




  • The analysis that the terrain undulate affect the precision homing weapon

    地形 起伏效应对精确制导武器的影响分析

  • To solve these problems researching the electric field distribution and the apparent resistivity under the undulate terrain and topography is very meaningful .

    针对这些问题,研究 起伏地形下的电场分布及地形对视电阻率的影响是非常有意义的。

  • The fourth period is from 1966 to 1977 which is its undulate stage ;

    四是1966年至1977年,为其发展 较为 波动阶段;

  • The guided precision of surface to air missile weapon system to use relative system radar measuring system has been studied and made great efforts in many years it is the composite product of undulate error and movement error .

    采用相对体制雷达测量系的地空导弹武器系统的引导精度,已经过多年研究和努力,它是 起伏误差和动态误差的综合产物。

  • Boao is the permanent venue of the Asian Forum an international conference body seated in China . The Boao Plaza the main conference venue is a structure that is open on all sides with the undulate roof resembling a seagull ready to take wings .

    博鳌是论坛的永久会址。论坛也将是首个永久定址中国的国际会议组织。位于博鳌水城四面开放的论坛会场, 白色 波状屋顶像海边展翅的海鸥。

  • In a terribly undulate area these requirements canhardly be met simultaneously .


  • Studies on the Relations Between the Grids Size of Various Undulate Landforms and the Accuracy of DEM

    不同地貌 起伏 状况下网格尺寸与DEM精度关系研究

  • Given a initial model one can calculate the gravity anomaly caused by a undulate subsurface interface .

    在给定 密度界面初始模型 之后,可以计算出地下某 一起 界面引起的重力异常。

  • There 's also an analysis of undulate form feature of vesicular breath sounds dry rale and wet rale .

    分析了正常的呼吸音、干性罗音和湿性 罗音波形的特点。

  • Passion and wateriness should alternately present as undulate .

    激情平淡应 波浪 交替出现。

  • As we travel south the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks

    我们一路南行,乡间开始 变得 起伏 不平,绵延的山峦一直延伸到河岸。

  • Undulate topography smooth processing .


  • Vertically projecting the observation point at a undulate terrain onto a horizontal plane and copying the potential u at the terrain to the corresponding point at the horizontal plane we get a fictitious potential field on a horizontal plane .


  • The activity of strong earthquakes is undulate and clustered in the major region in certain period .

    强震活动具有在时间上的 起伏 特征与空间上集中分布于主体地区的特征。

  • His body slowly undulated in time to the music .

    他的身体随着音乐的 节拍慢慢 摆动

  • In traditional system of ABS a discriminate of road surface is very difficult because of no more extra & sensors for more parameters undulate degree of road surface interference of signals etc.

    在传统的防抱死系统中,由于没有额外的传感器测试更多的参数,以及路面的 平度、信号的干扰等 原因 使路面辨识非常困难。

  • In respect to the respective shortcomings of spray water propulsion and undulate propulsion this paper introduces the design of a new type robot fish which combines the above two kinds of propulsion .

    波动仿生推进器是一种模拟鱼类“尼罗河 魔鬼”的 背鳍 波动推进方式而设计的新型水下仿生推进装置。

  • Numerical modeling of DC electrical field interpolation on two dimension undulate topography

    二维 起伏地表直流电场插值法数值模拟

  • Transfer method non-equidistant finite difference method and the ghost point method can respectively handle the undulate surface problem and the accuracy can meet the computing requirement .

    转移法、不等距有限差分法和鬼点法均能处理 起伏地表问题,其计算精度能满足计算要求。

  • It also teaches and enables them to undulate their body more .

    还可以使初学者加大身体的 波浪 起伏,学会身体的 波动

  • DH of the paphia undulate meat by the crude proteinase from the pineapple in70 % .

    利用菠萝汁中所含的粗蛋白酶对波纹 巴非蛤肉进行水解,蛋白质水解率可达70%。

  • Type 2 the leaf epidermal cells are irregular in shape with the undulate anticlinal walls .

    B.表皮细胞为不规则形,垂周壁 波纹 。基于叶下表皮 形态并结合 植物外部形态特征,将 直立 扁蓄 P。

  • Afterward the calculation process of the finite element method on undulate topography is introduced .

    然后介绍了 起伏地形条件下有限单元法的计算流程,并对所采用的 模拟程序进行了 验证

  • Research on detecting method of harmonic and undulate for electric arc furnace

    电弧炉电气系统的谐波及 波动的检测方法研究

  • When gravity survey is conducted in greatly undulate terrain observed gravity anomaly also includes noise anomalies which are linearly and nonlinearly correlative to land form .

    在地形 起伏大的地区进行重力测量,所得重力异常中包含了和地形线性相关与非线性相关的干扰异常。

  • The continuation of the observed gravity anomaly on an undulate terrain to the mean horizontal plane is carried out .


  • Paphia undulate meat was hydrolyzed into amino acid hydrolysate using papain pineapple protease and neutral protease .


  • Put forward disposal idea and prevent measurement for quality abnormity undulate appears in entire produce process .

    对生产全过程出现的质量异常 波动提出处理意见和预防 纠正措施。

  • Their surfaces undulate to simulate Canada 's terrain .

    他们的表面是模仿加拿大地形 起伏的。