development machine up and running a chair swivel away from his usual trusty machine .

    他采用了他最喜欢的发行版,在一点点更多的研究之后,一套完整的工作开发机器就开动了,它就在他平时 信赖的机器一滑轮椅子外的地方运行着。

  • Finding that your trusty old revolver just isn 't making the grade against those pesky undead warriors ?

    觉得你 可靠的老式左轮手枪就是没法有效地干掉那些烦人的不死战士?

  • Viewed as trusty by the boss and be promoted to deputy store manager be in charge of guiding the new colleagues exercise leadership and the ability in organization .

    深受老板 信任,被提拔为代理 店长,负责引领新同事的工作,锻炼了组织和领导能力。

  • Good communication sill high team spirit honest and trusty .

    良好的沟通能力,具有高度的团队合作精神,诚实、 可靠为人正直

  • The master left his money with a trusty servant .

    主人将钱留给一个 可靠的佣人 保管

  • In addition to trusty old sources like books the Internet has opened many new doors .

    信赖传统资源(如书本)的基础上,网络为 打开了很多扇门。

  • He quickly grabbed his trusty semi-automatic carbine and headed into the woods .

    韦伯迅速拿起他 的半自动卡宾枪就进了树林。

  • It could then have served as a trusty shield .

    它就可以成为一个 可靠的屏障。

  • All you have at your disposal is your trusty bike and your dignity ( Yeah right ) .

    你有你的处置是您 信赖的自行车和你的尊严(是正确的)。

  • With my trusty guitar I have come to rescue the music world !

    带着我 忠实的吉他,我来拯救音乐世界了!

  • Bill went to the garage and returned with 4 huge round eye hooks and his trusty power drill .

    比尔去了趟车库,拿回来四个又大又圆的链钩以及他 可靠 耐用的动力钻。

  • The trusty SIM card can also act as a debit and credit card .


  • She wanted to drive a truck on dusty roads a trusty dog at her side riding shotgun .

    她希望能在尘土飞扬的路上开着卡车,有只 忠诚的狗坐在前排的乘客座位,陪伴她左右。

  • Our trusty compiler built for generating PPC Linux binaries for the PPE .


  • By this means he came to be considered as a very trusty protector of his master 's property .

    通过这种方式,他开始被认为是主人 忠实的财产守护者。

  • We climbed inside my trusty boat .

    我们爬到 小船上。

  • He took his trusty bike with him on his expedition into the himalayas .

    他带着他那 可靠的自行车远征喜马拉雅山。

  • This is also our trusty compiler but this one generates code for the SPEs .

    这也是 信赖的一个编译器,它可以为SPE生成代码。

  • Trust me this is not the kind of job you want to do by hand with your trusty hacksaw .

    相信我,这不是你想要什么工作由手工与你的 信赖钢锯。

  • Be fresh and innovative this year putting aside your trusty red rose .

    是新鲜的和创新,今年撇开您 信赖的红玫瑰。

  • Do you think I am trusty and faithful ?

    你认为我 可以 信任、我会忠诚吗?

  • Jim Adams 21 journeyed for three months on his trusty bike to raise money for brain tumour research .

    21岁的吉姆亚当斯为了给一个脑瘤研究项目募集资金,骑着他 可靠的摩托车旅行了3个月。

  • I am MACHO OX solid and trusty .

    我是大力牛,踏实 信用

  • Dad would convert every thought and dream to a number with help from his trusty dream book .

    父亲会借助他 信任的解梦书,将每一个想法或者梦境转换成一个数字。

  • It 's me your trusty servant winston .

    我是你 忠心的仆人温斯顿。

  • With our trusty editor we are ready to tackle any number of UNIX-related administration or programming tasks with ease .

    有了 信赖的编辑器,我们可以轻松处理任何数量与UNIX有关的管理或编程任务。

  • On your desktop in the office though trusty CRT technology will prevail .

    但在办公室里用的台式机上, 信赖的阴极射线管(CRT)技术仍将很流行。

  • Looking for something to spice up the old trusty sword ?

    想给 那柄古老而又 可靠的剑找点调剂 吗?

  • In your trusty notebook or Oprah Journal begin listing things you remember enjoying as a child .

    在那本 可以 信赖的笔记本或是Oprah网络日记本中,列出你还记得小时候喜欢的东西。