undulatory theory


  • The second class methods mainly bases on elasticity undulatory theory through simulation or reversal development method forecast multiple and then match it with the original data .

    第二类主要是基于弹性 波动 理论的方法,通过模拟或反演方法来预测原始数据中多次 ,继而从原始数据中匹配 减去所预测的 多次

  • Further the equilibrium equations of the undulatory fin were obtained by applying the membrane theory of thin shells which took into account the geometrical non-linearity of the structure .

    进而,从弹性薄壳 理论 出发,考虑 柔性 结构的几何非线性,并引入无矩薄壳 理论 假定,建立了 柔性 波动的平衡方程。

  • From R. descartes R. Hooke and pardies to C. Huygens : development of Huygens undulatory theory

    从R.笛卡儿、R.胡克和帕蒂到C.惠更斯:惠更斯 波动 理论的发展

  • A judgement experiment for undulatory theory of light

    光的 波动 判定性实验

  • In the foundation of cycle undulatory theory the booming theory founded the booming index using it to monitor the influence of macroscopic economy by cyclical undulation .

    而景气理论则是在周期 波动 理论的基础上,构建景气指数来监测宏观经济受经济周期波动的影响。