upper bound

[ˈʌpɚ baʊnd][ˈʌpə baund]


  • The upper bound will be given by the sphere .


  • Application of upper bound method to stability analysis of reinforcement


  • Doesn 't need to be so what should I do about the upper bound here ?

    不必改下 边界 ,因此,我该对 边界 做个怎么样的改动呢?

  • The upper bound of a stack ; the highest numbered location .

    堆栈的 上界,即编号最大的存储单元。参阅stack。

  • In this paper We studies the displacement rank of core inverse We present upper bound for the ranks of the displacements of the Core inverse .

    主要研究了矩阵核心逆的位移秩,并给出了核心逆位移秩的一个 上界

  • The chlv-u command allows you to increase the upper bound limit to provide additional headroom for striped LV expansion .

    chlv-u命令允许您增大这个 上限,以便为stripedLV的扩展提供附加的净空。

  • No single GC pause exceeds some maximum upper bound .

    没有一个GC暂停超出了最大 上限

  • Therefore the problem of upper bound of convergence was successfully solved for SSVM .

    成功解决了光滑支持向量分类机的收敛 上界问题。

  • An almost lower bound is defined similarly as an almost upper bound .

    殆下界的定义与殆 上界是类似的。

  • It contains an invariant & that the lower bound is always less than or equal to the upper bound .

    它包含了一个不变式&下界总是小于或等于 上界

  • NU means that there 's a non-basic variable on the upper bound for that constraint .

    NU表示这个约束的 上界有一个非基本变量。

  • You can initialize the index upper bound in only one place .

    可以仅在一个位置初始化索引 上限

  • The upper bound of conditional chromatic number of graphs and the graphs satisfying this bound are obtained .

    得到了图的条件色数的 上界和达到上界的图类。

  • The relation between the serial cost pricing and the axioms of upper bound lower bound free lunch controllability of demand and consistency was discussed in detail .

    研究了序列成本定价机制对同质分配模型公理体系的满足情况,并着重探讨了该机制与 上限性、下限性、免费午餐、需求可控性和一致性公理的关系。

  • Multiple solutions in upper bound limit analysis of soil slopes

    土坡稳定极限分析 上限法中的多解性分析

  • The value determined in this way is an upper bound on the correct load capacity .

    按这种途径所确定的值是正确的承载能力的 上界

  • We present the National Primary and Second Ambient Air Quality Standards as upper bound guideline .

    我们把国家一级和二级环境大气质量标准作为 上限控制线。

  • The paper discuss the upper bound of the distribution of the partial sums of identically distributed mixing random variables .

    本文讨论了同分布混合序列部分和分布函数的 上界及其应用。

  • I could cheat . I said I just want an upper bound .

    我可以不太实在,我说过了想要一个 上界

  • Next the lower and upper bound expressions are evaluated insofar they are present ;

    下一步,在它们所出现的范围内,对 下限表达式求值;

  • In fact previous research suggests an upper bound on the initial course angle 18 .

    事实上,前人的研究表明,投掷角度的 上限是18。

  • I could get a really big upper bound this thing grows exponentially .

    那么我可以得出一个相当大的 上界,我们可以给一个指数级增长的上限。

  • The upper bound on the two kinds of relative efficiency are obtained .

    分别对 广义 估计及改进的 广义 估计,得到了两种相对效率的 上界

  • Using an upper bound is more appropriate in this situation .

    在这种情况下,更合适适用 上限

  • In this paper we study the criterion of H-matrix convergence of AOR and GAOR iteration methods and the upper bound for module of eigenvalue of iteration matrix .

    同时研究了AOR和GAOR迭代法的收敛性问题和迭代矩阵特征值模的 上界问题。

  • Ultimate bearing capacity calculation of strip foundation on unsaturated soil with upper bound theorem and SQP method

    基于SQP和 上限法的非饱和土条形基础极限承载力计算

  • At the same time in order to validate its generalization performance theoretically its generalization error upper bound is formulated and proved .

    从理论上分析了该分类器的泛化性能,给出了它的泛化误差 上界,并进行了实验验证。

  • The upper bound limit analysis of the slope is numerically performed by element integration method ( EIM ) .

    边坡稳定的 上限分析在数值 是利用了单元集成法来完成的。

  • Optimization and Calculating Analysis of Upper Bound Power for Plane Transversal Extrusion

    平面横向挤压 上限功率的优化和计算分析

  • Two methods of the minimum expenses and maximum flux and the table dispatching method to the rotating-transporting problem with a transport amounts upper bound were given .

    对运量有 上界的转运问题进行研究,给出了求解此类问题的两种求解算法:表上作业法和最小费用最大流法。