upper house

[ˈʌpɚ haʊs][ˈʌpə haus]


  • An upper house capable of doing business would give Mr Obama an opening .

    可以打交道的 参议院将给奥巴马一个机会。

  • The Upper House appointed a committee to examine a bill which the Assembly had already passed .

    上院 议员指派一个委员会审查议会已通过的议案。

  • He hoped some peer would put a question in the upper house .

    他希望某贵族会在 议院提问题。

  • The house of Lords is the upper house of the British parliament .

    贵族院就是英国议会的 上院

  • HE MAY be lumbered with a nine-party coalition and a one-seat majority in the upper house of parliament .

    由于九党联盟执政,而且在 议院仅占一席多数,他可能步履维艰。

  • If approved by the upper house the upgrade means the country 's defense minister will be able to convene cabinet meetings push new legislation and have greater control over the national defense budget .

    如果得到 参议院的批准,这一升级将意味着防卫大臣可以召开内阁会议,推行新立法,对国防预算拥有更大的控制权。

  • Pinochet is now in London awaiting the Upper House 's decision on his extradition .

    目前皮诺切特正在伦敦,等候 议院就是否引渡他作出决定。

  • Passage of the reconstruction funding bill by the Upper House which is controlled by the opposition is expected as soon as next week .

    这项重建资金法案预料最快将在下个星期,预计也会在由反对党控制的 上院获得通过。

  • The upper house of the British parliament .

    英国议会中的 议院

  • The upper house still needs to approve the bill before it is enacted .

    法案要想成为法律还需获得 国会 参议院的批准。

  • After being passed by the legislative assembly a bill goes to the upper house for further discussion .

    在立法会议通过后,议案交 上院作进一步讨论。

  • Augustus upper house the Roman populace and the province which embarked from respective standpoint to reform the traditional religion for their own goals but in the actual operating process did not achieve the goals they had conceived completely .

    奥古斯都、 元老 、罗马民众和行省,他们从各自的立场出发对传统宗教进行了改造利用以实现自己的目的,但是在实际的操作过程中,都没有完全地达到自己设想。

  • The bicameral Commonwealth Parliament consists of the queen the Senate ( the upper house ) of 76 senators and a house of Representatives ( the lower house ) of 150 members .

    两院制的联邦议会包括女王,参议院( 议院)有76个参议员,众议院(下议院)有150个成员。

  • If not it risks an electoral backlash in upper house elections next year .

    否则,该党可能会在明年的 议院选举中遭到选民倒戈。

  • The first test of the new government 's popularity may come next year in upper house elections in Japan .

    关于新政府声望的首次测试将在明年日本的 上院选举中进行。

  • The upper house of the US Congress is the senate .

    美国议会的 上院是参议院。

  • The upper house is called the Senate which has100 seats equally distributed among the four provinces of Pakistan with reserved seats for Hindu Sikh Christian and other minorities .


  • A censure motion adopted by the upper house has no legally binding force .

    而由 议院采纳的不信任提议并不具有法律约束力。

  • The final version of the bill still to be approved by india 's upper house rules out awarding patents on existing drugs registered for a new medical use .

    这一法案的最终版本仍有待印度议会 上院的批准。这个最终版本取消了一种做法,即授予登记新医疗用途的现有药物专利。

  • The upper house of the US Congress .

    美国议会的 上层 议院

  • The bill stuck in the upper house .

    这个议案在 议院搁置了。

  • The group had never run a hotel until the upper house opened three years ago .

    在3年前 开业之前,该集团从未经营过酒店。

  • She was elected to the upper house of the Japanese Parliament in 1974 and served until 1992 .

    1974年,她当选日本 参议院议员,任期至1992年。

  • The Upper House of the German parliament is to meet today in Berlin .

    德国的 议院今天将在柏林开会。

  • In the 1950s he entered politics via Barcelona city council later joining Franco 's rubber-stamp Cortes Spain 's upper house of parliament .

    上世纪50年代,他成为巴塞罗那市议会(BarcelonaCityCouncil)的一员,由此进入政坛,随后又加入了佛朗哥的橡皮图章议会&西班牙 议院

  • Abe won339 votes out of475 counted in the lower house and136 ballots out of240in the upper house .

    安倍赢得下议院475席中的339席和 议院240席中的136席的投票。

  • The decision was announced after objections were raised in the Upper House of Parliament .

    该决议是在 议院提出反对意见后宣布的。

  • The upper house is usually the smaller branch of a bicameral legislature

    (某些国家)两院制立法机构之下院 议院通常是两院制议会中较小的一个

  • It was the first non-confidence motion in the upper house since Japan 's current pacifist Constitution took effect in1947 .

    自从日本现行反战宪法1947年生效以来,这是日本第一个由 议院通过的不信任案。