trouble man

[ˈtrʌbəl mæn][ˈtrʌbl mæn]

[经] 故障检修员

  • A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times . a ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight .

    一定的忧愁、痛苦或 烦恼,对每个 都是时时必需的。就像一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝着目的地一直前进。

  • According to the American Urological Association nearly one in six couples in the US have trouble conceiving a baby and about half the time the man is at the root of the problem .

    美国泌尿协会统计的数字显示,有近 1/6的美国夫妇不孕不育,其中一半的原因在 男方

  • He was asking for trouble when he spit on the man 's shoes .

    他将痰吐在那 的鞋子上是自找 麻烦

  • I hate to trouble the old man today because I hate troubling old people .

    我今天不愿 打扰那位 老人,因为我一向不愿打扰老年人。

  • Trouble may demolish a man 's business but build up his character .

    患难也许会拆毁 我们的事业,可是能建立我们的品性。

  • If you feel that you are qualified for a raise then you should have no trouble explaining to the boss man why you deserve more cash or benefits .

    如果你认为你有资格得到加薪,那你应该 可以老板解释问什么你值得更多的钱或福利。

  • I want to get married but I 'm having trouble funding a compatible man !

    我想结婚,但又 到合适的 男人

  • Worry the interest paid by those who borrow trouble . Every man is the architect of his own fortune .

    焦虑,是那些招惹 麻烦 应该付的利息。每个 都是他自己运气的建筑师。

  • Modern equipments usually have advanced technology and complex structure they need to do a lot of high quality examination . The hidden trouble of the machine is hard to be found by man 's experience and sense .

    现代化设备大都技术先进、结构复杂、点检工作量 、检查质量要求高, 故障因素很难靠 的感官和经验检查出来。

  • Not only damnifying of animal disease infect on the human life-demand but also some disease of altogether trouble man and animal intimidated human health .

    畜禽疫病造成的损失影响了人类的生活需要,而且某些 共患的疫病还给人类健康带来了严重的威胁。

  • Israel asked why did you bring this trouble on me by telling the man you had another brother ?

    以色列说:“你们为什么这样 我,告诉那 你们还有兄弟呢?”

  • The paper analyzes the safety hidden trouble consist in the examination of inclined shaft man car introduces a new examination method compares the new method and the old method and propounds examination stages .

    分析了斜井 车试验中存在的安全 隐患,介绍了一种试验方法,并对新、老方法进行了比较,提出了试验步骤。

  • But before we go to trouble and expense of proceeding against this man I must be satisfied that your charges are well founded .

    在我们 花钱花力气控告这个 以前,你必须使我相信你的控告是有充分理由的。

  • Was I in trouble ? My grandfather was a highly intelligent quiet man .


  • A woman like that can sure make a lot of trouble for a man .

    一个女人能给 男人带来很多 烦恼

  • O the hope of Israel the saviour thereof in time of trouble why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night ?

    以色列所盼望在 患难时作他救主的啊!你为何在这地象寄居的,又象 行路的只住一宵呢?

  • Looking up trouble standing in well-being : a man always look up and envy the happiness of others a turn but found himself looking up and being the envy of the others .

    站在 烦恼里仰望幸福:一 个人总在仰望和羡慕着别人的幸福,一回头,却发现自己正被别人仰望和羡慕着。

  • Morning ! What 's your trouble young man ?


  • A week later we had phone trouble at work and I asked the service man why it was so expensive .

    一个星期后,我们工作时电话 问题,我问电话公司的服务 为什么 开价这么贵。

  • The other part of the trouble is that Zidane perfectly well that he has been seen by many as something more than a man .


  • The trouble with Luke was that he was a hard man to put down .

    令人讨厌的是, 卢克是个很难制服的

  • I knew you were in trouble said the old man and I did not think to live .

    我听到你 出事了,” 父亲说,“我以为我活不了了。

  • And if the biosphere is in trouble then man is in trouble for human beings are not immune to extinction though they may like to think so .

    如果生物圈有 麻烦人类就会有麻烦,因为人类不能够自外于物种灭绝,虽然他们喜欢这样认为。

  • Jack often gets into fights because he is always looking for trouble . Grandfather had been a quiet old man who never made any trouble .

    杰克时常与人打架,因为他老是 招惹 。祖父是个沉默寡言的 老人,从不惹是生非。

  • The company is in trouble we need a strong man to take it in hand .

    公司陷于 困境,我们需要有个 强手来管理。

  • In affliction the trouble or misfortune that a man faces becomes his whole existence and'in every other aspect he loses significance ' .

    在经历痛苦时,一 个人所面对的 烦恼或灾难成为他生命的全部,连生命的每个环节也失去了意义。

  • A curse is on the earth because of trouble ! For it is necessary for trouble to come ; but unhappy is that man through whom the trouble comes .

    这世界有祸了,因为将 绊倒。绊倒 的事是免不了的,但那绊倒 的有 了。

  • And neither of you would have any trouble finding a man .

    你们两个都不会有 困难找到一个 男人

  • It is no use talking your trouble to a man like him .

    跟他那样的 谈你的 烦恼没有用。