


  • The upshot of all this is that China is hopelessly behind on its target for electric car ownership .

    由此 造成 结果是,中国电动汽车的保有量远远落后于目标。

  • The upshot of the controversy is that the pure geometers reasserted their role in mathematics .

    论战的 结局是纯粹几何学家重申了他们在数学中的作用。

  • The upshot is that we are in a race against time .

    最终我们得与时间 赛跑

  • The upshot is a game of cat and mouse as creditors resort to novel tactics to get their money .

    结果 是一个猫捉老鼠的游戏,正如债权人采取新颖的战术来得到他们的钱。

  • The upshot of this is that it is simply foolish to assert that science and rationality support atheism .


  • To decide that I love my mother by staying beside her and to play a comedy the upshot of which is that I do so – these are nearly the same thing .

    决定留在母亲身边表示我对我母亲的爱和演一 喜剧,而其 结果同样也是留在她身边,&这两件事情几乎是一样的。

  • So the upshot is we 're going for lunch on Friday .


  • The upshot was that the knockout mice ate considerably more than the normal animals .


  • The upshot is no public pension no unemployment benefit or disability allowance .

    这样 结果就是没有公共养老金、失业救济金、或者伤残津贴。

  • The upshot of all this : women start businesses at 1.5 times the national rate .

    最终 结果 :女性创业的 比例是全美 平均比例的1.5倍。

  • The upshot : Lawsuits and takeovers moved faster than the products .


  • The upshot is wage inflation .

    一切 结果就是工资通胀。

  • The upshot : apple Amazon and Facebook look like good long-term bets .

    结论 :苹果、亚马逊和facebook看起来像是优良的长期下注对象。

  • The upshot of the disagreement is that they break up the partnership .

    分歧 造成 结局是,他们解除了合作关系。

  • But what was the upshot ?

    然而 结果 怎么样呢?

  • The upshot would be win-win .


  • The extraordinary upshot of this adventure was & but we have not decided yet that this is the adventure we are to narrate .

    这次冒险行动的 结局是&不过,我们还没有决定这就是我们要讲的一次冒险故事。

  • What was the final upshot of that matter ?

    这事情最后 结局如何?

  • Unfortunately on Mac OS X not all the key bindings work & but this is either an issue with the X11 support or an upshot of the fact that I have not gotten a working Tk / Aqua on my system .

    不幸的是,在MacOSX上,不是所有的关键值绑定都可以生效&不过这可能是X11支持的问题,或者是在我的系统中实际上 Tk/Aqua没有在运行的 结果

  • The upshot could be a much bigger bubble in the future .


  • The upshot is that they fail in both academic studies and the raise of funds .

    结果是学术研究荒废, 项目资金又 落实

  • Employees will ask you to tell them the upshot of change : How will things be different ?

    员工会让你告诉他们变化的 结果:事情会有何不同?

  • The upshot of these competing object models is that users need to plan for both .

    这些对象模型竞争的 结果是用户需要对这两种模型都要做好计划。

  • The upshot is that the current gridlock in Congress will soon get much worse .


  • The upshot of this was that the change was eventually effected ;

    这次 谈话的结果是最终换了房子。

  • What was the upshot of it all then ?

    事情 结局是什么呢?

  • The upshot of this episode was that we had to make a hasty retreat .

    这个事件的 结局是我们不得不匆匆后撤。

  • The upshot is that we have lots of good but not very happy employees


  • The upshot ( result ) is that nuclear fusion can happen using rough-and-ready lasers and rough-and-ready fuel .


  • The upshot was that the police wouldn 't have him at any price and Baker knew it .
