


  • Liver heat uprush or very deficient Qi and blood can cause the disease .

    肝火 上冲或气血大虚都可 成本病。治疗中 疏肝清肝

  • Based on the network-modeling the knowledge growth mechanism was designed . After quantifying knowledge difference knowledge level knowledge uprush knowledge oblivion the characteristics of knowledge growth in the course of team knowledge communication were discussed .

    在对此过程建立网络模型的基础上,设计了知识增长机制,并对知识差异、知识存量、知识 突现和知识遗忘等现象进行了量化,对团队知识学习过程的知识增长特征进行了研究。

  • After being formed ridge ( bar ) and runnel system migrates landward mainly under the accretion of an uprush current ;

    4) 沿岸 相& 拍岸 流把 海滩沙推向 高处堆积而成;(2)滩脊(坝)沟糟体系形成后,主要在 上冲流加积作用下向岸迁移;

  • Some strata caused by folds and uprush may tilt TI media will turn to so-called tilted transversely isotropic media ( TTI media ) for the symmetry axis of TI media is no longer horizontal or vertical .

    在褶皱和 上冲 作用 ,一些地层发生了倾斜, 此时TI介质的对称轴不再水平或者垂直,就 形成了所谓的TTI介质。

  • The equilibrium between gravity of the upper impermeable stratum and water pressure is a common calculation method for anti - uprush of foundation pit .

    在基坑抗 分析中, 上覆土层的重力来平衡水压力是一种常用的计算方法。