trunk road

[trʌŋk rəʊd][trʌŋk roʊd]


  • One-way Traffic Trunk Road Coordination Control Based on Zhongguancun West Zone

    中关村西区的单向交通 干线协调控制

  • Xidan Station of Beijing Subway is a large-span subway project first built under the main trunk road in downtown area in China .

    北京地铁西单车站是我国首次在繁华闹市区 主干 下修建的大跨度地铁工程。

  • Discussion and Study of Updating Approaches of Urban Main Trunk Road

    城市 主干 改善方法探讨与研究

  • Rail has been charged with transport trunk road of the role in our country transportation network it plays a huge role in the development of our national economy and social progress .

    轨道交通在我国交通运输网络中一直担负着运输 干道的角色,对我国国民经济发展与社会进步起着巨大的促进作用。

  • County trunk road networks are an important part of the area highway network . Scientific and reasonable highway networks are conducive to relieve traffic contradictions and promote the development of economy and society .

    县域 干线 公路网是区域公路网的重要组成部分,科学合理的公路网能有效缓解交通矛盾且有助于促进经济与社会的发展。

  • Study on Full Face Construction Technology of a Super Shallow Box-type Tunnel Under Urban Trunk Road

    城市 干道下超浅埋平顶隧道全断面修建技术研究

  • Interface of road is the trunk road in gas field .

    道路界面为气田 干道

  • Technique of Pipe Jacking Construction Under the City Express Trunk Road

    城市快速 主干 下的顶管施工技术

  • Plans to upgrade the trunk road into a motorway have met considerable opposition .


  • And then according to evaluation result this article puts forwards some solutions to set up guidance for designing and constructing landscape of living trunk road from macro-aspect 、 middle-aspect and micro-aspect .

    再根据评价的结果,从宏观、中观和微观三个层面提出了相应的解决措施,从而为城市中生活性主 干道的景观设计和建设提供指导。

  • The Calculation of Economics of Urban Trunk Road Traffic Congestion Charge Consumption

    城市 主干 交通拥挤收费额度的经济学计算

  • The construction of Trunk Road T7 which will bypass the Town Centre is planned to start in 2000 .

    绕过市中心的t7号 主干 ,计划于二零零零年动工兴建。

  • With the process of urbanization motorization and the rapid development of economic and social modernization the growing contradiction between supply and demand outstanding urban traffic the main trunk road traffic pressure significantly increased and many sections are saturated or critical saturation traffic jams occur .

    随着城市化、机动化以及经济社会现代化的快速发展,城市交通供需矛盾日渐突出,主要 干道交通压力明显增大,许多路段处于饱和或临界饱和状态,交通拥堵时有发生。

  • The Study on the Vista Planning of Trunk Road in the New City Zone

    新城区城市 干道街景规划设计研究

  • External-line triode oscillator dual three-lane trunk road

    外线路三极管振荡器双程三 线分隔主 干路

  • Dual three-lane trunk road

    双程三线分隔 干路

  • The Study on the Construction of Mechanized Maintenance Center for Our Provincial Trunk Road

    谈我省 干线 公路机械化养护中心的建设

  • Fifth the whole flag to plan the logistics network of101 provincial trunk road and rail hub a regional network that covers the Ximeng Midwest Modern Logistics Park .

    五是对全旗物流网点进行规划,以101省道 公路和铁路枢纽为 主干,建成覆盖锡盟中西部的区域性现代物流园区。

  • In combination of the overall planning of urban drainage with the design of drainage system for reforming main trunk road in old urban district the existing drainage system is reformed to implement rainfall-sewage separation .

    将城市排水总体规划与旧城改造 主干 排水系统的设计相结合,对现状排水系统进行改造,实施雨污分流。

  • Many urban traffic located at the trunk road where the city 's prosperous zone was and so many people vehicles passed there every day assured the running safety of the traffic tunnel was very important to the steady developing of the society and economy of the city .

    城市交通隧道多处于城市繁华地带的交通 干道上,人流量、车流量都很大,保证城市交通隧道的运营安全对城市社会、经济稳定发展都极为重要。

  • Under the vigorous development of urban transportation how to update the existing trunk road has been the common problem in cities .

    在大力发展城市交通的情况下,如何对已有 干道升级改造成为各城市所必须面对的共同课题。

  • The authors discuss the fundamentals of Associated Method of Important Degree - traffic Area Location and the analysis of traffic area location of two kinds of loads in the regional trunk road network planning meanwhile bring forward the detailed operational procedures .

    着重论述重要度联合区位法的基本原理和市域 干线 公路网规划两路交通区位分析,并提出了该方法的具体操作流程。

  • Question 24 Is it definitely that the plans for fast road express way trunk road sub trunk road underground passage etc. mentioned in 《 Soliciting Documents 》 can not be changed ?

    《征集文件》上提到的快速路、高速公路、 干道、次干道、地下通道等计划是否确定不可变的吗?

  • Application of Cold Recycling Technology for Maintenance of Municipal Trunk Road

    冷再生技术在城市 干线 道路维修中的应用

  • At the same time the scientific plan of the town development is propitious to the building and management of fast trunk road network in Shanghai .

    同样,科学的城镇发展规划也将有利于上海市快速 干道网络系统的顺利建设和运营。

  • Observation and analysis of the lining stress state of the trunk road in a underground project

    某地下工程 主干 衬砌受力状态的观测与分析

  • It was very common to see them on Queensway Admiralty the trunk road for Stanley routes heading for Central .

    金钟道是数 赤柱路线前往中环的 必经之路,不难发现城巴 阵版 丹尼士巨龙踪影。

  • A Summarized Account of Bridge Erection Construction of South Section of Hau Hoi Wan Trunk Road Project Hong Kong

    香港后海湾 干线南段工程架桥施工综述

  • His plan to drive a trunk road across the central desert was doomed to failure .

    他想驱车 干道穿过沙漠的计划是注定要失败的。

  • This product is applicable to city express way : main trunk road sub-trunk road spur track roads of factory school and park various residence roads and courtyard etc.

    本产品价格适用于城市快速路: 主干 线、次干线、支路、工厂、学校、公园、住宅小区、庭院等道路照明。