undue influence

[ʌnˈdu ˈɪnfluəns][ʌnˈdu: ˈinfluəns]


  • It might give the Commission undue influence over the coming negotiations

    这可能会在即将开启的谈判问题上给委员会 带来 影响

  • Undue influence is a kind of system to affirm the validity of contract which derived from equity and based on the principle of justice .

    不当 影响是英国衡平法本着公平正义的原则发展而来的一种确认合同效力的制度。

  • Through the way of supervision I not only hope to regulate the Undue Influence in the Hairdressing and Beauty Contract but also hope to improve the market in good order .

    通过上述方式的监管,希望可以对 正当 影响行为予以更科学的规制,也希望能够完善美容美发市场的良好秩序。

  • Recently however the Supreme Court issued a decision that overturned decades of law and precedent – dealing a huge blow to our efforts to rein in this undue influence .

    然而,最高法院最近颁布的裁决结果却颠覆了几十年来的法律和惯例。这对我们控制(对 选举 施加过度 影响的努力是个重大打击。

  • The contract has been entered into under undue influence or the influence of danger and its terms are obviously inequitable ;

    合同在 正当的或者危险情况的 影响下订立,合同条款显失公平的;

  • Nor are they willing to see European politicians exert undue influence over any special IMF fund to which they contribute .

    他们也不会愿意看到,欧洲政客对他们出资的任何imf特别基金施加 适当 影响

  • Examples of void contracts are those entered as a result of misrepresentation duress or undue influence .

    由于错误表示,胁迫或 不当 影响所订立的合同为无效合同。

  • As an atypical contract there is few research about the Hairdressing and Beauty Contract however in fact there are a lot of disputes for the operators act against the legitimate interests of consumers because of the Undue Influence .

    美容美发合同作为一种非典型合同,学界对其涵义、性质的研究甚少,然而现实生活中却大量存在着因为经营者的 正当 影响行为而侵害消费者合法权益的纠纷。

  • He 's not had any undue influence on you ?

    他对你没有任何 正当 影响

  • On the Undue Influence in Contract Law of Britain and America

    论英美合同法上的 正当 影响

  • If he had gone to the testator 's house and by force compelled him or by fraud or undue influence had induced him to will him his property the law would not allow him to hold it .

    如果他闯入遗嘱人住宅,并以暴力胁迫遗嘱人,或者通过欺诈、 正当 影响诱导遗嘱人,法律也不会认可、支持他。

  • Rating information no longer has to be maintained on one site ( which can lead to charges of undue influence ) but can be culled from multiple locations .

    排名信息不再需要由一个站点来维护(这会导致向 不当 影响收费),而是可以由多个位置收集得出。

  • In essence undue influence belongs to meaning representation flaw relief system in legal act theories . This is a system unique to Common law for which we are lack in .

    从本质上说, 正当 影响规则属于法律行为学说中的意思表示瑕疵救济制度,是英美法系所独有的一个意思表示瑕疵救济制度,为大陆法系所缺失。

  • Recent history shows that a booming financial services industry can garner undue influence even in advanced countries with robust institutions .

    近期历史表明,蓬勃发展的金融服务业可能会获得 大的 影响力,甚至在制度健全的发达国家也是如此。

  • Usually it is divided into actual undue influence and presumed undue influence .

    通常它分为事实上的 不当 影响与推定的不当影响。

  • And the arguments focus on the question how undue influence is affirmed because of its uncertainty and ambiguity .

    争议的焦点在于 不当 影响的认定的模糊性与不确定性。

  • Besides there are many ways to supervise for the Undue Influence such as the Government Departments Industry Association Consumers ' Association .

    此外,还可以发挥多种方式对 美容 美发 合同 正当 影响行为加以监督、管理和 救济,如政府部门、行业协会、消费者协会等。

  • My court testimony typically is focused upon the behavior of destructive groups their persuasion techniques and the undue influence that such groups often gain over adherents .

    我的法庭证词通常集中于破坏性团体的行为,包括他们为了招募新信徒所采取的说服技巧及 产生 正当 影响

  • He tried to exercise an undue influence upon his colleagues .

    他想对他的同事施加 适当 影响

  • If the product owner is able to exert undue influence over that commitment then the team can 't call that commitment truly their own thus losing much of the self-organizing power of Scrum .

    如果产品负责人可以为这个承诺施加 影响,团队就无法真正将该承诺视如己出,因此失去很多Scrum中自组织所带来的力量。

  • We note with pleasure that there has been an increasingly successful effort on the part of NSFC to ensure fairness and lack of undue influence in the proposal selection process .

    我们高兴地注意到,国家自然科学基金委员会不断努力,以确保在项目遴选过程中的公平和避免 不当 影响

  • At this time he is over the age of eighteen ( 18 ) years and to the best of our knowledge he is of sound mind and is not acting under duress menace fraud misrepresentation or undue influence .

    此时,他已经年满18周岁,就我们所知,意识健全,并没有收到束缚,胁迫,欺骗或是在 过度 压力下曲解意思。

  • Second external factors which mainly are human relationships bribes undue influence and intervention of power .

    二是案外因素,主要是人情、贿赂、权力的 不当 影响和干预。

  • The Legislation Orientation and Legislation Design of Undue Influence

    正当 影响的立法定位与立法设计

  • These include those who cannot give or refuse consent for themselves and those who may be vulnerable to coercion or undue influence .

    这包括那些无能力自主决定同意或拒绝的人群、和可能受到强迫或 正当 影响的人群。

  • As for the composing and holding of undue influence Britain and the United States have their own feature .

    不当 影响的构成与认定,英、美两国各具特色。

  • The question is whether he was well served or whether he allowed others notably Karl Rove his Machiavellian campaign adviser undue influence .

    问题在于,他对此是泰然处之还是默许他人尤其是他那不择手段的竞选顾问卡尔洛夫(karlrove)发挥了 正当 影响呢?

  • This means that each party negotiates directly in its own self-interest without undue influence from other interested parties .

    这意味着,各方当事人直接代表自身利益进行谈判,并未 受到其他有关当事人的 不当 影响