



  • A swinging blow directed upward as to a boxing opponent 's chin . In the final 30 seconds of the final round . Holmes fired away with the flurry punctuated by an uppercut and a Big right .

    上钩拳向上的钩拳,如去拳击对方的下巴在最后一回合最后30秒, 霍尔 梅斯 以上 钩拳和右 拳向对方 猛烈进攻。

  • As he rose he dealt the scoundrel a frightful uppercut that sent him off his feet .

    他站起来 对准那恶棍的下巴猛地一 ,把他打倒在地。

  • Watch the uppercut ! Just stay the hell away from him !

    注意 面部!就离开他!

  • Punching involves quite a few skills such as the straight left the left jab the left hook the right uppercut the right cross as well as the combination punching like the one-two .

    攻击技术涉及到左直 、左刺拳、左钩拳、右 钩拳、右交叉 以及组合拳,如1-2连击的组合拳。

  • He was knocked down by an uppercut from Eubank .

    他被 尤班克一记上钩拳击倒在地。